1998-02-11 MINUTES OF ENCINITAS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 11, 1998, 6:00 P.M., .505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALl, Mayor Aspell called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Lou Aspell, Council Members James Bond, Sheila Cameron, John Davis, and Chuck DuVivier. Absent: None. Also Assistant City Manager Benson, City Attomey Krauel, City Clerk Cervone, Present: Community Development Director Holder, Public Works Director Nelson, Community Services Director Wigginton, Engineering Services Director Amhibald, City Planner Weedman, Investment Officer Lembach, Housing/Grants Analyst Guimond, Management Analyst Orozco, and Deputy City Clerk Greene. Them being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chris Harless and Kevin Roberts, representing Weeblo Pack #774, Den #3, led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CAI iENDAR Mayor Aspell announced that Item #8, listed on the Consent Calendar, would be continued to the February 18, 1998, Council Meeting. She stated if there were speakers to Item #8. they could be heard during Oral Communications. Item #3 was removed from the Consent Calendar by a member of the public. Davis moved, DuVivier seconded to close and adopt the amended Consent Calendar. Before the vote was taken, Council Member Bond requested the staff recommendation for Item #4, listed on the Consent Calendar, be changed to reflect the additional $112,270 be taken from Park Development Fees and not the General Fund Reserve as stated in the recommendation. Davis requested an amendment to his motion, and DuVivier agreed, to include Council Member Bond's statement regarding the staff recommendation for Item #4. Amended motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Cameron, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: None. 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 1 Mtg. #98- t~ , Bk. #12, Page 3'7 02/11/9~ Regular Meeting 1. Approval of Minutes: 01/21/98 Regular Meeting, 01/28/98 Special Meeting, 01/28/9.q Regular Meetim,. Contact Person: City Clerk Cervone_ STAFF RECOMMENDATION.: Approve Minutes. 2. Approval of 2/11/98 Warrants List. Contact Person: Financial Services Manage, Suelter. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Warrants List. 4. Acceptance of $50,000 Donation and Appropriation of $112,270 from the General Fund Reserve to Develop a Portion of the Moonlight Beach Master Plan located south of the westerly terminus of "C" Street. Contact Person: Community Serviccs Director Wi_gginton. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the $50,000 and appropriate an additional $112,270 from the Park Development Fees G~m~a4~e~l~n~q~ to develop a portion of Moonlight Beach. 5. Adoption of Resolution 98-10, Delegating authority to the City Manager, or CiB, Manager's designee, to make safety employee disability retirement determination,: under Government Code Section 21173 and to certify such determinations to thy Public Employees' Retirement System. Contact Person: Personnel Officer Beckord. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 98-10 and Administrative Manual Policy P042, Safety Disability Retirement/Reinstatement.. 6. Award of a contract for installation of ornamental street lights in the Cardiff-by-the- Sea commercial area included within the boundary of Underground Utility District No. 3. Contact Person: Engineering Services Director Archibald. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract to Patterson Brothers Lighting, Incorporated in the amount of $18,000. 7. Adoption of Resolution 98-12, Authorizing, an Agreement with the California Publi~- Employees' Retirement System to Provide Eligible Members a Pre-Tax Payroll Deduction Plan for Service Credit Purchases. Contact Person: Personnel Office, Beckord. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 98-12. 8. Adoption of Resolution 98-14, AI}l~rovin~ an agreement with the Encinitas Firefighters' Association in regard to implementation of Firefighter/Paramedie services to the public and assistance to Firefighters in clualifvin~ for promotion Firefighter/Paramedic. Contact Person: Personnel Officer Beckord. 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 2 Mtg. #98- 0~ , Bk. #12, Page 02/11/98 Regular Meeting STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 98-14. 9. Approval of Canceling Council Meetings for March 4th and March llth due to Council attending National League of Cities conference March 5th through March 10th. Contact Person: City Clerk Cervone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Cancel March 4th and March llth Council meetings. Mayor Aspell announced that Item #13 would be continued to the February 25, 1998, Council meeting as recommended by staff. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR BY THE PUBLIC 3. Adoption of Resolution 98-13, Authorizing the Submission to the County of San Diego of a Notification of Intention (Chapter 8 Agreement) to Acquire Prior to Public Tax Sale that Certain Real Property identified as APNs 258-140-30, 31, 32, and 54. Contact Person: Financial Services Manager Sueiter. Liz Zerbe removed this from the Consent Calendar and spoke in opposition to the staff recommendation. DuVivier moved, Aspell seconded to approve the staff recommendation to adopt Resolution 98-13 appropriating $265,000 for the purchase of tax-defaulted properties and authorize the City Manager to take ali actions needed to acquire the properties. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Cameron, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Eddi Smith requested that the Council consider placing speed humps between the 2400 - 2500 blocks on Manchester Avenue to San Elijo Avenue. Ms. Smith submitted a petition signed by approximately 60 residents of Manchester Avenue in favor of speed humps. Robert Nanninga requested the Council look into purchasing the property for sale located on the northeast comer of La Costa Avenue and Coast Highway I 01, and he also requested the use of the ESD site located at Vulcan Avenue and Encinitas Boulevard, be placed before the voters. Bob Bonde addressed Item #8 that was continued to the February 18, 1998, Council meeting. Mr. Bonde said it was difficult for him to understand the staffreport and he submitted his interpretation of the issue to the Council and requested the Council confirm or reject his interpretation. 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 3 Mtg. #98- 0~ , Bk. #12, Page 02/11/98 Regular Meeting REGULAR AGENDA 10. Appointment of members to the Parks and Recreation Commission, Plannim, Commission, Senior Citizen Commission and Traffic Commission. Contact Perso~ City Clerk Cervone. For the Parks and Recreation Commission, the following votes were cast: Mayor Aspell voted for Steve Aceti, Anna Boylan, Robert Ctvrtlik, and Ails McCurdy. Council Member Bond voted for Steve Aceti, Anna Boylan, Robert Ctvrtlik, and Alis McCurdy. Council Member Cameron voted for Anna Boylan, Don Houston, Alis McCurdy, and Alan Ryan. Council Member Davis voted for Steve Aceti, Anna Boylan, Robert Ctvrtlik. and Alis McCurdy. Deputy Mayor DuVivier voted for Steve Aceti, Anna Boylan, Don Houston, and Alis McCurdy. Steve Aceti, Anna Boylan, Robert Ctvrlik, and Aiis McCurdy were appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission. For the Planning Commission representing the New Encinitas community area, the following votes were cast: Mayor Aspell voted for Lester Bagg, Council Member Bond voted for Lester Bagg, Council Member Cameron voted for Murray Dunn, Council Member Davis voted for Lester Bagg, and Deputy Mayor DuVivier voted for Lester Bagg. Lester Bagg was appointed to the Planning Commission representing the New Encinitas communi~ area. For the Planning Commission representing the Leucadia community area, the following votes were cast: Mayor Aspell voted for Alice Jacobson, Council Member Bond voted for Alice Jacobson, Council Member Cameron voted for Travis Straughan, Council Member Davis voted for Alice Jacobson, and Deputy Mayor DuVivier voted for Alice Jacobson. Alice Jacobson was appointed to the Planning Commission representing the Leucadia community area. For the Planning Commission representing the Olivenhain community area, the following votes were cast: Mayor Aspell voted for Anne Patton, Council Member Bond voted for Anne Patton, Council Member Cameron voted for no one, Council Member Davis voted for Anne Patton, and Deputy Mayor DuVivier voted for Anne Patton. 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 4 Mtg. #98- 05 , Bk. #12, Page 02/11/98 Regular Meeting Anne Patton was appointed to the Planning Commission representing the Olivenhain community area. For the Senior Citizen Commission, the following votes were cast: Mayor Aspell, Council Member Bond, Council Member Cameron, Council Member Davis, and Deputy Mayor DuVivier all voted for Margaret Black, Mac Harttey, Marie Mastro, and Betty Springer. Margaret Black, Mac Hartley, Marie Mastro, and Betty Springer were appointed to the Senior Citizen Commission. For the Traffic Commission representing the New Encinitas conununity area. the following votes were cast: Mayor Aspell voted for Harold Crosby, Council Member Bond voted for Harold Crosby, Council Member Cameron voted for Donna Westbrook, Council Member Davis voted for Donna Westbrook, and Deputy Mayor DuVivier voted for Harold Crosby. Harold Crosby was appointed to the Traffic Commission representing the New Encinitas community area. For the Traffic Commission representing the Old Encinitas community arc& the following votes were cast. Mayor Aspell, Council Member Bond, Council Member Cameron, Council Member Davis, and Deputy Mayor DuVivier, all voted for Arnold Lewin. Arnold Lewin was appointed to the Traffic Commission, representing the Old Encinitas community area. 11. Review of Quarterly Investment Report and discussion of investment portfolio and results for the period ended December 31, 1997. Contact Person: Investment Office;' Lembach. Investment Officer Lembach reviewed the quarterly investment report and stated that investment earnings continued to make an increasingly positive impact on the fund balances of all City and District funds. Investment earnings for the first six months of FY 1997/98 totaled $1.98 million, versus $1.67 million in the previous period, an increase of $310,000 or 18%. Mr. Lembach stated the investment staff would be impacted in the next year. due to the increase in portfolio size and the relatively low interest rate environment, which would approximately double the number of transactions necessary to prudently manage the City's diversified portfolio. Mr. Lembach stated this was an information item only, and no action was required. 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 5 Mtg. #98- 0~ , Bk. #12, Page 02/11/98 Regular Meeting 12. Discussion of potential development concepts for approximately 20 acres of land located adiacent to the East side of Piraeus Street between Sparta Drive and Olympus Street in Leucadia (APN 254-411-07, 254-411-03, 254-411-05~ 254-411-04 Fritz). Contact Person: Communit~ Services Director Wioointon. Community. Services Director Wigginton stated that on January 14, 1998, the Council directed staff to place a $50,000 refundable deposit on the above named property. Shortly after that meeting, the owner's agent advised staff that the $50,000 deposit would not be required and the City would need to make a decision within thirty days as to their interest in purchasing the property. Mr. Wigginton said the site consisted of four parcels comprising approximately twen~, acres. Three of the four parcels may be developed for recreational use. The parcel contains a large residence and a guest house but not practical for City use. Maintenance on both the home and grounds adjacent to the structures would be very, costly. Mr. Wigginton presented a "Conceptual Plan" that could be easily modified or changed and the plan facilities included: Two baseball fields, picnic areas, tennis courts, playground, one soccer field, and a low impact skate park. Asking price for the entire property is $4.8 million. On-site development costs were projected at approximately $1.7 million, area maintenance costs approximately $100,000 per year, and design and permitting costs $100,000. The total project had been estimated at $6,600,000. The staff recommendation was to determine whether to pursue acquisition of the property, and if so, adjourn to closed session and provide instructions to the City's negotiator. Council Member Cameron requested that copies of letters received by all Council Members from Dennis Kaden and Russell E. Griffith, representing the Encinitas North Coast Chamber of Commerce. relating the property discussed in Item # 12, be made a part of the record. Bond moved to adjourn into Closed Session at the end of the meeting to give direction to the City's negotiator relative to acquisition of the property. It was decided to hear the speakers next. David DeCosta, Mike Galey, Matthew DeLine, Maureen Gaare, and Karen Kaden spoke in opposition to developing the area. Mayor Aspell tabled Item # 12 to the end of the meeting. 13. Continuance to 2/25/98 of Administrative Hearing of an appeal of the Plannim, Commission determination to require an Environmental Impact Report and related issues in association with an application for a Coastal Development Permit for the reinstallation of 6,500 ft. of railroad oassim, track at the site of the former railroad siding and construction of 2,000 ft. of new passim, track with associated signal work 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 6 Mtg. #98- 0~ , Bk. #12, Page 02/11/98 Regular Meeting CASE NUMBERS: 96-109 CDP, APPLICANT AND APPELLANT: San Diego Northern Railwav/NCTD, LOCATION: A portion of the railroad right-of-way between E Street and Chesterfield Avenue. Contact Person: City Planner Weedman. Item #13 was continued to the February 25, 1998, Council meeting. 14. Public Hearing to consider housing and community development proposals for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME funding for the 1998/99 Annual Plan. Contact Person: Housing & Grants Analyst Guimond. Housing and Grants Analyst Guimond stated the purpose of this meeting was to receive public testimony from grant applicants and interested parties and to make funding decisions and determine which projects should be included in the Proposed 1998/99 Annual Plan. Ms. Guimond said for 1998/99, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development had allocated $582,000 of CDBG funding and $189,553 of HOME funding to Encinitas. The staff recommendation was to receive public testimony, select projects for funding in the 1998/99 Annual Plan for submission to the U.S. Depamnent of Housing and Urban Development. The following allocations for CDBG funding were recommended: TYPE ORGANIZATION AMOUNT Housing City of Enc. Comm. Dev. Dept. $328,000 Fraternity House 10,000 Public Impv. City of Enc. Eng. Dept. ADA Ramp 40,000 Administration City of Enc. Comm. Dev. Dept. Admin & Overhead 92,400 City of Enc. Housing Authority Administration & Overhead 19,000 Fair Housing Council of San Diego 5,000 Public Services City of Enc. Comm. Srvs. Dept. Teen Scene After School 6,800 City of Enc. Comm. Srvs. Dept. Seaside Daycamp 2,000 S.D. Alliance Drag Free Youth Project YO 8,300 S.D. Boys & Girls Club Outreach Program & Transportation 8,720 YMCA Oz North Coast Runaway Prevention 5,180 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 7 Mtg. #98- 0~ , Bk. #12, Page 02/11/98 Regular Meeting TYPE ORGANIZATION AMOUNT City of Enc. Comm. Srvs. Dept Project CARE 5,000 Family Srvs. Assn. Senior Center Case Mgmt. & Transportation Srvs. 8,500 No. County Council of Aging In-Home Support Srvs. 8,925 Sam & Rose Stein Adult Day Center Alzheimer's Center 7,875 Meals on Wheels 7,875 Community Resource Center Caseworker & Volunteer Coord. 10,250 Fratemity House, Inc. AIDS Caregiving Program 7.875 TOTAL CDBG FUNDING $582,000 The following allocations for HOME funding were recommended: TYPE ORGANIZATION AMOUNT Comm. Dev. Dept. Housing Development $189.553 TOTAL HOME FUNDING $189,553 Joey Randall and Siena Randall requested fimding for Teen Scene After School. Sienna Randall presented a video on behalf of Teen Scene, depicting what Teen Scene After School offered. John Bumett, representing the North County Council on Aging, thanked the Council for their past support and requested continued support. Bill Finley, representing Meals on Wheels, requested continued funding for Meals on Wheels. Richard Houk, representing the San Dieguito Boys & Girls Club, requested continued funding for the Boys & Girls Club.. Dick Valdez, representing Fraternity House, Inc., thanked the Council for their past support and requested funding for Fraternity House. Jennifer Hemstead and Evelyn Weidner, representing the Community Resource Center, thanked the Council for their past support, and requested the Council consider their request for funding. Margaret Black and Mac Hartley requested the Council fund organizations that assist seniors. Ana Palomo and Judy Strang, representing San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth, thanked the Council for their support of Project YO, and requested their continued support. 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 8 Mtg. #98- 0x~ , Bk. #12, Page 02/11/98 Regular Meeting Elaina Weiss, representing the Sam & Rose Stein Adult Day Center, thanked the Council for their support over the past several years and requested continued funding. Bond moved, Davis seconded approval of all disbursements as recommended by staff. Before the vote was taken, Mayor Aspell stated she would like the Community Services Department of the City of Encinitas, not request CDBG funding. Mayor Aspetl said she did not agree that the Community Services Department should compete for funding with non-profit organizations in the community. Council Member Cameron agreed with Mayor Aspell's statement and suggested the Community Services Department receive their funding from the City's General Fund. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspeil, Bond, Cameron, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: None. Mayor Aspell declared a recess from 7:35 to 7:44 P.M. 15. Introduction of Ordinance 98-01 Establishing Speed Limits. Contact Person: Eneineerint, Services Director Archibald. Engineering Services Director Archibald presented a report that had been prepared to comply with the provisions of Vehicle Code Section 40802. The report described the results of radar speed measurements, accident history, and traffic and roadway conditions for 36 street segments. The street segments represented only a portion of the street segments in the City where speed surveys were required. The speed surveys would augment the speed surveys adopted by the City Council in September, 1996. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the data collected, the recommended speed limits were consistent ~vith the San Diego North County Municipal Court requirement that speed limits established by local ordinance be set at the first five mile per hour increment below the 85th percentile speed. The staff recommendation was to introduce Ordinance 98-01. The City Clerk read the Ordinance by title. DuVivier moved, Cameron seconded to waive further reading and to introduce Ordinance 98-01. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Cameron, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: None. 16. Introduction of Ordinance 98-02 Adopting by Reference County Regulations Relatim, to Gasoline Service Stations. Contact Person: City Attorney Krauel. 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 9 Mtg. #98- 0~ , Bk. #12, Page 02/11/98 Regular Meeting City Attorney Krauel stated that the San Diego County Board of Supervisors had introduced an ordinance that sought to regulate gasoline distribution and sales. Mr. Krauel said the purpose of the County ordinance was to promote competition between motor fuel retailers and cause retail prices of motor fuel in San Diego County to compare more favorably with prices charged to motor fuel consumers in others parts of the state of California. The staff recommendation was to introduce Ordinance 98-02 that contained a provision that provided the City's ordinance would not take effect until the County's ordinance had been found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be enforceable and before the City ordinance took effect, the City should enter into negotiations with the County and other participating cities for an agreement concerning the mutual/regional defense of the regulations. Duane Bernard, Gene Dons, and Jim Dimoff spoke in support of the staff recommendation. Tom Wright. an oil company employee, and Anita Mangels, representing Western States Petroleum Association. spoke in opposition to the staffrecommendation. The City Clerk read the Ordinance by title. Davis moved, Bond seconded to waive further reading and introduce Ordinance 98-02 that contained a provision stating the City's ordinance would not take effect until the County's ordinance had been found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be enforceable and before the City ordinance took effect, the City should enter into negotiations with the County. and other participating cities for an agreement concerning the mutual/regional defense of the regulations. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspeil, Bond, Cameron, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: None. Mayor Aspell declared a recess from 9:00 to 9:05 P.M. 17. A. Review the Encinitas Ranch Community Facility District (CFD) Financial Status and consideration of Caritas' request to approve Amendment #1 to the CFD Acquisition A~reement. Contact Person: Assistant City Manager Benson. Assistant City Manager Benson stated the issue was whether an update to the Community Facility District (CFD) financial status ~vas needed for Council to act upon the request for an amendment to the Encinitas Ranch CFD Acquisition Agreement. Mr. Benson said Phase I construction was nearing completion and most of the facilities were ready for acceptance by the City. Carltas Company had submitted a request to amend the Acquisition Agreement to reflect project adjustments made with City approval during the construction from the original planned applicant cost amount of $33. million to the revised estimate of $40.7 million for all phases of the project. Mr. Benson stated the cost gro~vth in Phase I beyond the currently available bond financing was an obligation of the developer. Based upon proposals made by the developer and approved by the 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 10 Mtg. #98- 03 , Bk. #12, Page q{a 02/11/98 Regular Meeting City, certain public facilities were constructed in advance of the timing called for in the original plan. While the public benefited and the overall project saved some costs, the earlier cashflow burden falls upon the developer. All costs for staff support of the project were either funded through the bond funds or performed on a deposit basis from developer funding. Mr. Benson also reviewed the final draft of the First Supplement to the Acquisition Agreement and Resolution 98-16 that would approve the Resolution. The staff recommendation was to approve the request of Carltas Company for an Amended Acquisition Agreement ~vith Exhibit B to the Development Agreement as revised and authorize the City Manager t° execute any documents required by bond counsel to document this approval and to adopt Resolution 98-16 approving the First Supplement to the Acquisition Agreement. Bond moved, DuVivier seconded to approve the request of Carltas Company for an Amended Acquisition Agreement with Exhibit B to the Development Agreement as revised and authorize the City Manager to execute any documents required by bond counsel to document this approval and to adopt Resolution 98-16 approving the First Supplement to the Acquisition Agreement. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: Cameron Council Member Cameron stated her reasons for voting no on approval of the amended acquisition agreement. She stated she thought the City had procedures, particularly in the acquisition agreement, and had they been followed and followed properly, such as soil testing, etc., and had been done prior to construction, the City would not have run into what they ran into, and the Council wouldn't be here now having to use money that has not yet been basically appropriated for this. She stated she felt uncomfortable approving the agreement, therefore, was voting no. B. Acceptance of the Encinitas Ranch Community Facility District No. 1 Public Improvements. Contact Person: Enl~ineerine Services Director Archibald Assistant City Manager Benson said that in September, 1994, the Council authorized, via Ordinance 94-19, the execution of a Development Agreement between the City of Encinitas and Carltas Company for the development of the 853 acres identified in the Encinitas Ranch Specific Plan. Assistant City Manager Benson stated the public improvements had been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineering Services Department regarding El Camino Real from Town Center Drive to Gardenview, Gardenview from Via Cantebria to Leucadia Boulevard, Town Center from El Camino Real to Via Cantebria, Leucadia Boulevard from El Camino Real to the wild animal crossing and Via Cantebria from Town Center Drive to the southerly end of the project boundary. The staff recommendation was to accept the public improvements of the Encicnitas Ranch CFD and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. Chris Calkins, representing Carltas Company, spoke in support of the staff recommendations. 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 11 Mtg. #98- 0~ , Bk. #12, Page /~/7 02/11/98 Regular Meeting Council Member Cameron reconfirmed that the payback of all the bonds were totally the responsibility of the developer and not the City. Assistant City Manager Benson said no general fund money would be used for the Payback of the bonds. DuVivier moved, Davis seconded to accept the public improvements of the Encicnitas Ranch CFD and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. Motion carried. Ayes: Aspell, Bond, Davis, DuVivier; Nays: Cameron. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CAI,ENDAR BY COUNCIl, None. REQUESTS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION BY THE CITY COUNCIl, None. CITY COUNCIL/CITY MANAGER REPORT None. There was Council consensus to adjourn into Closed Session under G. C. Section 54956.8, to discuss potential development concepts for approximately 20 acres of land located adjacent to the East side of Piraeus Street between Sparta Drive and Olympus Street in Leucadia (APN 254411- 07, 254-411-03,254-411-05, 254-411-04 Fritz). ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into open session at 10:25 P.M. with no reportable action from the closed session meeting, and Mayor Aspell declared the meeting adjourned. I~Pooral~/Cervone, City Clerk By: Ka~thy Greene, Deputy City Clerk 02/11/98 Reg. Mtg. Page 12 Mtg. #98- 0S , Bk. #12, Page