2018-11-28 Regular meeting MINUTES OF THE SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 28, 2018, 5:00 P.M., 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE S1. CALL TO ORDER President Mosca called the meeting to order at 5:24 P.M. S2. ROLL CALL Present: President Joe Mosca, Vice-President Catherine S. Blakespear, Board Members Tasha Boerner Horvath and Tony Kranz Absent: Board Member Mark Muir Also Present:Board Secretary Brust, Board Attorney Sabine, General Manager O'Donnell, Board Clerk Hollywood and Deputy Board Clerk Bingham There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. Board Clerk Hollywood announced that the San Dieguito Water District Board Members receive an independent stipend of $100 for convening the Water District meetings pursuant to San Dieguito Water District Resolution No. 89-07. S3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE S4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS There were no presentations or proclamations. S5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS / POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF There were no oral communications. S6. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION President Mosca reported the following from the 5:00 P.M. SDWD Closed Session meeting: There was Board consensus to authorize settlement negotiations. S7. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA There were no changes to the posted agenda. 11/28/18 SDWD Reg.Mtg. Page 1 11/28/18 SDWD Regular Meeting S8. CONSENT CALENDAR BOARD ACTION: Muir moved, Kranz seconded to close and adopt the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: Blakespear, Boerner Horvath, Kranz, Mosca, Muir. Nays: None. SBA. Approval of the Minutes of the September 26, 2018 Regular Meeting_ Contact Person: Board Clerk Hollywood Recommended Action:Approve the Minutes. SBB. Approval of the Warrants List. Contact Person: Finance Manager Lundgren Recommended Action:Approve the Warrants List. SBC. Consideration of Resolution 2018-10 amending the San Dieguito Water District Records Retention Schedule. Contact Person: Records Program Coordinator Colombo Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution 2018-10, amending the San Dieguito Water District Records Retention Schedule. SBD. Cancelation of the December 19, 2018 Regular San Dieguito Water District meeting. Contact Person: City Clerk Hollywood Recommended Action: Approve canceling the December 19, 2018 Regular San Dieguito Water District meeting. SBE. As-needed laboratory testing of asbestos cement pipe. Contact Person: Senior Civil Engineer Knoll Recommended Action: Board to take the following action: 1) Authorize the City Manager, in conjunction with the City Attorney, to enter into a contract in substantial form with Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions Inc. for an amount up to $75,000 per year for a three-year term. SBF. As-needed surveying and drafting services contract. Contact Person: Senior Civil Engineer Knoll Recommended Action: Board to take the following actions: 1) Authorize the City Manager, in conjunction with the City Attorney, to enter into a contract in substantial form with Right of Way Engineering, Inc. for a term of one-year for an amount up to $50,000 with two optional one-year extensions for an amount up to $50,000 each for a total amount not to 11/28/18 SDWD Reg.Mtg. Page 2 11/28/18 SDWD Regular Meeting exceed $150,000; and 2) Authorize the City Manager, in conjunction with the City Attorney, to enter into a contract in substantial form with Psomas for a term of one-year for an amount up to $50,000 with two optional one- year extensions for an amount up to$50,000 each for a total amount not to exceed $150,000. S8G. Quitclaim of Water Easement to Requeza 13, L.P., a Delaware Limited Liability Partnership Located at 710 Requeza Street, Encinitas (APNs 258- 141-36, 38 and 39). Contact Person: Senior Civil Engineer Knoll Recommended Action: District Board take the following actions: 1) Adopt Resolution 2018-12, entitled "A Resolution of the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Water District Approving Quitclaim of Water Easement on 710 Requeza Street, Encinitas APNs 258-141-36, 38 and 39"; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to file a Quitclaim Deed of Public Water Easement S9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR S10. ACTION ITEMS - S1 OA. Discussion regarding the feasibility of a recycled water fill station program. Contact Person: General Manager O'Donnell Recommended Action: District Board receive the presentation, review and discuss the information presented as desired, and provide direction to staff as appropriate. General Manager O'Donnell presented the staff report. No action was taken on this agenda item. S11. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS There were no informational items. S12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADDED BY BOARD MEMBERS No future agenda items were added. S13. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS PURSUANT TO AB1234 (GC 53232.3(d)) / POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF No reports were given. 11/28/18 SDWD Reg.Mtg. Page 3 11/28/18 SDWD Regular Meeting S14. GENERAL INFORMATION / STAFF STATUS REPORTS S14A. General Manager Update/Report No reports were given. S15. ADJOURNMENT President Mosca adjourned the meeting at 5:36 P.M. Kathy Hollywood, oar Clerk 0J/oM sca, President By: Claudia Bingham Deputy Board Clerk 11/28/18 SDWD Reg.Mtg. Page 4