2000-10-25 MINUTES OF ENCINITAS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 25, 2000, 6.'00 P.M., .505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Mayor DuVivier called the meeting to order at 6:15pm. Present: Mayor Chuck DuVivier, Council Members James Bond, Sheila Cameron, Christy Guerin and Dennis Holz. Absent: None. Also City Manager Miller, City Attorney Sabine, Director of Engineering Services Present: Archibald, Financial Services Manager Suelter, Community Development Director Holder, Management Analyst Phillips, Deputy City Clerk Greene and City Clerk Secretary Bingham. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS A. Presentation of Pedestrian Warning Devise to be Installed at the Encinitas Coaster Rail Station. Presentation by Mr. Tom Lichterman, Director of Transportation, NCTD. Tom Lichterman, Director of Transportation for NCTD, presented an overview of Pedestrian Crossing Improvement Program. Staff was directed to schedule demonstration of warning devices as soon as possible. B. Presentation of Out-and-About Transportation Program for Seniors. Presentation by Mac Hartley, Senior Citizen Commission Chair. Mac Hartley, Senior Citizen Commission Chairperson, introduced Cathy Brendel of Vista's Parks & Community Services who gave an overview of the Out-and-About Transportation Program for Seniors. Staffwas directed to review the program for possible use in Eneinitas. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Maggie Houlihan spoke on the need for an area for dog use at the ESD Park Site and also the need for shelters from weather at the Coaster and NCTD Stations. 10/25/00 Reg. Mtg. Page 1 Mtg.#_~Bk.#14 Page# 315 10/25/00 Regular Meeting CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR Item #3 was removed from the Consent Calendar by a member of the public. ACTION: Holz moved, Cameron seconded, to close and adopt the amended Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: Bond, Cameron, DuVivicr, Guerin, Holz. Nays: None. 1. Approval of Minutes: 10/11/00 Regular Meeting. Contact Person: Ci~' Clerk Cervone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Minutes. 2. Approval of 10/25/00 Warrants List. Contact Person: Financial Services Manager Suelter. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Warrants List. 4. Report on Financial Results for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and Report on Actoal Beginning Fund Balances for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. Contact Person: Budget Officer Hill. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept this report and approve the use of the actual available fund balances at June 30, 2000 as the beginning fund balances for all Fiscal Year 2000-2001 financial reports. 5. Adoption of Resolution 2000-82 Supporting the Downtown Encinitas Mainstreet Association Application for the Great American Main Street Award. Contact Person: Management Analyst Phillips. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 2000-82. 6. Introduction of Ordinance 2000-14, a proposal to modify Title 24 (Subdivisions) and Title 30 (Zoning) of the Municipal Code. The proposed modification to Title 24 consists of amending Section 24.70.020A to no longer require a record of survey for lot line adiustments~ in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. The proposed modification to title 30 consists of amending Chapter 30.40 (Performance Standards) of the Municipal Code by adding regulations to allow for additional wall height above the standard permitted height as approved by the City Council when the wall is within the oublic right-of-way, approved as part of the right-of-way design, and an integral ~art of a road construction proiect. Contact Person: Assistant Planner Coon. 10/25/00 Reg. Mtg. Page 2 Mtg.# ~lP5 Bk.#14 Page#. 10/25/00 Regular Meeting STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Continue the item to the November 15, 2000 City Council Meeting. Item #6 was continued to the 11/15/00 City Council Meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS REMOVED BY THE PUBLIC None 3. Adoption of Resolution 2000-81, Application for Detachment from the Leucadia County Water District of 8.78 Acres located at the Southeast Corner of Encinitas Boulevard and Balour Drive - City of Encinitas Detachment (Assessor's Parcel No. 259-230-02). Contact Person: Management Analyst Smith. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 2000-81. Director of Engineering Services Archibald presented the staff report. Donna Westbrook spoke in opposition to the staff recommendation. ACTION: Bond moved, Guerin seconded, to approve the staff recommendation to adopt Resolution 2000-81. Holz requested an amendment to the motion, and Bond and Guerin agreed, to add the following language to the Resolution: "The sole reason for the property division is to allow for an adjustment to the jurisdictional boundary." Motion carried. Ayes: Bond, Cameron, DuVivier, Guerin, Holz; Nays: None. REGULAR AGENDA 7. Consideration of Retaining Don Breazeale and Associates for Development of a Business and Strategic Plan for Rail Corridor Options for an Amount not to exceed $65,000 and Allocation of $250,000 for FY 2000/01 Work Project WMC01D. Contact Person: Management Analyst Phillips. Management Analyst Phillips presented the staff report. The following citizens addressed Item #7: Bob Bonde, Heidi Prola, Jerome Stocks, Steve Asceti and Peter Norby. Holz moved to approve the staff recommendation. 10/25/00 Reg. Mtg. Page 3 Mtg.# _Bk.#14 Page#3l 10/25/00 Regular Meeting The motion died, for lack of a second. After continued Council discussion, Council Member Cameron requested, for the record, to add the following language in the Business and Strategic Plan. "The proposal would apply the principles or information that is learned in pursuing Option 7, and would be contributed to Option 2. Management Analyst Phillips stated that Don Breazeale and Associates would be willing to comply with Ms. Cameron's request as part of a "desk review" as part of the Business and Strategic Plan. Since two requests were part of the staff recommendation, Council Member Cameron requested that each request be voted on separately. ACTION: Holz moved, Bond seconded to approve staff recommendation to retain Don Breazeale and Associates for Development of Business and Strategic Plan for Rail Corridor Options CIP Project WMC01D not to exceed $65,000. Motion carried. Ayes: Bond, Cameron, DuVivier, Guerln, Holz. Nays: None. Holz moved, Bond seconded to approve staff recommendation to approve additional allocation to Work Project WMC01A "Double Tracking and Other Rail Issues" in the amount not to exceed $250,000. Motion carried. Ayes: Bond, Cameron, DuVivier, Guerin, Holz. Nays: None. GENERAL INFORMATION / STAFF STATUS REPORTS C. Report from City Attorney Sabine regarding necessary process to be taken in the event Council wishes to put before the voters the question of whether to have an elected Mayor. beginning in the year 2002. City Attorney Sabine reviewed the report regarding whether to have an elected Mayor, beginning in the year 2002. The following citizen addressed Item #C. Bob Bonde spoke of his concerns as to whether an elected Mayor would be beneficial for all of the community. Councilmember Cameron requested for the record, that correspondence received from Bob Bonde and Ed Obermeyer are made part of the record. 10/25/00 Reg. Mtg. Page 4 Mtg.# 45 Bk.#14 Page# 10/25/00 Regular Meeting ADJOURNMENT Mayor DuVivier declared the meeting adjourned at 8:44pm. Deborah Cervone, City (~'erk xN Chuck DuVivier, Mayor By: Claudia Bingham ~ City Clerk Secretary 10/25/00 Reg. Mtg. Page 5 Mtg.#J_l~__Bk.#14 Page#