1996-02-28 -- MINUTES OF CARDIFF SANITATION DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 28, 1996, 6:00 P.M, 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE . CALL TO 0 ERIROLL CAL çhairperson Davis called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M. Present: Chairperson Davis, Board Members Lou Aspen, James Bond, Chuck DuVivier, and Gail Hano. Absent: None. Also Board Manager Wassennan, Board Attorney Krauel, Board Clerk Cervone, Present: Assistant Board Manager Benson, Public Works Dir~or Nelson, Director of Engineering Services Archibald, Management Analyst Suelter, Deputy Board Clerk Greene. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. PLEDGE OF .. LLEGIAN E C G AND ADOPTION OF C NSENT CALENDAR . Dano moved, Bond seconded to close and adopt the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Davis, DuVivier, Hano; Nays: None. * The title of ordinànces listed on the Consent Calendar are deemed to have been read and further reading waived. 1. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Minutes. 2. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Warrants LiSt. 3. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON: Adopt Ordinance 96-01. . . 4. 02/28/96 eso Reg. Mtg. Page 1 Mtg. #96-~, Bk. #2, Page/~fø, 02/28/96 Regular Meeting . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the public sewer improvements and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute and record a Notice of Completion. 5. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Find punuant to the State California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines that this annexation is categorically exempt from further environmental review and Adopt Resolution No. 96-03. 5A. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept public sewer improvements and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute aDd record a Notice of Completion. .I. MS REMOVED FROM C NSENT CALENDAR BY E PUBLIC . None. ONS REGULAR AGEND 6. Management Analyst Suelter stated the issue was whether to hire a consultant .to do a rate study of sewer capacity fees and sewer service charges. She stated that staff was proposing Íhat a comprehensive analysis be performed by a qualified consultant to address whether current rates reasonably distribute the costs of operating the Cardiff Sanitation District and the Encinitas Sanitary Division sewer systems. The study would also detennine whether the rates were in accordance with the requirements of Government Code Sections 66000- 66011 (also known as AB 1600). Ms. Suelter said staff would not know the exact cost of the study until after proposals were . received ftom potential consultants. The Cardiff Sanitation District 811d Encinitas Sanitary Division would split the cost of the study. 02/28/96 CSD Reg. Mtg. Page 2 Mtg. #96-~ Bk. #2, Page 1"-7 02/28/96 Regular Meeting . Staff recommendation was to issue a Request for Proposals for Consultant Services to perfonn an assessment of current sewer rates and charges, make recommendations of rate structure alternatives,. and develop an implementation plan for those rates. DuViviermoved, Dano $econd~ to approve. the staff recommendation. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Davis, DuVivier, Hano; Nays: None. ITEMS R MOVED FROM THE CON. BY THE BOARD None. BOARDIDIS None. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 6:04 P.M. . D r ervone, Board Clerk By: Kathy Greene, Deputy Board Clerk . 02/28/96 CSD Reg. Mtg. Page. 3 Mtg. #96-~ Bk. #2, Page IJ.3