1997-05-28 MINUTES OF SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING MAY28, 1997, 6..00 P.M, 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Davis called the meeting to order at 6:16 P.M. Present: Chairperson John Davis, Board Members Lou Aspell , James Bond, Sheila Cameron, and Chuck Duvivier. Absent: None. Also Present: Board Manager Wasserman, Board Attorney Krauel, Board Clerk Cervone, Assistant Board Manager Benson, Public Works Director Nelson, Engineering Services Director Archibald, Engineering and Planning Supervisor Graves. Deputy Board Clerk Greene. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS Presentation of Awards to Finalists in the San Dieguito Water District's 1997 Water Awareness Poster Contest. Chairperson Davis presented first, second, and third place awards and prizes to the winners of the San Dieguito Water District's 1997 Water Awareness Poster Contest. Chairperson Davis introduced Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham who was in attendance. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR Aspell moved, DuVivier seconded to close and adopt the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: AspelJ, Bond, Cameron, Davis, DuVivierj Nays: None. S1. Approval of Minutes: 04/23/97 Regular Meetin&. 04/29/97 Special Jt. Meeting. Contact Person: Board Clerk Cervone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Minutes. S2. Approval of OS/28/97 Warrants List. Contact Person: Financial Services Manager Suelter. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Warrants List. 05/28/97 Regular SDWD Mtg. Page I OS/28/97 Regular SDWD Meeting 83. Agreement Between the County of San Diego and the San Dieguito Water District for the Relocation of a 36-Inch Water Pipeline Required by the Constru~tion of the EI Camino Del Norte Bridge Across the Escondida Creek. Contact Person: Public Works Director Nelson. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve agreement and authorize execution by the District Manager. 84. Authorization to enter into an Agreement with San Elijo Joint Powers Authority for leasing a reservoir located on District owned property next to Oak Crest Park. APN 259-320-03. Contact Person: Engineer and Planning Supervisor Graves. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize to enter into Agreement with San Elijo Joint Powers Authority for leasing a resenroir located on District owned property. S5. Consideration of the Acceptance of Public Water Improvements and Authorization of District Manager to File "Notice of Completion" for Car Care USA. for an Auto Center Located at 350 Encinitas Boulevard. APN 258-]11-12 & 13. Contact Person: Eneineer and Planning Supervisor Graves. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the public water improvements and authorize the District Manager to file "Notice of Completion" for Car Care USA. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR BY THE PUBLIC None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. REGULAR AGENDA S6. Consideration of Proposed Legislative Amendment of Water Authority Act to Restructure the Method of Determining Representation on the San Diego CounO' Water Authority Board of Directors and to Set Forth the Manner In Which the Board Votes on Issues. Contact Persons: Board Member Davis and Public Works Director Nelson. Public Works Director Nelson stated that the San Diego County Water Authority (CW A), was governed by the Water Authority Act adopted in 1970, as amended. The Act set forth the powers OS/28/97 Regular SDWD Mtg. Page 2 OS/28/97 Regular SOWD Meeting and authorities of the CW A, the selection of representatives of member agencies to the Board of Directors and the weight of the vote of each member of the Board. Mr. Nelson said that during the past 4 months, the CW A Board had considered alternative representation and voting methods. The current method was based on assessed valuation of the member agencies. The San Diego County Water Coalition, primarily composed of North COlmty water agencies. had been arguing for a method that more closely represented the financial investment by the member agencies in CW A. On May 15, 1997, the CWA Board received a report from the members of the Negotiation Group, an ad hoc comminee, which recommended that representation be based upon population and voting be based upon "historic [mancial contribution adjusted for inflation". The CW A Board directed that this proposal be presented to the boards of directors of each member agency before being brought back for action. Mr. Nelson asked the Board for appropriate direction regarding the CWA Board's proposal. Bond moved, Aspell seconded to approve the proposed legislative amendment of the Water Authority Act to restructure the method of determining representation on the San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors, set forth the manner in which the Board votes on issues and instruct San Dieguito Water District's Board representative to advise the CW A Board that additional representatives are not needed. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Cameron, Davis, DuVivierj Nays: None, ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR BY THE BOARD None. BOARD/DISTRICT MANAGER REPORT Chairperson Davis suggested that citizens read about water Issues in the local newspapers regarding the purchase of water from the Imperial Valley. Board Member Bond reported on the purchase of water for Southern California. ADJOURNMENT avis de ared the meeting adjourned at 6:38 P.M. c-<--- ~ is, Chairperson De orab ervone, Board Clerk By: Kathy Greene, Deputy Board Clerk OS/28/97 Regular sown Mtg. Page 3