2004-02-18 . . . MINUTES OF THE ENCINIT AS HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 18,2004,6:00 PM, 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Board President Houlihan called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M. Present: Board President Maggie Houlihan, Board Members James Bond, Lupita Chavez, Beatrice Crepeau, Dan Dalager, Christy Guerin, and Jerome Stocks. Absent: None. Also Present: Executive Director Miller, Board Attorney Sabine, Board Clerk Cervone, Planning and Building Director Murphy, Principal Planner de Cordova, and Deputy Board Clerk Greene. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Guerin moved, Bond seconded to close and adopt the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: Bond, Chavez, Crepeau, Dalager, Guerin, Houlihan, Stocks; Nays: None; Absent: None. HI. Approval of Minutes: 12/17/03 Joint Special Meetin~. Contact Person: Board Clerk Cervone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Minutes. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS REMOVED BY THE PUBLIC None. REGULAR AGENDA 02/18/04 HA Sp. Mtg. Page 1 Mtg. #2004- -' Bk. # 1, Page . . . 02/18/04 Housing Authority Special Meeting H2. Public Hearing to a~prove the draft 200412005 Encinitas Housine: Authority Agency Plan Update. Contact Person: Principal Planner deCordova. Principal Planner deCordova reviewed the report stating that the Housing Authority must prepare an Agency Plan in compliance with Section 511 of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998. The Agency Plan looks at the housing needs of lower income households in the community, particularly households receiving Section 8 Rental Assistance and develops priorities and objectives to meet these needs over a five year period. Mr. deCordova said the Plan was the same Plan that was approved by the Housing Authority Board and submitted to HOD last year. He said staff was not recommending any policy or program changes at this time. ACTION: Guerin moved, Bond seconded to approve the staff recommendation approving the draft 200412005 Encinitas Housing Authority Agency Plan Update. Motion carried. Ayes: Bond, Chavez, Crepeau, Dalager, Guerin, Houlihan, Stocks; Nays: None; Absent: None. CONSENT CALENDAR MEMBERS ITEMS REMOVED BY BOARD None. GENERAL INFORMATION I STAFF STATUS REPORTS None. REPORTS FROM CITY REPRESENT A TIVES OF REGIONAL BOARDS None. ADJOURNMENT President Houlihan declared the meeting adjourned at 6:06 P.M. -~~ Mag ouhhan, President