2006-07-19 ENCINITAS HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, JULY 19,2006,6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL President: Houlihan; Vice-President: Dalager PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SPECIAL PRESENT A TIONS/PROCLAMA TIONS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (15 MINUTES) (A Maximum of 3 minutes per speaker) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA (Consent Items pulled by the public will be heard immediately after adoption of Consent Calendar) CONSENT CALENDAR -- Items HI and H2 AGENDA TITLES STAFF RECOMMENDATION Hi. Approval of Minutes: 12/15/04 Joint Approve Minutes. Special Meeting and 04/05/05 Special Meeting. Contact Person: Board Clerk Cervone. H2. Memorandum to Housing Authority Board Receive Report. M3embers regarding mandatory ethics training requirements of AB 1234. Contact Person: Principal Planner de Cordova. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS REMOVED BY THE PUBLIC REGULAR AGENDA - Item H3 (3 minutes, plus two time donations, maximum per speaker) H3. AGENDA TITLES Approval of the 2006-2007 Annual PHA Plan of the Encinitas Housing Authority and Amendments to the Section 8 Administrative Plan. Contact Person: HousiD!!: Coordinator Harris. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the 2006-2007 Annual PHA Plan and approve changes to the Administrative Plan. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS REMOVED BY BOARD MEMBERS GENERAL INFORMATION / STAFF STATUS REPORTS REPORTS FROM CITY REPRESENTATIVES OF REGIONAL BOARDS ADJOURNMENT I, Debora~~certify tb at I.. ~,. aused t~is' ~gt~~:......t. o........"'.;......b. ~~o.s..t~~~n~!,~.'\. e:@~ board on 'AS, .' ,.2006, 72 . u~~~Efore ~hlS r uJ: A" 9\it ;{, 'tX ~fr n!1i-j ~, ,g if