1988-01-20 .~ . ~ 619 ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING JANUARY 20, 1988 CAL L TO ORDE R President Steel called to order the regular board meeting of the Enclnltas Sanitary District January 20, 1987 at 4:07 P.M. at the City Hall Council Chamber, Enclnltas. ATTENDANCE Members Present Others Present Gera I d Stee I Richard Shea Marjorie Gaines Anne Omsted M. H. Lund Jack Kubota J. W. Kimball Mark Schneider Judy Thorgelrsson ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM AUDIENCE '\ There were none. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Directors Omsted and Shea moved and seconded that the minutes of the December 16, 1987 Board meeting be approved. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS Directors Gaines and Omsted moved and seconded that warrants numbers 7825 through 7864 be approved for payment. Motion carried. MOONLIGHT BEACH PARK ASSOCIATION Judy Thorge I rsson addressed the Board regard I ng D I stir I ct Property. Association would like approval to clean up Enclnltas Sanitary District The grounds. Directors Gaines and Shea moved and seconded that the District's . . I. 620 attorney draw up an acceptable waiver and Indemnity allowing the Association to clean up the property. Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT Secretary-Treasurer Lund reported to the Board on the District's financial position. Additional receipts have been credited since the report was prepared, and a transfer of funds from Vista Is pending. -, The audit report for the year ended June 30, 1987 was presented for questions and approval. One page of notes Is missing from the report. Carried over until next meeting. ENCI NA Director Omsted reported that the Enclna Board approved Phase IV which will cost 57.1 mill ion dollars. They approved design fees of 2.2 million dollars. RESOLUTION 88.1 - APPROVING THE 36TH SUPPLEMENT TO THE BASIC AGREEMENT Enclnltas Sanitary District's share of Phase IV cost Is 5.56%. Directors '\ Gaines and Shea moved and seconded that the resolution be adopted. In response to roll call, Directors Steel, Gaines, Omsted and Shea voted "aye"; Director Luke was absent. VISTA LEASE Mr. Kubota reported on the lease. Directors Omsted and Gaines moved and seconded that the lease be approved. Motion carried. MANAGER'S REPORT Manager Schneider reported that on Sunday, January 17, due to the wlnd- storm, the Enc I n Itas San Itary D I str Ict pump stat Ion was ,on standby power for sixteen hours. December's average dally flow was 852,000 gallons. . . . .-'-1 621 President Steel asked the Manager what rationale was used In determining the sewer service charges for commercial enterprises. Manager Schneider will attempt to clarify the matter at the February Board meeting. The District's first service charge of $2.00 a month for each living unit was levied In 1972; In 1976 It was Increased to $3.00 a month; ~nd In 1987, Increased to $6.00 a month. Manager Schneider stated that because of Increased costs at Enclna due to secondary treatment, plant expansion and the sludge problem, In 1988-89 the Enclnltas Sanitary District should have a property tax ~ate In order to have monies to pay for the Increased expenses. The Enclnltas Sanitary District has not had a tax rate since 1975. The last tax rate for the District was 50 cents for each $100 of assessed valuation. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:43 P.M. '" c};¡ /}j 4£ M. H. Lund, Secretary APPROVEO ~ J;Ii:1' Ger. I~e I. pr~ dent Fcb /7, )? g g Date