1996-02-14 MINUTES OF ENCINITAS CITY COUNCIL, CARDIFF SANITATION DISTRICT . AND SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT JOINT SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 14,1996, 6:00P.M, 505 SOUTH VULCAN A VENUE CALL TO ORDERIROLL CALL Board Member Bond called the meeting to order at 9:05 P.M. Since this was a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council, Cardiff Sanitation District, and San Dieguito Water District, and was held after the Regular City Council Meeting, Board Member Bond chaired the meeting. Present: Board Members James Bond, Lou Aspen, John Davis, Chuck Du Vivier, and Gail Hano. Absent: None. Also Board Manager Wassennan, Board Attorney Kraue~ Board Clerk Cervone, Assistant Board Present: Manager Benson, Public Works Director Nelson, Acting Financial Services Manager Lembach, Budget Officer Hill, Management Analyst Suelter, Management Analyst Schulenburg, and Deputy Board Clerk Greene. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. COMMUNICATI NS: . None. 1. Budget Officer Hill stated that on June 14, 1995, the City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 1995/96 budgets for the City and Districts. Prior to the adoption, LAFCO approved the Encinitas Fire Protection District and Encinitas Sanitary District merger with the City of Encinitas. As a result, Fire is now a department in the City's General Fund, and Encinitas Sanitary is a City Division which will.continue to be accounted for as an enterprise fund. Ms. Hill stated the General fund revenues were projected to increase $524,580 due to projected increases in . property taxes, sales taxes and fees related to the Encinitas Ranch Development. Ms. Hill reviewed the changes for Personnel, Revenues, Expenditures, and Interfund Transfers for the General Fund and all other funds. . The City's General Fund, Cardiff Sanitation District, Encinitas Sanitary Division and San Dieguito Water District staff and fiscal impacts were reviewed. 02/14/96 Jt. Sp. Mtg. Page 1 Mtg. #96- O~ . Bk. #2, Page~ 02-14-96 Joint Special Meeting . Community Development Director Holder stated that the Senior Planner position in Advanced Planning would be retitled Advanced Planning and Housing Manager as a result of combining advanced planning, housing policy, and grants administration into one division. The Advanced Planning and Housing Manager would be responsible for administration and. policy review of housing and grants in addition to the current duties of Advanced Planning. A ten percent pay differential would be awarded to the Advanced Planning and Housing Manager with the stipulation that the pay differential would not be effective if the workload decreased. Mayor Bond requested that budget items be listed at the beginning of Council meetings rather than at the end. DuVivier moved, Aspell s~onded to adopt City Resolution 96-09 approving the 1995/96 Fiscal Year' Mid-Year Budget, to include the ten percent pay dift'erential for the Advanced Planning and Housing Manager, with the stipulation that the pay ditTerentiai would not be effective if the workload decreased, adopt CarditT Sanitation DØtrict Resolution 96-02 approving the 1995/96 Fiscal Year Mid- Year Budget, and adopt San Dieguito Water District Resolution 96-02 approving the 1995/96 Fiscal Year Mid-Year Budget. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: None; Absent: Hano. DuVivier moved, Aspell seco~ded toeuend the meeting to 11:00 P.M. Motion carried. Ayes: AspeU, Bond, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: None; Absent: Haoo. 2. . Management Analyst Schulenbug stated that at the beginning of each calendar year, staff submitted a progress report on the current Capital Improvement and Work projects. She gave a progress report of all outstanding Capital and work projects. She said of the 72 current projects, 14 had been or were near completion, 35 were in various stages of design, environmental. review, construction, etc. and 23 were wither on hold or had not been initiated. . ( Staff recommendation was for the Council to review the FY 1995196 Capital Improvement and Work Project progress report and receive the report. DuVivîer moved, Aspell seconded to extend the meeting to 11:15 P.M. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Davis, DuVivier;Nays: None; Absent: Hano. Davis moved, Aspen seconded to approve the staff recommendation to receive the report. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: None; Absent: Hano. . 02-14-96 Jt. Sp. Mtg. Page 2 Mtg. #96-..Q2 Bk. #2, Page ~ 02-14-96 Joint Special Meeting . CI COUNCIUCITY PORT None. - Board Member Bond declared the meeting adjourned at 11 :07 P.M. J~6~\ , L~~ '" By: Kathy Greene, Deputy Board Clerk . ( -. . 02-14-96 Jt. Sp.Mtg. Page 3 Mtg. #96- ~ Bk. #2, Page...1.d5