2017-04-13 CITY OF ENCINITAS ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING DATE: THURSDAY,APRIL13, 2017 5:30 P.M. 1.CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 5:31pm Meeting called to order atby Chairman Eldon. Present: Chairman John Eldon,Co-Chair James Wang,Leah Bissonette, Joy Lyndes, Neil Gerber and Christina Simokat. Absent:Amy Flicker Staff Representatives: Crystal Najera, Climate Action Plan Program Administratorand Chamomile Meadow, Assistant to the Clean Water Program 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Lead by Neil Gerber 3.PRESENTATIONS None. 4.ORAL COMMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC COMMENT None. 5.APPROVAL OF MARCH09, 2017MEETING MINUTES Approved 4-0(Lyndes/Wang) Commissioner Gerber abstaining as this is his first meeting as was not present last month. Commissioner Simokat had not arrived yet. 6.INFORMATION ITEMS A. Commissioner Orientation. City Clerk, Kathy Hollywood. B. Overview of Solar Project -Request for Proposals (RFP). Management Analyst, Bill Wilson *Request for Proposals emailed to entire Commission 1) Julia Chunn-Heer spoke on Item 6B recommending solar shades in the Encinitas Community Park due to lack of shade space for parties. *Commissioner Simokat arrived at approximately 5:47pm 7.ACTION ITEMS A. Climate Action Plan (CAP) Update. Program Administrator, Crystal Najera Recommended Action(s): 1.Receive Presentation 2.Provide Input on Draft CAP Goals, City Actions, and Supporting Measures CAP consultants from the Environmental Policy Initiatives Center and Ascent Environmental explainedthe term “legally binding” as it pertains Climate Action Plans. Page 1of 2 Printed on Recycled Paper Commission received presentationand provided input.Commissioner Lyndes recommended stating that we should re-state “Update and Implement.” *Commission Chair Eldon allowed a late Oral Communication(Item #4)from a student, Kim Anderson, from Cal State San Marcos who wished to present a petition requesting a ban on Single Use Plastic Straws. B. Appoint one Environmental Commissioner to serve on the 2017/18 City of Encinitas and Mizel Family Foundation Community Grant Evaluation Panel. Program Administrator, Crystal Najera. Recommended Action: 1.Appoint a Commissioner to the Grant Evaluation Panel. Commissioner Joy Lyndeswas appointed to the Mizel Family Foundation Community Grant Evaluation Panel. Approved 6-0 (Wang/Eldon) 8.COMMISSIONER INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS None. 9.UPDATE ON ITEMS OF INTEREST TO COMMISSION/ANNOUNCEMENTS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS/STAFF Commissioner Bissonette stated that the CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) Commissioner noted that up to 80% of the communities in California will be either direct accessor Community Choice Aggregationvery soon. Commissioner Wang asked for acommunity Choice Energy (CCE)Update and asked forhelp with the Commission’s Environmental Award Program. Commissioner Lyndes offered to assistas well as Commissioner Gerber. *Staff Member, Crystal Najera, gave a brief CCE update. The City Council CCE Subcommittee will deliver aproposal package for a CCE technical study to the other stakeholders/citiessoon. The proposal package will request that cities attain formal permission pursue the development of a joint CCE Technical Feasibility Studyby June 2017. Commissioner Simokat announceda Climate Action Plan Forum at Cal State San Marcoson th Wednesday, April 19from 2:30pm-4:00pm. 10.DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS Commissioner Bissonette would like an Engineering update on Beacon’s Beach Rehabilitation. Commissioner Simokat would like to discuss plastics and how to address single use items including straws and plastic utensils.Commissioner Wang agreed that an overall discussion on plastics would be a good idea. Commissioner Simokat would also like an update on Sea Level Rise and a status of the Beach Replenishment Project. 11.ADJOURNMENT 7:12pm Meeting adjourned at 6-0 (Wang/Bissonette) Page 2of 2 Printed on Recycled Paper