1976-09-08 MIIlUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SAN DIEGUITO \lATER DISTRICT HELD IN THE DISTRICT OFFICE IN ENCINITAS ON SEPl'EllBER 8, 1976, AT 9 A.M. President Dean called the meeting to order. Attendance was as fo110.",s: Present: Directors Dean, Pearson, Cermak, Noonan and Wanket, Secretary- Manager Ferguson, Chief of Operations Bailey and Attorney Nancy Rolland from John Cranston's office. Absent: None. Also present was a representative from the League of Women Voters and a representative from the San Dieguito Water District Employees Association. Tbe minutes of the meeting of August 11, 1976 vere approved and ordered filed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secretary-Manager Ferguson reported on the general and administrative activities of the District. He stated that he had received the Agenda for the next Presidents' and Managers' Council of Water Utilities meeting to be held at La Costa on September 23rd at 8 a.m. After a brief discussion the Board voted unanimously to neither support their group or attend their meetings. Ferguson reported that the 8th Annual California SpeciaJ. Districts Association Conference would be held at Lake Tahoe September 29th, 30th and October 1st. Ferguson submitted a letter from Chief of Water Quality Dan Callen from the Filtration Plant reporting on the water quality from the Colorado River in the past month. Ferguson reported that the plant personnel had problems in communication and cooperation from the County Water Authority's Superintendent in Escondido and requested Director Cermak to bring it before the Board of Directors of the San Diego County Water Authority. Ferguson reported that the County Water Authority pipeline number 3 would be shut down for construction work on September 16th for ~ days but that staff could foresee no problems with the supply of water because San Dieguito lIould be shifted to pipeline number 4. Chief of Operations Bailey reported on the construction and maintenance activities of the district. He reported that the water line extension on Highway 101 at Captain Keno's Restaurant was nearing completion and that ney fire hydrants had been instaJ.led. -159- He also reported that the field employees' uniforms shirt color had been changed from blue to the OSHA approved International Orange for safety purposes. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Director Cermak reported on activities of the County Water Authority. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secretary-Manager Ferguson reported on the Conflict of Interest Code yhieh had been slated for adoption October 1st and the fact that the County Board of Supervisors has suspended the deadline and at this time there vas no new date set. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Secretary_Manager Ferguson presented a request from Alfred Vance Petersen and Dorothy Jean Petersen for quitclaim of an easement on Saxony Road. Ferguson stated that the District was not using this easement at this time and had no further use for the easement and recommended that the Board execute the Quitclaim. After a brief discussion, upon motion of Director Cermak, seconded by Director Wanket, and carried,the folloying resolution was adopted: RESOIDTION NO. R76-26 AUTHORIZING <<UITCIAIH DEED FOR AN EASEMENT OFF SAXONY ROAD IN LEUCADIA. WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Water District holds an easement over property hereinafter described; AND WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Water District has no present or proposed future use for said easement; AND WHEREAS, the oYnera of the property have requested that this easement be released; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the District be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute a quitclaim deed over property more particularly described in Quitclaim Deed attached hereto as Exhibit 1'11l, and ~ by this reference made a part hereof. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Dean, Pearson, Noonan, Cermak and Wanket. Noes: None. Absent: None. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -160- Secretary-Manager Ferguson presented a letter of request from the Assistant Chief Engineer of the San Diego County Water Authority requesting that their staff do the design and construction of the enlargement of the aqueduct connection to the joint filtration plant. Ferguson recommended that the Board give this authority, and after a brief discussion, upon motion by Director Noonan, seconded by Director Cermak, and carried, the1bllowing resolution was adopted. RESOIllTION NO. R76-27 AUTHORIZING THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT THE METER EIf.LARG>>!!:NT AT THE JOINT FIlTRATION PLANT . WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Water District and the Santa Fe Irrigation District jointly own a 40 million gallon per day filtration plant; AND WHEREAS, the meter from the third barrel of the San Diego County Water Authority has a capacity of 25 million gallons per day; AND WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Water District and the Santa Fe Irrigation District will in the very near future require more than 25 million gallons per day; AND WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Water District and the Santa Fe Irrigation District have authorized and received final estimated cost on enlarging this outlet; AND WHEREAS, the finalized estimated costs were prepared by J.M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., a duly qualified and licensed engineering firm; AND WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Water District authorized and directed James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., on July 14, 1976, to begin immediate work on the engineering drawings for this project; AND WHEREAS, the San Diego County Water Authority has requested authority for their staff to do the design and construction of said meter enlargement at the joint filtration plant; AND WHEREAS, there is no conflict on the part of James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., for said County Water Authority to do the design and construction of said meter enlargement at the joint filtration plant; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the District be, and they hereby are, authorized to direct the San Diego County Water Authority to begin immediate work on the engineering drawings for this project. -161- Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Dean, Pearson, Noonan, Cermak and Wanket. Noes: None. Absent: None. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secretary-Manager Ferguson requested that the Board resolve to annex four parcels of land adjacent to the Hodges Flume inadvertently not annexed with the original property, and after a brief discussion, upon motion of Director Pearson, seconded by Director Noonan, and carried, the following resolution was adopted. ~ RESOLUTION NO. R76-28 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRJ<X:TORS OF SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT MAKING APPLICATION FOR THE ANIIEXATION OF TERRITORY TO SAID DISTRICT AND SEEKING THE APPROVAL OF THE LOCAL AGElICY FORMATION COMMISSION OF THE COtmTY OF SAN DIEGO - SECOND HODGES FLUME. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Water District desires to initiate proceedings for the annexation of the territory hereinafter described to said District. NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN DIEGUITO COUNTY WATER DISTRICT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERIIINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Application and a proposal is hereby made to the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Diego for a change of organization as follows: A. This proposal is made pursuant to the District Reorganization Act of 1965, commencing with Section 36000 of the Government Code of the State of California. B. The nature of the proposed change of organization and names of all districts for which any such changes of organization is proposed are as follows: 1. The annexation of the hereinafter described territory to the San Dieguito Water District. C. The names of all other affected counties, cities and districts are: ~ 1. The County of San Diego; 2. Santa Fe Irrigation District. D. The territory proposed to be annexed to the San Dieguito Water District is uninhabited. A description of the exterior boundaries of said territory is attached hereto as Exhibit nAil and Exhibit nB" and made a part hereof. -162- E. The reasons for this proposal are as follows: 1. The San Dieguito Water District is empowered to and is engaged in the collection and treatment of water and has existing facilities for the collection and treatment of water. The territory to be annexed lies within the projected service area of the San Dieguito Water District and included in the District's master plan for water service. Section 2: The Secretary of said District is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Diego, State of California, and the Secretary of the District is hereby authorized and directed to provide the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Diego such information and/or maps as may be required by the Formation Commission. Section 3: Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended and the implementing regulations of the Secretary of Resources and of the San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission, the Board of Directors hereby approves the Manager's evaluation that this annexation is a project, that the project will not have a significant effect on the environ- ment, and the "Notice of Exemption" supporting the findings, attached hereto as Exhibit "CII, and made a part hereof, is approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 1976, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Directors Dean, Pearson, Noonan, Cermak and Wanket. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. (SEAL) .dL"~ r' ~ _--e~~ the Board of Directors Water District President of San Dieguito ATTEST: Secretary of the Board of Directors San Dieguito Water District - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -163- Secretary-Manager Ferguson presented a request from the Olivenhain Municipal Water District to sign an agreement for the mutual exchange of water from their connection on Encinitas Boulevard and the San Dieguito connection to the Wanket Reservoir. After a rather lengthy discussion, on the reommendation of Attorney Nancy Holland, due to the fact that Attorney Cranston was on vacation and had previously recommended to the Board that they not sign this agreement, upon motion of Director Pearson, seconded by Director Wanket, and carried, the request to sign the agreement vas tabled until the October board meeting. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secretary-Manager Ferguson presented a request from the Olivenhain Volunteer Fire Department offering to purchase the old 1941 International fire truck the District had previously offered for sale. Ferguson stated that as no other offers were received he would recommend that the Board donate the'fire truck to the Olivenhain Volunteer Fire Department for a token payment of One Dollar . After a brief discussion, and upon motion of Director Cermak, seconded by Director Wanket, and carried, the following resolution was adopted. RESO=ON NO. R76-29 AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SURPIlJS DISTRICT PROPERTY WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Water District owns property hereinafter described; AND WHEREAS, said property has been declared surplus to the District needs; AND WHEREAS, San Dieguito Water District has advertised and received offers on said property; AND WHEREAS, the high offer on the property was submitted by the Olivenhain Volunteer Fire Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the District be, - and they hereby are, authorized to take the necessary action to convey title of said property to the Olivenhain Volunteer Fire Departmenf for the amount of One Dollar cash, the property being more particularly described as follows: One International Crash Truck (Pumper) 1941 Model, Identification No. 49033, License Number E69429. -164- Passed and adopted by the folloving roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Dean, Pearson, Noonan, Cermak and Wanket. Noes: None. Absent: None. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Upon motion of Director Pearson, seconded by Director Cermak, and carried, Warrants Number 6765 through 6803 in the amount of 1118,642.51; and Filtration Plant Warrants Number 1297 through 1307 in the amount of $127,625.03 were authorized for payment. - - - - ------ - - - - - - - There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion of Director Cermak, seconded by Director Noonan, and carried, the meeting vas adjourned. President Dean adjourned the meeting. ######################## APPROVED: A'l'rEST: Secretary -164A-