1997-12-17 . MINUTES OF CARDIFF SANITATION PISTRlCT SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 17, 1997,6:00 P.M, 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE . Chairperson Bond called the meeting to order at6:01 P.M. Present: Chairperson James Bond, Board Members Lou Aspen, Sheila Cameron, John Davis, and Chuck Du Vivier. Absent: None. Also Board MaIUiger Wasserman, Board Attorney Krauel, Board Clerk Cervone, Present: Assistant Board Manager Benson, Engineering Services Director Archibald, There being. a quorum present, the meeting was in order. . Board Member Cameron removed C4and C5 from the Consent Calendar. DuVivier moved, Aspen seconded to close and adopt the amended Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspen, Bond, Cameron, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: None. C1. i\¡)proval of Mi.putes: 11/12/97 ~pecial Meeting. Contact Person: Board Clerk Cervone. "- STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Minutes. C2. Approval of 12/17/97 Warrants List. Contact Person: Fi..ncial Serv~c~. Manager Suelter. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Warrants List. C3. M~ptjon of Reoolulipq 97-'6~ Anqexa ion to the .Cardiff S~::~:js~~~;~2 ,yres of a 54.49 Acre Tentalh>e Map l.qeatec at 2S'¡;!. Lo~ ;;Ñ :'91- - ~~. ð=; Lloyd (Assessor's Parcel No. 264-241-07 and Tentative a 0 -100 . P~on: Management Anab'st Smith. 12/17/97 Sp. CSD Mtg. Page 1 Mtg. #97--ÂL, Bk. #2, Page~4 , . 12/17/97 CSD Sp. Mtg. . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Find pursuant to the State of. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, section 15300 (California Environmental Quality Ad of 1970) that this annexation is Categorically Exempt (Class 19) from environmental review, and 2) Adopt Resolution 97-16. . By Law, Oral Comments at a special meeting are restricted to those items listed on this agenda. C4. AdllPdeq of. ae."¡u!igo 97-17. Au"enpooto t~e C~": ~":~':~ ~~ 0;;:'" pare.~ . -Iuoc 1.77 Ao.... IIDder OR. OWlleph'll ~o:i5< ~ ò4i;) ~~.;;:.; ~:.: - Beatrice Couser (A.c¡sessor's Parcel Nos. 259-210-1 9- 1. n: Manalement Analyst Smith. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Find pursuant to the State of California '. Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, section 15139 (California Environmental Quality Control Ad of 1970), that this annexation is categorically exempt (Class 19) from further environmental review, and 2) Adopt Resolution 97-17. Board Member Cameron asked what constituted Health and Safety Issues. Engineering Services Director Archibald stated it was typically a result of a failing septic tank. The Health Department, will give notice to the property owner that their septic tank is causing a health and safety danger and notifies them they must hook up to the sewer system. C5. ðdnptÎOn Dr Reonlutjon 97-18. Annexation to t~e Cardiff S",ilation Dis~:;:,~ pa~1s totaUng 7.47+ Acreslc¡(ated 0\ 3256 Loo~ ~~::/ - :~;~~9t~:"t::: Parcel Nos. 264-020-12 and 264-22(J¡.65. Tentativ M . - c Person: Management Analyst Smith. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Find pursuant to the State of California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, section 15074 (California Environmental Quality Ad of 1970) that there is no substantial evidence that the annexation will have a significant effect on the environment and thus adopts the negative declaration that was approved with Tentative Parcel Map No. 93-119, and 2) Adopt Resolution 97-18. . 12/17/97 Sp. CSD Mtg. Page 2 Mtg.#97-~,Bk.#2,Page~ -- 12/17/97 CSD Sp. Mtg. . DUVivi. er moved, Davis seconded to approve Items C4 and C5. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Cameron, Davis, DuVivier, Nays: None. ADJ.O.I.lBNME.N Chairperson Bond declared the meeting adjourned at 6:06 P.M. ~,.,. ~\ J&.L. ~~_QDð~ '. -:J ~ Deborah Cervone, Board Clerk' <I........ ;/ . ' ,Chairperson . . 12/17/97 Sp. CSDMtg. Page 3 Mtg. #97-~, Bk. #2, Page~{¿¡