2003-03-26 (Report) lO CITY OF ENCINITAS HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 26, 2003 TO: Honorable Mayor and Ho~sin~ ~u~o. ity~oard ~11111~ VIA: Kerry L. Miller, City Ma~ag~r[IJjc/ FROM: Patrick Murphy, CommLn~ii-~JDevelopment Director/~4Q Gary T. Barberio, Principal Planner ~ Amanda Mills, Housing & Grants Coordinator~ SUBJECT: Public hearing to approve the draft 2003 Encinitas Housing Authority Agency Plan and amendments to the Section 8 Administrative Plan. BACKGROUND: The Encinitas Housing Authority must prepare an Agency Plan in compliance with Section 511 of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998. The Agency Plan looks at the housing needs of lower income households in the community, particularly households receiving Section 8 Rental Assistance, and develops priorities and objectives to meet those needs over a five year period. The Encinitas Housing Authority Board approved the five-year agency plan on April 12, 2000. An Agency Plan Update must be submitted to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) annually even if there are no changes to the five-year plan. The draft Plan, per HUD requirements, will be available for a 45-day public comment period. Comments will be received on the draft until May 12, 2003. On May 14, 2003, the Housing Authority Board is scheduled to approve the 2003/2004 Agency Plan Update. Additionally, Housing Agencies administering Section 8 Rental Assistance must adopt a written Administrative Plan that establishes local policies for administration of the program in accordance with HUD requirements. The Administrative Plan and revisions must be adopted by the Housing Authority Board and submitted to HUD. ANALYSIS: The policies and procedures included in the draft Agency Plan have previously been approved by the Housing Authority Board and are taken from the Administrative Plan of the Housing Authority. The needs assessment is also duplicative of the Consolidated Plan document. The information unique to this plan includes the Mission Statement, the goals and objectives, and the strategies, which must specifically address the Housing Authority's Rental Assistance Program. An Executive Summary and Strategy to Address Needs are included as Attachment A and B respectively. The only change staff is recommending this year to both the Agency Plan and the Administrative Plan is the provision to utilize up to 20 Section 8 Vouchers for Project Based Rental Assistance. A Project Based Voucher is attached to a specific unit. The property owner receives a fair market rent for the unit from a combination of tenant rent and Housing Authority assistance. The tenant pays approximately 30% of their income towards the rent and the Housing Authority pays the difference. When a tenant moves out, the next few potential tenants on the waiting list are referred to the property owner for tenant selection. The Agency's lease-up rate will improve by having units for households coming off the waiting list. Additionally, Project Based Vouchers could be beneficial to the proposed Pacific Pines project. Staff has drafted Project-Based Assistance policies (Attachment C) that coincide with Federal Regulations. Applications for projects will be received by April 15, 2003. It is recommended that staff consult with the Housing Authority sub-committee should there be multiple applications for assistance. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the following: 1) Approve the draft 2003 Encinitas Housing Authority Agency Plan and amendments to the Section 8 Administrative Plan. 2) Direct staff to consult with the Housing Authority sub-committee to select properties to which Project-Based Rental Assistance Vouchers will be attached, should the request for vouchers exceed the availability. ATTACHMENT A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Encinitas Housing Authority has prepared this Agency Plan in compliance with Section 511 of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 and the resulting HUD requirements. The Encinitas Housing Authority is required to submit a streamlined plan because is only administers Section 8 Rental Assistance and does not own any public housing. We have adopted the following Mission Statement to guide the activities of the Encinitas Housing Authority: To promote adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a,suitable living environment for Encinitas residents of all income levels. We have also adopted the following goals and objectives for the next five years. Goal: Manage the Encinitas Housing Authority's existing Section 8 program in an efficient and effective manner thereby qualifying as at least a standard performer. Objectives: HUD shall recognize the Encinitas Housing Authority as a high performer by December 31, 2004. The Encinitas Housing Authority shall promote a motivating work environment with a capable and efficient team of employees to operate as a customer-friendly and fiscally sound player in the affordable housing industry. Goal: Expand the utilization and quality of housing choices available to participants in the Encinitas Housing Authority's tenant-based rental assistance program. Objectives: The Encinitas Housing Authority will achieve and sustain a utilization rate of 98% by December 31, 2004. The Encinitas Housing Authority will attract 15 new landlords who want to participate in the program by December 31, 2004. Goal: Ensure Equal Opportunity in Housing for all Americans. Objectives: Undertake affirmative measures to ensure access to assisted housing regardless of race, color, religion national origin, sex, familial status and disability. ~t.-. ~ Complete a new Assessment of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice with new Consolidated Plan submission. Our Annual Plan is based on the premise that if we accomplish our goals and objectives we will be working towards the achievement of our mission. The plans, statements, budget summary, and policies set forth in the Annual Plan all lead towards the accomplishment of our goals and objectives. Taken as a whole, they outline a comprehensive approach towards our goals and objectives and are consistent with the Consolidated Plan for the community. Here are a few key points of our Annual Plan: · We have adopted local preferences for our community - which include working families with children, seniors, homeless households, and persons with disabilities. · We discourage the over concentration of lower income households. · Applicants will be selected from the waiting list by preference and in order of the date they applied. · We are going to use 110% of the published Fair Market Rent (FMR) as our payment standard for the Section 8 Program. · We may use up to 20 vouchers for Project Based Rertal Assistance. In summary, we are working to increase the availability of affordable housing in our community, thereby improving the quality of life for lower income households in Encinitas. ATTACHMENT B STRATEGY TO ADDRESS NEEDS As it is not possible to address all the housing needs of low income and special needs households, the Encinims Housing Authority has selected the following priority needs on which to focus the City's resources in the upcoming year. Factors that influence selection of the strategies include: funding constraints, staffing constraints, limited availability of sites appropriately zoned for multi-family housing, the housing market and results of community input. Need: Shortage of affordable housing for all eligible populations Strategy 1. The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to maximize the number of affordable units available to the PHA within its current resources: 1 ) Maintain or increase Section 8 lease-up rates by marketing the program to owners, particularly those outside areas of minority and poverty concentration 2) Maintain or increase Section 8 lease-up rates by establishing payment standards that will enable families to rent throughout the jurisdiction. Strategy 2: The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to increase the number of affordable housing units: 1 ) Apply for additional general Section 8 units should they become available. 2) Consider modifications to existing Inclusionary Housing Policy to expand options beyond very low income accessory units, which will increase the number of affordable units actually available in the rental market. Need: Extremely low Income (Families at or below 30% of median income) Strategy 1. The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to target available assistance to families at or below 30% of AMI: 1 ) Maintain or increase Section 8 lease-up rates in the Section 8 mainstream program for persons with disabilities by increasing outside agency participation. Need: Very Low Income (Families at or below 50% of median income) Strategy 1. The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to target available assistance to families at or below 50% of AMI: 1 ) Adopt admissions preference for working families. 2) Adopt rent policies to encourage work. Need: Elderly Households Strategy ]. The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to target available assistance to elderly households: 1 ) Apply for special-purpose vouchers targeted to the elderly, should they become available. 2) Work with developers on creating and maintaining affordable units for elderly households. Need: Disabled Households Strategy 1: The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to target available assistance to families with disabilities: 1 ) Maintain or increase Section 8 lease-up rates in the Section 8 mainstream program for persons with disabilities by increasing outside agency participation. 2) Maintain or increase Section 8 lease-up rates in the Section 8 mainstream program for persons with disabilities by adopting alternative housing choices. Need: Races or Ethnicities with Disproportionate Housing Needs Strategy 1: The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to affirmatively further fair housing: 1 ) Market the program to owners, particularly those outside areas of minority and poverty concentration. 2) Complete an Assessment of Impediments report to identify specific problems. Need: Homeless Households Strategy 1: The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to target assistance for homeless households: 1 ) Apply for special-purpose vouchers targeted to the homeless, should they become available. 2) Work with the Regional Continuum of Care on policy issues and funding applications to expand housing and service options for homeless households iri North County. ATTACHMENT C AMENDMENT TO ENCINITAS HOUSING AUTHORITY ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN Section XIII.B. Project Based Vouchers The Housing Authority may issue up to 20 vouchers for Project Based Rental Assistance. Administration of the vouchers will comply with applicable regulations found in 24 CFR 983. bl -7