2018-63 - EGf III NaricE 11[11F IDECISPON DevOopme,nt Services Department CEGA Determination: DECISION: Project Number: 18-1 X 2 ADR DSD Number: 210 18 163 Location: 333 INorth El Carnino Reall Community: P Ir iriidiniftais APN: 257-0162--35 Applicant: Al M, liriiic, Representative: Skip,.Janes Project Planner: radd Mier q, Assiodate!Rlanin,eir, Decision Date: October 22, X0 "1 Report Approval: � Ffoy Sapa"u, Cofty Plarill"1110, t, F"ROJECT DESCRlF'Tl0tl The alpI ::)ficant i s requesting approvi,,,fl of in Adiry--iiiriistrafive Desigri Revk:M (ADR) Per-r-rift foir 'fagade iirn1pirf.:::weirneints t,ic) su existing cornirnerdal buildirig located along 111,1ortih El Camino F:1eap,, for a irua w groceFy store. Tf,ie pro�ect induides the foflowing scope of work, Derni.:-)litk.)n of varloiixs storefr� :mts and iroo fing mast eirii,,.-fls. Some storefronts wire p: roposed to remain, lbtjt willi be u,.,ipdat ed witih t1h e new mateiri ,.-.,fls arah a cok.-)r scherne. .1 FIROJEC.IT 1'1,KJOABER: 19-122 ADR Of,:::I'C..)BE R 22, 20 18 Secticu-ts of the exi' tirv, -) rooffines wHI increisise to provide ViSUW refief froin-'u a fine,-v and hoi6zontal ric,.)offine, rern(.:)viing former hipped roe, -Yf si- ctiorus neur-ix the IN d entrarice to the st.Ate at the f.".1enter. NlaterialF..„ and cok.:)rs fir.w the neA� farade irnprf,::)vernents irick.,,ide a (.;omibinaflon of differerit ciolcired taries (k irKidirig grey, dark grey, and white). o "rhe tw ade inc.lt.,id,a:I�s two tones of stucco, 4ght beigewiV'i dark brovm, Fiber f,::;ernent panels (dark brIDWI) sl"iown on portions of the 1frornt to break up the (],I lass Y :Aore frorit is prof.:x::)sed irithe center c -)! the buiUnf,] and near the entrance. o A new U:Mant space is r.;ire;a'Iei::J betweeri the propf.:-)s,ii::.Ad groi:,,ery sR::we and the existing retail EA,Dre (Wcha0s) ,to the north. 11110 Fn..AUre s(.Aar installatif.:::w-i. I* A terripnrar constn iction trailer wfll 'be placed Mthin the parking lot Idt,,urirni onstr'UOO 1. PROJE,Ir,��','T 011.1,JILYSIS Backgri�:;und The 1`4ew Enf,:-'.Iinftar..s Con-wriii.inity AfJvisory BoarqJ (r,,IE(DAB) approved a Variance (Case P,,Ias. 94- 191 arid 9,4-14!5; 1:::Iesn;Aulion 1,,1E 94 4)5) t�:::n allow the bbl fldingto be attached at the cornmori propiady line to, the north (h4k::.hael's) retail t)OW4.119. ProjecI 'wt e rhe Project i,s un:-X.-'.Iated south of the intersechon of Garden View Road and P,,k.,.)rth Ill Carrlirm Real and i s anexiahng,2"3,708 sqn iare Toot vacarvt retain t)UHf,::fing, attachiras�,.j tic an existirv.] a ::'.1ornirner<'Aal retail bufliding (Michael:'!s) and located En ,a devetoped con-wner6al centiair �site consisfirig of 1:!: l,3,321 sqt.iare feii--A r.:)f lot lFir ea, "'rhe parking lot iS Utilized by rnt.flfi ple teni�irits, consisfing of 121() parkingstalls lumted tothe west of the tH ifldiirii Iocatiion. Ellight parkirig stalls are located b,iiAphind bLiflding to the east. 1� !he taWia bellow v irru'riari,zes thie Geni�:N-W Plari Densignation, Dx"Ong District, Overlay Zones, Commi�.,inity Ctiaracter Cf,:,)ntii::-'.xt and �:Aher not,7-ib ble (Dity plWis that pertain 'k..') 1411zA project site" ........ . . energy Man Genera�� Carnmerc4l §pqqffic Plan�� Noine ... . .. . .................... . . . .. ................................................ . ................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... . .................... ?2,n.!lrn R Pi stricR.. ".,, " " " ", : GC . . . . .... . ... ........................................................................................................... . . ......... ............. . . . ....... . . . ..... . .................................................................................. . ......... ZO,Ong P� rlpl,-- . ... ..... ....... . . . . .. ..... . .... Comm Context" Ne'� hborhood Center 9-- - — — . . . ....... . . .... . .. . .. . . . ......................................... . ................. i Other e qiV Man: ne '' - ­ - - - - - � � - - . I . i 1 '— —1-11 . . . ............. "I'l""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll",lI . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . None ................ - The proi I nosed faqad improvernerits 7wwithiri ,gin rrJevelop r;ornrnerir-IW corrifJor wfthin the N160�-'JI--itmir nr, enter ("��,ic'wru'nUnfty Crtiaracter Context in ft 1,Jevv Eru.�.initas CornnlUnily 'Y The l,h:,kghborhiioon:J Center context ns dlstdb .jtel .J into aictivity c,N:.-)nters at rrmior IInitersecfi orvY;.;, and of 14 PRIDJECTNUMBER 161-122ADR OC FOREin. 22, 2018 coirddors vvith pdrnadly retaH knees. .... i he 1propo ed proiiact inck.,uides farade irnjpirovementY :., ilo an exisfii ig n, ;ornmercW Ir,,eivter conslisterrilwith the Neghborhood Center cx.".,)ntiF,'xt. I Ihe talible bir-flo war sii wimadzesthe exisling characilertics of the pirevir.,w!wflly developeld Ipir ol::PertJ'BS. IDirection General Plan & ning,pistdqt "i hn General Cornmerc4l; GC South Geniera,Jl Gomrn1r-..r(.,J,al1'-' GC a S t _R e s i d e i U a, 1 �3 i(R 3) ,anid Flesidentia] 8 (1181 Cornmunfty Chairacteir Context ........................... ........ . ................ . ..... ........ Neighborhood Cer-Aer Neighborhood Ceriter. Nelgl-fliorhloold Ceiriter Wast Genev-W (;','Pornirniercii,W; � Neig lib orfmod Center � GC Gerier-'al Plan Cons,fisteri�cjj Land Use Cornmiprc4l I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll",Ill""Il.,,-, . . . . .... ................................................................ Cornrnierdi,W Siirigle-faimHy rEiisidiervti4f I Ihe C'.,,flly of Encinitas Gerieral IMan incWdes a nii imber of goals w ifJ olicl es that g0f,:Je development and land use vvitihin thir A 6sr. ::ussion of how ltie jproje -J is f,..'.Ionsisterut with Gerueiral i:::Ilan poll s are surnmadzer:::[ bellow- Berri. eral Plan Goal or Po,ficy ..... .. .. . __ ........... .. ........ ��pgqp fion of Pin ct Conformance -- — . . ....... LU POLICY 'I. 11, Encim irage the A fagade remodel with riniodifiled roioffirms,, rnaterials and rehabifitation airiiid redevelopamnt c1c.flors wfli pr Odra an updated enihanc:md appearance to an of obsolete 01f, rJe,;Hiniinig �:-)�Ider riirneirc4l ic�nnter deveiopeld prIlor to the City clornmercial dievdilopirneint, 11'r)VIA'...lys V1,11corporalJoin consistent with drie COMMUnilty design and dev6lopirner'R LU PiHIJ5""" 1 0 . .......... B o t l'i _,r'e§i1de'ii i, i i" , "a I' 'T'' f'ie _p r"ofec' t i s ......... . —L,,ififizing . ............. t f i"� e ................ s­-1-i e l' i -o"i thie e . .... x i s"—tin-g-'-, 'r'e'i',"a­i"1- and commeircial dev all iopmervt biuHidinig, whidh c-,11oFnp[ies Mtf-i tf--a e 30-folot rnaxiirrwrn hi�iight shall be limited to a rnaxgmium NirniL �qig!j� m at. .o.roes ,.a,ri.d,.,,.301,lfleet.,,,,.,-, Murvici;)al Coliffe �11nairysl's The propiosed girocerry� mairket (retail) is a permMed use %Mthin this Glenlaral Commercial (G(,�'O`) zone. All dieveioprner'A standards of the Gerieral Commiarciaf ((21C) one have been met. ............... "I'l""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'llI .. . ............................... ... .. . ................................................................................................ ..... I )evelopirnirent. tandard IPr is ,q! E!2'R2§ d . . .. . ............ .............. Q,::)m��4les? ............ Firon't yard setback 107f eel y a S t"110 . .. . . .......................................................................................................... ............................. . . ....... .................. liviledor side and settpadk 50 feet./C feet yes No .. ... ... (1 Heet) Rear, rd setback 147'fi�ieil'. Yes t'J'o 'V1 3 of 14 Nonconformities (Endnitas Mmicirml Code G'Imptcr 30,,7q) PnOJEcr M.)MBEFI: 18 122 ADR OCTOBER 22, 2018 . . . ............ P!��p!pent Standard .. . ... ...... "- , -`",-.1111-1 . . . . ...... ............................................................................. Project Pro osed � -P - ........................................................ Co plies? L.12-mj� Lot Coverage -- 15 percent - Yes i No pqrcent �(N "ml�llalllxli,liIlllrlllrl-llillllllulll,"m) . ... . ... . ... FAIR . .............. 0,15 rn,,axOO urn . ...................................... Buildrig height 3 0 fleet 0 0 feet maximu ............... L. (15 perceirR mRNmuim) "arking = 1 space per 250 '21 parking spaces proOded. Yes Z No ........... sf,::juare feet for commercial centers Uess than '100,000 s q i [ i a r ee - f, e- Rx. t, ( 99.5, �pamr k in, gu sA"."'rl' ulre� �iaces. �are rp�� .Spe nonronformdies sedic)n bebw . . . . . . .................................. Nonconformities (Endnitas Mmicirml Code G'Imptcr 30,,7q) Cltizen PartlicipatiOn F)riG::v--arn A Cifi :zen Parficupafion Prograrn (CPP) rrneefing, vms Wd ort JWy 31, 2018, at the p.)roject Ilocafion (333 t,,J l Cdaa-iirm IRea ). Ap:)p::uroxirnately 15 pin eolple allit.endedthe meaefing v%rRh genenall quesbons on the bus U ness befirig Ipropaos ed and operating ch�.-irw,;Ierisbcs,, No o1pposition to the project v is 4sie�d. Flitiblic lVotice The t,,14.Ace of Pending Action for the Admiruustrative I[ )esign Review Perrnut ww:., mailed ln�l k Sir.-Veirnlber 11, 2018, to afl propeily mAirmirs i'and Occupants wifi- -iiru 5C)O fe�.::Vll 'of the Project site and to ainyrc,-)rte 1rwft requested sliuch nofice pirn nmrrfting, Ur'u compHance with Eric Urn Ras Mlt.lrflc upon W t ' 'ode Secfions 30.01.0 70 and 30.80.08(.), as ap�,:)Rcable. AcUtioriafly, as a courtesy, the nolJce Yvas posted at HaH ar-W on the Develq::n-rueri! Se:Mces Department 4--iterriet si'lle ii.inder"Public P,4ofices," and via e-Pr(.-) ' jecil� E;ource,. No cornments were received in response to the pubfic notices or throughout the process., (.>IDUSIDERATIONS The project has been determined to be exernpt from enviroinrnentM IreOew pursuant to Coafiforrka EnOronmentall Qualrity Act (GII:::::: 0A) GWiJeHrnes Secdon 15301(a). Sec don 153C)l(a) exernpills 4 terJor or extedor all'ilerabons involving such things as kibF.:Irior partitions, PIUMbing, aruJ r.0ectlicall conveyances, The pro. :)osed fai,�ade renovi-ation rneets the exemption i:fiteria. I',,Jone of t1hia excialpifiic,)ns in SeclIJion '15300.2 of the CE'QA GuideHiries exists. PnOJECT NILMABEF:L 18 122POR OCTOIESI::n 22, 2018 .... . . .................................................................................... I Ex lanatiori of Pri,.-.Ject Coriforr-nance breaMing up the wall planes, and rnVnfirNzii t] ne bOlding's bulk, arii�J mass,, e i shOUld ir ex s .w6d tende W .......... I he rooffine incorporalles,varied roof heights and horizantal lirms, roaftop equiprneirit screeirm that U::)rovide rooffirle vanati on ,,.;.i[nd break uplhorizorftW fines ali�-)ng l�.he ................................................................................................... ........................ M4 bu acade. 5.51, Variety in ci�,)rnplernentary exterOor .... ............................................ he project incorporates a variety of co�oirs arUd mate6 all s and colors shoWd be usecl. build4-,q rnalferWs OCIUding stlt,icco in three AddftionW collars, mahi.pri,u:Ifls and idetafling co ors, mmoid sidir--q, and decorative metail1 roof may be ap�:::)Hed to eirrilphasize certain that. enhani,�,es the arc hitectit.pira I vis �.,m interest of features. tlhebriHldU ng. The project inoorporates changes m color and rnaterkil to add contrast betweeira tenanllY stjUtes to emphasize the breaks in the waH p�anes, whille providing a cohesive de' IIgn to the ........ ...... . ... overall visu,W i�nterest of the biL,fllldin . 9 . ................. . ... ------ UPUBLI iU " OI IGIE AND RAR I PC,111PA 111ON Cltizen PartlicipatiOn F)riG::v--arn A Cifi :zen Parficupafion Prograrn (CPP) rrneefing, vms Wd ort JWy 31, 2018, at the p.)roject Ilocafion (333 t,,J l Cdaa-iirm IRea ). Ap:)p::uroxirnately 15 pin eolple allit.endedthe meaefing v%rRh genenall quesbons on the bus U ness befirig Ipropaos ed and operating ch�.-irw,;Ierisbcs,, No o1pposition to the project v is 4sie�d. Flitiblic lVotice The t,,14.Ace of Pending Action for the Admiruustrative I[ )esign Review Perrnut ww:., mailed ln�l k Sir.-Veirnlber 11, 2018, to afl propeily mAirmirs i'and Occupants wifi- -iiru 5C)O fe�.::Vll 'of the Project site and to ainyrc,-)rte 1rwft requested sliuch nofice pirn nmrrfting, Ur'u compHance with Eric Urn Ras Mlt.lrflc upon W t ' 'ode Secfions 30.01.0 70 and 30.80.08(.), as ap�,:)Rcable. AcUtioriafly, as a courtesy, the nolJce Yvas posted at HaH ar-W on the Develq::n-rueri! Se:Mces Department 4--iterriet si'lle ii.inder"Public P,4ofices," and via e-Pr(.-) ' jecil� E;ource,. No cornments were received in response to the pubfic notices or throughout the process., (.>IDUSIDERATIONS The project has been determined to be exernpt from enviroinrnentM IreOew pursuant to Coafiforrka EnOronmentall Qualrity Act (GII:::::: 0A) GWiJeHrnes Secdon 15301(a). Sec don 153C)l(a) exernpills 4 terJor or extedor all'ilerabons involving such things as kibF.:Irior partitions, PIUMbing, aruJ r.0ectlicall conveyances, The pro. :)osed fai,�ade renovi-ation rneets the exemption i:fiteria. I',,Jone of t1hia excialpifiic,)ns in SeclIJion '15300.2 of the CE'QA GuideHiries exists. PROJECT NUMBER: 18-122ADR OCTOBER 22, 201 The fagade design i n Corp r t an enhanced and updated pp r .lrnc for the xa turn shopping rut r. The project is consistent with the indi n for Design Review and the rn r l Commercial ( ) Zone development r u latiorn € 111 ws; Based on the findings for a Design IReview lPermit as Per Encinitas u,urroa i q Code Sections 23.08.080 and the aforementioned analysis, 'the Development Services Department has made the following -findings to uppor2 the P Ir ll, with conditions rr n4 rrndnlu� f��r �� I��nr�u n�p � _o �pfar� .u"ndura -,- _ nfalrn � n .� ������ � a The Project design is inconsistent wwnf.fn the The fnrolect. fa gad�r irrnpiroveirr'u lrnfs n::�ru ern r 11 Flari, a Specific IPlain or Wfe rnrn'sis ra - °wt, With the f' en lral I tarn and prunwli 'ic; riis of this Code provisions of ffn .,mlrrdpa l Gode and: � �esiigii,,i Guidelines. The project site is rq iot loci of d ' yiffgn I Man rum .•,. . �... � �. fns pin" j �:'f� design is � 6bstairnfu '�lll'y ._ .�rJfic � ..�.• .., .• ....... Th 'f� ,� de "impr�r� v rmn rnf Ire d �ig ned fun lido n sistent with the rn Fle0ew Wie nd in with flue rued fiborhood arind suurrot.i ndir'u GUidefiines,, ciornrnn rid ll pn,.nperties in appearance and form, The bulk and rin s f °n s beeri rniniimized by u.,u u of v ry'i n f arms and rrn i fnr k,,Il s arourld all four sides onf the bu,ull!V !ng. TI non pir(--)Ject as d su In u d is consistent ' r th the Design IReview Guidelines. I r4 Ti pll I��°� t woulrdverely ffrf the . � The pii,oject r'r1 rnpQue . � With afl applicable heii safety, or g rn ral welfare: f the starnidarids outlined in the urrnllcipn ,l rc:: Id:-.`. Thie q,d nrnq @�rnunq ggfy, plro ect.. q nr'rnf'.nf frorrn ffn r R' u�IIIreirrre" R rn'f CEQA arid WH not adveirseNy affect the health, fn. :Ay and general wMare of the c q'- nnrrnl .Aityn f i ��uurga�uun�"n "fnl��nr�nr'nr,',rf lfu, rn n�ruf,grnrn of Mhllu�y�rrnf�luulnrffn�� ��G q n. dq�r�' n�u�n��ukl���•••,.. nf.�liq"�Ilu.uid�' m lermne of the exist" II "'rnfrnar"nGl' nu "n appearance II' "h� ll'r e,, n and &.urr n.nnndirnpg pry „nperf es. No n`.0V1dei nc�” has been ud rnf filed or received 'i ndicatiri that the proposed prioJect would cause the surrounding neighborhood to d pr ciat e r'nn f rially in app r" a r rnce or va uie. CONCLUSION MRIM PF::iOJECTf'14UMBER-' 1B-1,`.,?2ADR OC,TOBER 22, 2018 aii:JJair,ient builidirg. Based o!n the afc' rernenfioned findings and sulbject to the followii ig co ri di'do on olf approval, ffi e proJect Is hn::ffeby -approved. DIDII",11DI'll 111011`411S OF APPF:110"VAII SC1 SPE11DIF111r. 110"IE)INDITIONS: SC2 11�,t any time after two years firoirn the date of thls apl::)ro,W, on Octob er. 22, 2018, 2020 at 5 p.irm, c,.) r the exf-Airafii,::uin date of any exrlensiion granted liri a croon dance v%ffth the Mii.,ink.-'Al::)aI Code, the, City may reqWre a i iofici)Ild public hearing to be scheduled I-Hi.,."fore ffie aiatf- Sri zed agi�L-jncy lo dete,,irmiriie if there has beeir-i dernr,')nstir,'.:,fleid a good faith linterit to I,')iroceed in rellance oq this approval. If the authofted ageiricy fiindI ItU..uat a good fafth interit to pn,':)ceed has not been dernonstrated,the appkatioiri shall 1-:)e, deemed expired as of the aboliflr-n date (or the exjpilrafioiri dale of any extension). Ttre deterrinuiriafioi� � of the auff -mdzed ageiricy may be appealed to the City Coii iricif vvithk--n 15 days of the date of ti-,ie deleirmiriation, SC6 Th s project is corsditionally approved as set foirtt oi i the apf-AcaVion and pirciject drawings staimped received by 'M Dity on Juirie 4, 2018, consisting of 8 sheets, inch.Alrig am overall Site Plan (Sfieet CA), F::'recise Gra&ng Plai (Shii:ior t G,2), I:3,00f Plan (Sneed: )�'V'121), Operatlonsf:111an (Sf-wet A-1 31), E.::] e-�Iaifions (Sheet A-201 and A-202), and a Survey (Sheets CA arid C.2) and Colored Materials Board, all desi gnated as approve.eJ by the Development Servii;ce it it ector oin October 22, 2018, and shall riot be altered wlt1riout expiress autho6zation by #"ie, Devepopiririent Sir.mMces Department. SCA I lie fall owirn I Einglineering Coriodftioiriis sl iall be, completedilliulfillead to the salisfactioin of the Development Servllices Department- TIr,iis pirojeq,:,o'l shall be conslidered a I:::1rioirfty Development IPropect (R DP) for puirposes of storm water quality tireatrnent,, Thee af::)pkant shallil provide I,-)ermanient post construction storm wattar quafity trealliryient collect and treat all generated b, all nir.-nN airid/or rernioviedand re: faced iirnpeirvk')ui!::; sn,.iirfaces i:nck idirig the .Y P building fo(.-V4.:)rJn'f, parking 11ot, dr1i'veway, hardsca�.:)e, etc, prior to discharge from the site or Into the slorm dirain. UIDOn first SUbmittal cif a graid ng l:flan, a l:::'DP SWOMP slrialI be submitted for reOew. 1, 1 2. AH existirig arid proposiei�' trash ericlosures shall be fitted to r "o imply wiltVi Storm Water lBestManelgernent Practice reqUirements,, TV* trash enck:Psiure!, sIrtall have an irripervloii.ts, noin oorr-ibt,istflNe roolf that willl n0ll aHow ralinlevater to einteir the einclosure, The enclosure shall be k-.)ckable and locked uiWiein riot, [in t,pse,, /k, beirm shall be installed ai[ all D,�mNngs to in pd in ari, Ilqt.Ads that escape frorn, the dii.,irripst�.::-'.'r and to Y Firevent any flow of storm %vater O"irowih the tr&,,-.;h eniC-'.IliC-:Psure area., The berrrn can be designied wide and nat to aflow rofling of tl,-ie durnipster in and oiut, The enck)siure sN:-1H h: e seff-con'rid or ma, have a drifln that &scharges throtigh an adequately sized 61/cIrease sie"parator and tlr-en is full eired through a Ulty-approved h, drocarbon Y filter and discharged irOfo thia publlc sanitm y lirver ystern not to planters or the storr-ri idirain systern. A separate bLgildlrig perin!"ilt may be required for this structure. 3. The applicant stmt be resporr!Mblefor the payrnent of all irnpw-A fees asso(::oiiated v0 the driange lin t..iise iWiiLiidling but not Hrnitedl to Traffiir.r lml�)act Mifi gal:Jori Iimm en:-.is. 7 r,') f 14 l:::'1;:1OJEc,'r M.HVISER 1 --122 A OC FOBS F1 22, 2018 ,4. 1"N:-,.11 applicant shall ru:-,.Imo,ve arid replace lf,,�e exisUrq.,; pirL., estriain ramps at 0-118 driveway cric ::wing on Caminf.:) I ReW w id u.,ipgrair..Jethern to ernsure All'.:)A compliairvu:-,.,e. Addition,Ol, , if the cross gt..,itter across film drivevnvy is nir.)t All A compliant, ill shaill also �v be replaced. A detailed eng nerd dravving shall be required as partof the neir.,p ifted dght-of-way constructiori permR. 5. This project lies within 'the LeUcadia Wastewate-v Distdct. (ULAID), The applkl,airlt shall) coritact IUN D for all pro.Jei::,ft reir.lit..,iirements incWing assessment c-)f (-,ap,.-:1ir,-,ity fees, as appficabIle. SCB The following conditions sIh,,,.:.iM be corn p::fletedlf Of i I pecl to the sallisfac'Non of the Fire, Department: 1. Solar panels shall require a separate bOUrig perrrik. 2. ExisLing kriox, l.nr r may ineei-flio be it eif,.::nicaitiad if proposed card storage blocks air..x,::,,ir-.� ss. SO C F:1aoftop med-iia6c,',id i qui:jprneirit and enclosures shall be lirni'lled to a rnaxirm.,irn of 30 feet in height iriorn lower of natUn;::111 cri'adjacent finished grir....,i[de. SCD The alipplicant shall provide bii,r,,e racks con:,�jsfing of 'four stalls coirisisteni[ vvith Clh,iapler,3().54 (Off-Street Parking) of the Municipal Coide oin the sitial plaru v.jbrnifted for building C ::Plaricheck, Ilo thesafi sfaf.:Aion of the Diaveiq,�nrnerbt Services Deparlmer-A. (".3, 1 S TA114DAIP111) GOINIII)l I 1110PIIS: C11r3N Il Air,',""ll irHE DEVELOPIMIR,11T SERVICIES DIE �P AF11"M Ef,�IIT II iGARDpl14,lil�n WIl 111"i Ii 1i1 IFOLLGIMPII,r,; ".% G'2 This approval may be appealed to the City Q,.-Wricili vvr[hin 15 caleu raidair days thrown the fz-,late t1his apl:::)rc,va1 in accorciance wfth Chapter 1.12 f.::A` the PALIFlicipal Code. 134, Priior to Ilbr..W1idprr U. il:wirrnit isslivance, film owner shalli causir; a coveriaint regarding real jpropert,v to be recorr, -Jed. Said cavenar--R shall) set forth the terms and c(.-)rta:-Jifions of this grar-A of appirovW and shall be of a form and cf,-.n utent satisfac,kxy V::) the DevO.:)Ipment Services M,ealoir. G5 "'F'he wner(s) shall waive any cbairns of liabifioy against the City and ii Dic,J emirkly, harmless and defend the City and City's eiq.Ao, ees regardir-io army romponerit of the Ciby's approval, by exec kiting an indlemri4 agreerneirit jrn siiL,ibstanfiaIlly the iformru as jprovidir.mid by the Deveflopmerit rAces Departirnent l::xiior to bluilding permit issuarwe and the Development Ser,Oces Director, or designee, is here-by aiuthorizeid to execute tlee sarne. G6 P pproval of this reqUest shall not warve cq,.-urnpiiance vvith any sectioins lot the Mijnicip.)ali Code and ali other al:::q.AicaIbIIe City regit.ilations in effect af the firne of Buiiding Pern.-M iss� mince unIess specrficalllly vvarvir-.,�id heirein. G8 Prior to iis&.Ang a final it -ispection on frarn,Jng ,film e aj::)p1ic,,,.;:m]1, slh-mlil piv�fiide a survey frorn a licermed surve, or or a reg�i�:,ftialred civil engineer nviarifyi;,,ig that the build4 ig 11--mighit is in .v compliarice vvi,11--u the approved f ::Plaris., 1 Ihe heighl[ cerfificatiorii/survey shall bir., sii,,ipliplIerneriteird vvith iredaummurld (8 ',/ . in. x 11 in.) copy of the site plan arid e,..,.,le,va!11Jo1n,,s depcting the exact 18...122 AIDIR OCTIC.")BEP, 22:1, 210,18 poirit(s) of certificatibir-i. The eing'6neeir/siuirveyioir slhiaH contact the 11'...'evelopirrierit Services Departirnenli to kieritify arid,finalize the exact to be certified prii or to conducUrig the survey. G "114 1 rash ariclosure(s) shall The clor"istructed of masonry w!0n an exteNor cornp,-:11111ble with ff--iat tth Ibuuiilftg( s), and sll'iall be p °)irovided with vi,r-.,,w-obstirucIJn,g solid metal gate,s as apl:xolved lby tl--ie authorized agency. Adea ::juate space for recycUl.::Ple rnaterials shaill The provided Ma--Iin the enck:::isiuire in accon.Jairice v4th Munu cipal Coide requirements. l he apl::p1licarit shalll review the desli gin f,.)f the trash eincl osure Mth tIl-iie service provider and receive approval prior to L.wi6irig peirmit issii,jance, G1 I All retaining and othe ir Il irpe stand l rig waft, feirices, and endosures shaHl be architech Prailly des IIgned in a manner sirnflair Lo, arad coins! terit wiflh, the l::Primar,V structures (ii::-,, g. stucco coated irnasorivy, sl::PR11:---f'ace block or sh..jrnl::) torn ), I hese ikerns shaH be approved by the Dw,�e�opiry--ierrt Services D,:Tartirrieinit prior to the issuarice of bu ifldui Dg and/...)ir grading permits., G12 AkIIII roof-rm,'.x.j iru led eq,::Iiaipirneint and appiurteriances, iinchjd4-ig air cornditi ern ers a:,'Iirid their associated vents, condufts arid cither irnechair-iical and electiricall equiprnei it, shall The arcV-Req,.;hjraHy integrateu:J, arid shal1l be sl--aie[ded frorn vii war and sr urid bii.iffered to the satis'lla,cfloin q,:4 0 ie Development Serlv6ces Del)artirnerft. 11�4o'k.'r All roottalp equipimiient sl-,iall be asssiurned visible unless dernonsilralted oRN.-n-wise to the satisfaction of Ithe Development Services E)epartrripnt, and adequate strt.ii1ir::,:ttjraIl r,ip po a haill be inicorpoirated finto biuHiii::116ng desiliCIn.. Rooftop vent l::PiIjpes sl-mH be q.:,.ornbinr:.Id beflow the roof, ainf,:::l shall ullilize decorative caps wherevisible fn�-)im any point. Grourid-moii inted rnechi,.-ir-iical and electrical equilirneir-itt shall also be!screerm(.:Jthrq.::)a,igh use of a wall, fence, laincIscapkig, berm, or comINniatiion thereof to 111 ie sat6 s1faction of the Develop irrierst erw ice Il epartmerit, AH extedor accessory stn ictures shall be desg ned to be q:oirnpafibIle wftlh the primary buHdirig's r:Mtedoir to fl"ie safisfacfioru of the Development Services Department. GI 3 Prior to any use of the project site jpu ..jrsu iiant tf.:) IlNs 1permiit, aill conditk:ms of approv"al conta4--ied herein sl-mH be i,:;oirnpleted or sect.uired the safisfactiori of ttlh IC1D evelopment Services Department, (1-14 The apipficant shaH pay development fees at tl'-iie establisIl"ied irate, Siucl"vlees irnay iiniclude, but iriot bH firnRed to: PeirirriR and II lIan Checkirig Fees, Water arnd Sewer Senfice Fees, Schqziol Discs, Traffic 11uAfiq,.Iation Fe�.:M, Rood (.�3'ointirol �NAitif.:Iatk")n Fees, Park Mitigation Fees, Z and If, it IMitt6 gation/Cost Rec,.':iveiry Fees. Arraingemerits to pay these fees sl-'iall be reade prior to Niffir.11fing perrnit issuairtce k::) the safisfact1ion of the Developirnent Ser-Oces Departments. "rl-'ie apIpficarit is advised to contact the Development Services Department regarding Park Mitigation Fees, Flood Control arid l raffic Fees, appIficat4e Sctiool Distihct(s) regar&--ii &:;,hoiN Fees, the Fire 13u;:ujpairlment iregardk--g l::Ire 1' IIfigafi0V"I/C0St Recovery IFees, arndtl ie applicaUe Utility Departments or DistrIicts regair6ing Water and/or Sewer Fees., G "l 6 Parking If h fights shall Ih ave a rnax rnurn l--16ght of 18 feel, the finished grade of the pairk ngst,girface,,�,',knd the Hight soiui%-',Ie sl-mill The directed avvayfroirru all l.::Property Hiries, adj ceint streets and residences. G1 IPaairlldrng lot layout s1haIN meet the standards of the Munidpal Co(:::le artid the Off Street. Park,ing Design Mar-mal. 18-122AI[,..')F4 OCTOBER 22, 2018 G18 M ccorda n with the provlsions of the Off �Street Parking Desigru Ma ruin al, all loarkJnag spaces (except handicual:::Pped spaf.:;es) shafll be deli neated Nay douWe line striping cionsisl1rig of 4 N nch %Mde paintecl white Hiries one to INvo feet �-.,tpairt, ai id all l:,.,)airkirg areas %Mth more than one row of parking spiaces sfmfl have clNredfionil--,fl sN gns or painted direcdonal arrows vuihere orie ay travel Ns iriecessary to guide traffic, all of vvtiN ch slh-ta-H Ibe iridicatedirl bu1NJiIm,) plarii,,� and found satisfw-'.Itory by the E)eveloprnent SerJces Department prior to final approvall of the project's WUng perirrflt. Af,:JIjw;ent, to thesNdes of the parking lot N,,,.: ndscape isNainds, staHs sti,Ml dog pro vided %Mth a 12-fth v6de concrete strup wJJacent to the N:,.4and's curb. ('321 Decorative use of neon or I E:D h.jbing ocor barniding, such as tubirig around mfiridows or or or bariding around fl- builidirg exterior, shall rIO'll be alllChNed uMess approved R-vrougf-1 subsequent dii::-'.IIsign ni.wiew perrnNt Arno dification(s), Temporary vAndow sigris are flrnN'Iled to 25% of window area vdtli Si'.AcNon 30.60.01600 Q11) Of 0118 WlnNcilpal Code. G122 All atifity connecfions shall be designied to coior&--iiate Mth Me arch Rectural elements of tl--ie site so as not to Nye exposed except where rieo".Iessary. Locations of pad r-nounted trarisformers, meter boxes, and other 0fity related iterns shaH be included inthe Me pull rn subrnftted MIllh the bii.ifldfirig permit Hpplicafion with an appropriate sf,:.,reenlirIg treat.ment. I ransforn--iers, terminal boxes, meter cabinets, pedestals, ducts aniii other facHWes may I be placed above gro�.jiruf.-J prir.widir-.,�d they are screeried with landscal::)ing. G24 Any iiovafl, fence or cornbinabiw theireof exceeding s feet Nri he�glht and fa'urn ar�y rieighboirui ig prope0y oar visR,)Ile,frorn the r.nibfic irNgl R-of way si-mll Nye subJectlo des�gn review JR91 SUant to Section 23.08.040.A.1 of the Encinftas Wniicipal Code. Where a minin"wrin Nio feet hr.-)rizointal offsiet is proMed, within which screenirig vegefatk.)n Ns provided to the satisfaction of the 11'.,)eve�oprnent SeMces Depar"Ilrnent, the fence/wall rinay not be. co� isidered one continum.,is stlru ctur lhor purpose of rneast.,iring and irnay be exempted from desigin rever ,ni provided none of 9-,ie offset fences or wafls exceed six feet in h6ght pursuant to SedJorr 23.08MO.B.I. G26 The use of 1: Hxpan6illld Polystyreirie (EII:::IS) 6sposable food seMce miare con taN rie rs shall be pro-0bited in accordanf.::;e with ('."'Ilhalpter 11.27 (Prolhibftiori on tl,,ue Use f.-A Polystyrene DsposaWe Foiod 13 )HrJce Vlare) of the Munic pall Cof,:Jk,:.,, LANDSCAPING L1 The project its subject to Chapter 23.,26 ir.)f the Wlnicipa. Code PNaier Efficient Landscape Prognarn), which requires a landscape ao' d iiMgafloirn plan lto be prepared by a State lk:;erised lland!s�,-.apics ,ilic:ssugi,ier., The reqiL,0reme� its for the pIlm Ds are fisted in Chapter 23.26. Tto e landscape and irrigatk-)n plans Nndluding the required signab ire block of the State licenser,J W-u:J!scape designer rnust be %,ibrnftted as part of fi--m b0ding permit appHcafionfor the project. D 1 f.:: '3, .:�`,. G1114 1-?E-"IVIE YV DR1 Pffly future modifications to tl-ie approlved l;::)roject will Nye rev Newed relati,ve torn the find"ungs for substainfial conformarace vvifi-i a desk-lri Ire,oewnwu l:,-)errnft conta nee in Sectiori 23.08.14(.) lialf the Muriicilp::Pal Code. Modfficu:,ifions beyond the soope descHbed ther61ri may reqt.flre subrnittW ir.)f an amendment toff-m desigiri review f.-)errn R. and approval by ffie atAthorized w3eirticy., ffl� PROJE"CTNUMBIE.:R: 18-122AD11-1. 4u.1)GT`081:..:.IR ;22, 2018 DR2 Side and rear Oevafioi�"ts and wirndow treatments shalt be trimr,ried and ardf--0eq,::fturafly kirecated so as to substantially run alch ''ft m front 0evations. I his treatimenlL sh be reffected in buildirig plans and sl �;aU be fount:1 satisfactory by the [)e,Mopment aria IC part.mierit pflor ft-) the issii.nancuill ir.:)f bt.jilding perr-Nts. DR3 Ail project grading shall corrforrn with the approved p-)Ians. If no grading is proposed oru the approved pk,.::kns, or sii,ibsequent gradin g 1:)W--u s are inconsistent imfith 11he graiding stiown oin thia, approved plans, a design review Ip ermil: for sucti the airied r. yr a g shialill be ot)k from '�. din! authorized agency offhe Gity prior to issit.jarice of giradirig or N.,iflding permits, SSIGIPIrs S )'-knysigns l.::)roposed for this development shaM be desigried and app'roved in con-libirr-naince wiflih Encinitas P0unlclpal Gr.ide wC hapter 30.150. B1 BUI11L.DIN(w ("."011'�,11131I 1115 .................................................. ................ (.�4,(L*ITAC lI I IME 13111:..:..�VlElt 1011:31MENT SO4VIGIES DE1::)/kR FU' IUIT RE1Gjk$1Dl11M(3 virn 11 TI IIE 1° ::�1101 LIDYVIP�,1111(3' GDIMIDITIION(S)w IB2 Tktu::� arq.::0icant shall subrnit a cornplete ,set of const.n.iction plans to the [)ev11�,,fopime,nt ,Services Delpai llrnerrt for buik-fing permit plar�dheck prfacessing. 'The subrNtital shall include a SoiIs/Geotechnlo,.-.fl Report, strud[ural ralcOations, and State Enei gy cornp' ance c.Jocurnentatk-M i (Tftk:u 24), Construction 1 aris ,w;hall includii=,, a site pWi, a foundation ptani, floor and roof frarruirig plans, floor p, :,4ari(s), sec don details, extedor elevations, and rn,.:1terials specifications. Submitted plans must show cornpliairice nMth tf--iie latest aidoph::-,,id editions c,4 the California Building Code (The Uniform Building Code witf-i Califon nia Arnein#.:::frnents, tf--ie California Mechanical, Electrical and IPUulnr bing Codes). Cornmerciall and Multi-re sideritial construction must also contain details and notes to show compliance 5,11ate disabled accessibility mandates. These comments are preliniinaryioMy. A cf,.-.)rnl::)re hen si,ve l;:,4aricf-iia;ck will be completed prior to permit issuance and additional techr-ka] code req.,6rernents rnay be identified and changes to the originally submitted plans may be u qLiire#.:::[, F1 FIRE CONDITIONS: CONTACT THE IFI11 RE DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONIDITION(S): F 10 OBSTRUCTION OF ROADWAYS DUMNG CONSTRUCT11ON: All roadways shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width during construction and maintained free and clear, including the parking of vehicles, in accordance with the California Fire Code and the Encinitas Fire Department. 11 oi 14 F::-'P:R0,..11:..:..CT 11"JUMBER, '18 122 ADR OCT"ORIER 22, 201 B necessary lby the Fire Marst-ml, sii ich as rear access doors, Ibuuull dirig cowners, and entrances to cornrnerciaII a-.Ientears. P:� "15 AU romATIC FU31E 11.3MRPIKLER SYS Ill MR. Strtxtures be protected by an automatic fire sprinkler systern df..,signed aruJ ir-'Istafled to the safisfaction of the Fire 11::)epartment. F20 FIRE ALAI:11M S"'(S'l EINA.- A CaHfornIla State Fire Marshal listed fire aIarrn systeirin is recliAref.J and stia1l be designed and ins'llaIlled per 1,,,IFPA 72, Cafiforriia Fire Code and EncIrIi'llas Fire Department requirements., F21 SOLAIR PI K)TOVOUI AIC IIINS Ill All J11 ATIONS (Solar Panels): Sollar Photovoltaic systerns shall be instal Iled per the Caflforrila Fire CofJe and Encinitas Film Depi,..,'urtrrient reqWrernents. E "i Eh11GI1P11EERIIh1G CONDi nQNS: ........... .................................................... . .... - CONTACPT I t 1'1E III VEOPMEIN r l:VI0E I:.. j : PAIRTM1EP1,1 r l:1EGARDINIG GIDIMPLIA11INICE WITH T1 IE F01 III OWING IN D$T110I,,II(!S): E2 Ali Cky Codes, regulafions, and Ipolll des in effect at the tirne of buildiriq )grading perii-nit issii unce shall apply. IE3 A11 draMrigs submitted for Eingilineenng perrnits are reqWired to refer me the 11AVID BIB daturri;tt'Ie l`JG'VD 29 dab irn wifli not Ibe accepted. E("M Gradfiri EG3 l"he Flu::: -,ve1ol:*r shiafl obtaIrn a r adIrig perimit prior to ttie comirneincemer'A of any dleav-4 ng a:-)r grai.:Arq of the site. E(34 Ttie gradk Ig for this jpr�::)ject qs defined lr hapter !324- of ffie 11:..:.:iricinitas Murlicipal Code. Gradirig shall The performed under the observation of a civH eng nieer whose re-sporisibility it shall be to coordinate sfte inspection arid testini F) tf,:, .) ensure cornpilance of the work wilf--i ttie apprf.-wed gradirig p1lw I, ° :.;ubniit ire quirwl reports to the Engineering SenAces Drecfour arld verify cornpliance with, Chal::fl[er 23.24 of t�he Enc nits Municipal Code. I 5 No grading shalf occiur oi.itside the 11mits of the project tiriless a letter of Ip errnissioirl is obtairied from the owineirs of the affected properfies. EG6 Separate grading p1laris shaIl be submitted arId approved and sepairate q adirIg r..'Perrnits lqsued for borrow or a::fisposal sites if located within the city firnits., EG8 A report (as M,::PpflcabIe) shall be prelpared by as qLbakl'ied engirleer licerisea by the State of California to perk.:::wrn spur h work. "'rhe report shall be sulbrni"...ed Mfiti-'l the first giraftg plan suit mi'lltal ani.:J shall be approved prior to issuance of any gradir-Dg, permft'Iff,:::n' the prf.:::uject., IEG9 Pirl or to hauHrq dirt or construction materWs to any pr(,-)jposed construcflon site withirl this project the deveIioper sul-)mit: to and receive ar.:njproval frown th I Eirigineering Seneices Directoirfor the proposed haU iroute. 1 he de',�mk.:,)per ,shaIl cornpIy with all conditions and PFRIDJECTINIUMBER 18-122ADR Oc'naE.30:4,22,1201 8 req ,,Orements the Erqineeflr�g Services Director in-'�,ay impose with regards tx::,i the operation. EG10 In aiccora.-.-Jan(.-"Iewi h Section 23,24.370 (A) of the Nk.inicip,W Co,Je,, no gradincU permftshaH be issu dfor work occn irringbehueen October I st of any, 'Y ear and April 15th of the foflovvirig yeEv, iHesps ttm pIans for v ich w(::)i,k iricWde details of : rf.-tecti,ve rrn eaSUres, in&16ng ,P .) des0fing basins or other ternporary drainage or control meaSUres, or :both, as m q be deerned nece,,,::.sa� 1:)y the iii eld inspector 'to priotef.;t ttiecK.-I (.- inir,ig pu: lk::� arid private proper�y 1.) b llroV'Ti dan"iage b, erosion, Hf,::)od: ing, �::)rthe depositk::)n of rinuf.-J or debris whirl may originate �v frorn the site or reSUIt frf,::)m SUch radinc operations, EG13 Owner sit -mll provide a precise gradfini p ain prior to aplprovia of Nsi:Ung perr-rift. (Nracfing &ii shaH provide design for drainage irnp rover ner-its, eric-.)sion oontriN, gin' orrrn water poflutiori control, and ori-site pavernent. E I Lka i na P Cc.) n ris ED,2A An n :.--nosion cordriN systerni shaH be designerJ aniJ inshalleiJ on,site during 0 construf.-,1k m acfivity,, I he Sqc:;I[em st 41 prevent disr ;,harge of: seu;Jiirnent and all r:Aher polli flants ontio adjw,;,ent stireets and into 'the ,storm dra n sya ::;tem. rl-,ie City of EnciriRas Best Manw:.,Jea'lent Prw:".Ifice Man ii iiu,rfl shy iH be employed to determ4--ne appropriate storm vva.'ter POki[tion contro� Practices &.,v-ing con,,�i'ltruicfion. I El'.�)3 A drainage system u:".Iapable of handfing am:J dispn::)sing of a;H SUrfaf.".1e water originating Ifflithir-I 'the projeu . :;t !site, and aH surface waters that rrva, How orito the proect sfte from adjFicte.�nt 'Y 2� lands, shaH be reqt*ed. E.3 aid drainage systienn shafl ln&idia aixvy easernentr,.; ar-odstruch.Ares requiredby the Engineering Services Ehrec,k::vto property handle the drainage, ED5 1 he owner st iall pay the im.Airrent loi::;M drairna3e area fee prk:::rr to issuance ir..).f the bll.JiUnig permit for this proieGt Or shaH cormtrixt rinainagesystien"is in conformancewiO the Master Drainage Plan and City (:::4 Encinitas Slandards as requiref,:J by the Engineering ServioF-.�s DirecR-)r. EID6 The owmer of the SUbject, propert/ shalt execn ile an h Vmrmlerss icoveniazirft regarding d14rvage acros's the,�adjacent property prk::,xIo appriovW of the any grw-fing or buik,:Jing pii„Dirrnft for this project. E,I..::1, 1 Street (;'O'iie ::midffiqns ES5 Prior R-) an, work be�rig perforrr�ed in ttie ptkk rigtff.�of va, , i,�� right �of-vvay c�.x-vstrudtk-)n 'Y 'Y permit shalI be obtairied fric-)rn the Engirieering 1:.:lervices DireCtOr and nrippropriatefll::u,es paid, in addiflon to any Dther permit :s required. EU1 twill fifies Ir.ond iii ltsirils ......................................................... EL)z$ All propos�.:.�,- utifties within the proJect shaH bi� �m.:AaHed ii.mider,EFOUnd: it -icU.Nni e rJsill' g � inii Lfflflties iriless exempt by the [Vlunlk:-I'i pal Code,, 13 of '14 PIRC)JEC T INUrr BIER: 1 B-1,22 ADR C.),CTIDIF31ER 22, 201 �B ES WI Stclirr --ri Watier IF'OlkitiOlf"I Ciontr,W Ciondlifioiirhs - ....... . ................................................... ES 'W5 Tf-iie pirojec;t rniust nneet storim wilater cluaifty and poHlutioin cioiritroll requirernients, 11 he app�kicaint st-ii ialH clesigii ii anid cloristiruct landscaple ancl/cw 'tuirf areas and m suire fi-iiiat aH flows firorn irnpeirvic:ws surfaces are chrecteld aciross H se areas fariloir tug discharging onto fli'iie surest. A Gradirig Plairi iid rrtalt' yii,ng aH landscape airleas desilgir-iiied for stiorirriwater r:ooUllutioll'.1 coirlltrol (SWRC) ainid Rest Mainagr.Wneiriit F::Iira1cfic1l-. s.1-mH ble subii"nlltted to thle City floir Eingirielehirig Ser-O ,s Department apl�:::uircwa[. A riote sl'mH Il cu, placeld on the p4ns hn6c radian g that the rnodffk.:;,afi,oii or reii'mcwW of the SWFIC fiar�iiifies withilotit a peirr-nit fron-i H i1e, Co t' is prohibited. ESWO, Stcn-ii--rii Water F::`0UIUfic:m Clor-irtrc:4 (SWRC) facHiflies sti,Wl �be de§iigined ainidaPproved �by tarn alt I Eirigiiineeii,-,, aii'-id selciured witl--i a pierfoii'-rriiar c: ond prior to t1"m issuarice c:4 a graiding permft fir tihis DISCI USUFIES Ti'iis n0ti,Cie coiriusfitutes a debisioin of ltlhie [Dlevellopiimerit Seer vicies Dq::)aftiimeo it, Dnl y fix tflie discretionary en,fiflement. Adiditim mll Y.')eirmiits, siulch ',is BUflidiirig aii icl r , dirn IPeirrrrnlit s, rnay be reqi.iired by Che E )evelopirnent t lr lb iDeprrna rtment oir otheir Glit 14 Ip, :mitrrnernt is, It is th le. p :xropieirty owirter"s anid appHicaint's Ir eSpOnsibiflty to obtain aH im-.-.0 cessary permits required f0ir 11"ie type of pro j c,^ct proplosed. : in alcoc)irdainice. With the PirloVi!§i1oris of Municip,W l SlecUon 1.120 the decisioirin lot U i1e. SierVices ID MII: : :, irtimeint Irnay ble app leOrd ieldtio fl-' e l CimincH 115 calleirlicjarrjmvq, of the date of fi--iiis idle [eirim ir-iiafilo n . The appea�l MUSt I:::)iV- fii�lied, accompainiled by a $3010 HNing fee, prior, to 5:010 prn on td t 5 h calendar riny foRowiru g tl-ie datedf ft-iis Nlofice of Declisiori. Arvyfflinig of l ap :°q::mai WHH1 suq:::ni'.',,r't1d tl-iiis aictilon as, weH as ain proces lion g of pill in r6liaii"ice 14cm.lireon s,ri acicordamce With Enchitas II` iunilcipW ' Seicfioirn 11 A Z 0210,(D),('I') untH siuicf-r fir'ine as am action is takein on 'the ap,lp,-maL If ulu to ie any quilestioiris Ir elgairdinig ths deteirimiiinafiiorun p[ ease coiriiuwt "'rood Merau, Associate Phii ineir, at 7 633 2718 loir by ernail at ; w coritiact the Dev,611opirnenl Sipn4ces Dippartmeint, 505 uti-ii Wlicari Avilm ile,, Encinitas, CA 19,210,24 at 760. - - II or Ib y emilail at SI1G Id's ATUI::IE::"::', 1i 4, of 1 �4