1997-08-27 . MINlÆ",'ES OF CARDIFF SANITATION DISTRlCT REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 27, 1996, 6:00 P.M, 505 SOUTH VULCAN A VENUE Chairperson Bond called the meeting to order at 6:37 P.M. Present: Chairperson Bond, Board Members Lou Aspell, Sheila Cameron, John Davis, and Chuck DuVivier. Absent: None. Also Board Manager Wassennan, Board Attorney Krauel, Board Clerk Cervone, Present: Assis~t Board Manager Benson, Public Works Director Nelson, Engineering Serviçes Director Archibald, Assistant Board Clerk Greene. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. . Aspen moved, Davis seconded to close and. adopt the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. (Council Member DuVivier was ,absent fo.r Items CS and C6 to avoid a possible conOid of interest). Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Cameron, Davis, DuVivier (except on it_s CS and C6). Cl. i\¡)p,"oval of Miputes: 07116/9.7 ~p~cial Meetioc. Contact P~rson: Board Clerk Cervone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Minutes. -- C2. Approval of 08127/97 Warrants List. COJItactPerson: Finandal Services Manaier Suelter. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Warrants List. C3. AdQpdon of ¡lesolution No. 97-{)7. Annexation to the Cardiff Sanitation District of 20.12 J\cres Located 230 F~t, S"tbeast of tile In.rs~ction of Fortuna Ranch ,nd Bumann Roads - ~r. Merle Minks (Assessor's farcel No. 264-102-01). Contact Penon: Management Analyst Schulenþurg. . 08/27/97 CSD Reg. Mtg. Page 1 Mtg. #97- -11L-, Bk. #11, page.....1J.L I ,,~."' . ,',;~;,~,;;~,¥.:?'.~i,~~_.". , " 08/27/97 CSD Reg. Mtg. . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Find pursuant to the State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, seCtion 15074 (California Environmental Quality Control Act of 1970), that there is no substan~al evidence that the annexation will have a signifICant effect on the environment and thus adÐpts the negative declaration that was approved with Tentative Map 92-108. 2) Adopt Resolution No. 97-07. C4. Adoption ~f ~esolution No. 97-08. .t\n,exation to the Cardiff SanitatioQ District of 15.8 Acres LoCated East 9f the 1400 Block 9f RJ¡bensteip - Bran~ine J>eYrelQpment CoQP,oration (^ssess~r's P~el Nos. 26()-6SO-02. O~. and OJ: Te9tative Map No. 89- 22'). Contact PetJ°Q: MaD.cement ðpa~st Schu"burg. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Pursu~Dt to the State Calüornia Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, sectiÐn 15074 (California Environmental Quality Control'Act of 1970) that the Board finds that there is no substantial evidence that the annexation will have a significant effect on tbe environment and thus adopts the negative declaration that was approved with Tentative Map 89-229.2) Adopt Resolution No. 97-08. C5. Adqption of Resqlution No. 97-09. J\.nnex,tion to the, çantiff' $,Ditati90: District of 1.59 Acres Locate" at 2894 Lo,ne Jack Ro,d - Mr. Gr,goQ' Ca,tle (A.ssessor's Parcel ':'8 No. 264-152-03 ~nd Tentatiye Parçel Map No. 96-041). Contact person: Ma.ac.ement Apatyst Sch..tpnburg. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Find pursuaDt to the State California Environmeatal Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, section 15319 (California Environmental Quality Control Act of 1970) that this aoDexation is Categorically Exempt (Class 19) from environmental review. 2) Adopt Resolution No. 97-09. C6. AdQption of Resolution No. 97-10. Anoexati9n t9 the Ç~rdiff Sanitation District of 0.5 Acres Located.t 208 Rancho ~3ntaFe Road - Mr. Bruee Wiegand (¡\.ssessor's Parcel No. 259-231-35).CoDtact P~rsoD: ManagementAnatyst Schlllen~urg. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Find pur5Wlnt to the St~te California E,nvironmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelin~, s,ction 15300 (California Environment'" Quality Control Act of 1970) that this annexa.tion is , Categorically Exempt (Class 19) from environmental review. 2) Adopt Resolution No. 97-10. C7. Adoption of Resol,tion No. 97-11,' ApproviOI an Applicatioo for ~nnexation to, the Cardift Sanitation District for 13.2 ð-.cres ofa 54~49 Acre Tentative Map Located at 2572 Lqne ,Jack RQ3'4 - Mr. (;;hristopher Lloyd (A$$essor's ~arçel No. 264-241-07 . ,nd Tentatlve Map No. 97,-100). Contact Person: M.~agement Analyst Schulenburg. 08/27/97 CSD Reg. Mtg. Page 2 Mtg. #97--1k-, Bk. #11, Page~ 08/27/97 CSD Reg. Mtg. . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Find pursuaBt to the State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15074 (CaUfornia Environmental Quality Control Act of. 1970), th.#at there is no substantial evidence that the annexation will have a significant effect on the environment and thus adopts the negative declaration that was approved with Tentative Map 97-100. 2) Adopt Resolution No. 97-11. None. None. None. . None. None. ~ Chairperson Bond declared the meeting adjourned at 6:39 P.M. bo ervene, Board Clerk By: Kathy Greene, Deputy Board Clerk . 08/27/97 CSD Reg. Mtg. Page 3 Mtg. #97..~, Bk. #11, Page~