1994-05-11 ..' '. ' c' , .,,' . CARDIFF SANITATION DISTRlCTREGULAR MEETING MAY 11,1994,4:00 P.M., 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE Chairman Bond called the meeting to order at 4:03 P.M. Present: Chairman James Bond, Board, Members, John Davis, Chuck DuVivier, Gail Hano and Maura Wieg~d. Absent: None. Also District Manager Warden, Board Clerk Pool, Assistant. Present: District Manager Benson, District Attorney Krauel, Public' Works Director Nelson, Engineering Services Director Archibald, Management Analyst Suelter, Management Assistant vtnocùr, Senior Office Specialist Greene. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. . The title of ordinances listed on the Consent Calendar are * deemed to have been read and .further reading waived. Wi89a4 move4, Davis seconded to close and adopttb' Consent calendar. Ho1;ion carried. Ayes: B..d, Davis, DuVivi.er, Hup, Wiequd' Bays: None: Abstain: Duvivier on Item'S. 1. ADDroval of Mi,utes: 4/20/14' Sgecial xe.tina. coD~act Person: City Clerk Pool. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes. 2. Ap»~oval o,f. S/11/14 Warrants List. contact Person: Assistant City Kanqer Benson. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve WO"ants list. 3. ."dopti9n of Ordinance 94-03 ch_nqina Reqular Ke.tinCl Time fro.. 2nd .ednesdav at 4:00 D.m. to 2nd we4nesday at 6:00 "... Contact Person: Publio Works Director Belson. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Ordinance 94-03. . 05/11/94 CSD Mtg. Page 1 #94-~, Bk. #2, Page s1 . 05/11/94 CSD Regular Meeting 4. -'doDtion 0(. ...qlution ,4-0.. ~n...tion to the Cardiff I~t.UOR ~.tl'iÙ2f Q."a..~,: =~ .t ::[:, T=:~ .anch .oad - B,Y8rly Chri,t~lID.õ ' It. ~ õn8 C at. D8 Kanaa",Dt Analyst SChUlenburG: STAFF RECOMMENDA TIO N: 1) Find pursuant to California Environmental Quality Control Act of 1970 Guidelines, Section 15301 that thisprojea is categorically exemptfrom further environmental review,' 2) Adqpt Resolution 94- 06. 3) Direct stqffto prepare and release the following two checks: $1,650 to LAFCO, $200 to State Board of Eqllßlization. s. AdoDtj.OD of R8"0~utioD 94-07. ~"ftexation to the Cardiff ."it:at:J.°n Di.t:rJ.~ o( O. 5.aAcr::..1f'"",:.4 at: ~:: ::0I\:-~: þRoad - Carol VB Manka b tio 8 t . 8 n. .ån89..8nt Ana~v8t Sahulenburq, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Find pursuant to Califproia Environmental Quality Control Action of 1970 Guidelines, Section 15301 that this project is categorically exemptfromjùnher environmental review,. 2) Adopt Resolution 94- 07,' 3) Direct stoff to prepare and release the following two checks: $1,780 to . LAFCO, $200 to State Board of Equalization. None. None. 6. Review of J'isca~ Ye,r 1994/95 Financial Plan.. Contact P.rson: Man,ae.ent AnalYst Suelter. . Management Analyst Suelter stated that the proposed Cardiff Sanitation District Fiscal Year 1994/95 Financial Plan budget was based on connection fees remaining at $3,900 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit and annual sewer service charges remaining at $268 per EDU. . 05/11/94 CSD Mtg. Page 2 #94-&7, Bk. #2, Page &0 I :, J > . 05/11/94 CSD Regular Meeting The revenue for fiscal year 1994/95 was estimated to decrease $140,357 from 'fiscal year 1993/94 due to the District no longer being eligible for Tax & Revenue Anticipation Note fss1:tes/interest il\coJne and decreased interest earnings since the fund reserves were proposed to be drawn down to pay for capital proj acts. Fiscal year 1994/95 expenditures were es'timated to increase by $1,260,934 from projections for fiscal year 1~93/94. There was direction to staff to return with a resolution adopting the Financial Plan at the June 8, 1994 Board meeting. None. None. - .' Chairman Bond declared the meeting adjourned at 4:19 P.M. to June 8, 1994, at 6:00 P.M. . 05/11/94 CSD Mtg. Page 3 #94-ð1, Bk. #2, Page t/ ..