2016-10-18 (2) MINUTES OF THE ENCINITAS PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OCTOBER 18, 2016, 5:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE, ENCINITAS, CA 92024 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Gjata called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Brady, Gjata, Goad (arriving at 5:03 p.m.), Kohl, Long, and Mosca Absent: Commissioner Stewart Also Present: Parks and Recreation Director Campbell and Management Analyst Roff There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 4A. Exposure Skate Amelia Brodka with EXPOSURE Skate presented a video and provided details on the November 5 EXPOSURE Skate event at Encinitas Community Park. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS / POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF None 6. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Chair Gjata requested agenda items 9A, 9B and 11B be moved forward to follow agenda item 8A. ACTION COMMISSIONER LONG MOVED TO ADOPT THE OCTOBER 18, 2016 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WITH CHANGES, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER LONG, AND THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0. (COMMISSIONER STEWART WAS ABSENT.) 7. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Approve the September 27, 2016 special meeting minutes. Commissioner Kohl requested correction to the adjournment item. Chair Gjata adjourned the September 27 meeting at 8:20 p.m. ACTION COMMISSIONER KOHL MOVED APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES WITH CHANGES, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER LONG, AND THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0. (COMMISSINER STEWART WAS ABSENT.) 8. ACTION ITEMS 8A. Coastal Mobility and Livability Study Planner Anna Yentile provided a study update, a demonstration of PlaceSpeak, and requested Commissioners’ provide input on the study. Commissioners suggested additional community outreach through local community gathering places, a community wide statistically valid survey, and publishing study information through Town Council publications in an effort to engage a larger percentage of the public. Commissioners expressed concerns that the messaging of the study may not represent the scope of the study, that the CMLS Working Group representatives have not demonstrated extensive institutional knowledge of the City, and that the study may require additional time to create a successful plan. ACTION COMMISSIONER BRADY MOVED TO HAVE THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVES URGE THE WORKING GROUP TO SPEND THE NECESSARY TIME RQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT WITH AN EMPHASIS ON HAVING GROUP REPRESENATIVES BE BROUGHT UP TO SPEED ON THE ISSUES, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER GOAD, AND THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0. (COMMISSIONER STEWART WAS ABSENT.) 9. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 9A. Recreation Services Operations Report Director Campbell presented the report. 9B. Park and Beach Operations Report Director Campbell presented the report. 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADDED BY COMMISSION MEMBERS ACTION COMMISSIONER GOAD MOVED TO EXTEND THE MEETING UNTIL 7:20 P.M., SECOND BY COMMISSIONER KOHL, AND THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0. (COMMISSIONER STEWART WAS ABSENT.) 11B. Drones Discussion Director Campbell presented the report. ACTION ITEMS (Continued) 8B. FY 2016-17 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan Goal 2: Commissioners expressed interest in participating at the Parks and Recreation booth at the EXPOSURE Skate event. Commissioners Goad and Kohl participated in the CMLS Olivenhain workshop. Goal 3: Commissioner Kohl requested a presentation on local beach volleyball programs and Commissioner Mosca requested a presentation from the Community Resource Center. Goal 8: Commissioners requested to have input on the nominee process. Goal 10: Commissioner Brady noted the Commission would need to evaluate working with a non-profit versus a direct contract to the city. The Commission supports bringing back the paver sale program at Encinitas Community Park with the option of engraving the pavers in place. 10. COMMISSION MEMBER INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS None 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADDED BY COMMISSION MEMBERS 11A. Roberts Rules of Order Review ACTION COMMISSIONER GJATA MOVED TO TABLE THIS AGENDA ITEM TO BE HEARD AT THE NOVEMBER 15, 2016 MEETING, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER LONG, AND THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0. (COMMISSIONER STEWART WAS ABSENT .) 13. COMMISSION REPORTS th Commissioners Long and Mosca reported on the 30 Anniversary Celebrations and the Beans and Greens event. Commissioner Goad reported on County Park trends. Commissioner Brady reported attending the CMLS meeting at Flora Vista Elementary School. Commissioner Gjata reported on the CMLS workshops, Oktoberfest, Save the Ocean Beach Run and the La Paloma fundraiser. Commissioner Gjata will attend the CPRS D-12 November 12 Workshop. ADJOURNMENT Chair Gjata adjourned the meeting at 7:16 p.m.