1992-11-04MINUTES OF ENCINITAS CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED ~GULAR MEETING 'NOVEMBER 4, 1992, 7:00 P.M., 535 ENCINITAS BOULEVARD, SUITE 100 Meeting adjourned from October 28, 1992 Regular Council Meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL Mayor Wiegand called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. Present: Mayor Maura Wiegand, Council Members John Davis, Gail Hano, Anne Omsted, and Pamela Slater. Absent: Also Present: None City Manager Shafer, City Attorney Krauel, City Clerk Pool, Assistant City Manager Benson, Interim Public Works Director Nelson, Community Services Director Wigginton, Sheriff's Lieutenant Cole, Deputy City Clerk Cervone There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS / PROCLAMATIONS CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CAI.ENDAR Item 3 was removed by a member of the public; Item 6 was withdrawn by the applicant. Omsted moved, Slater seconded to Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: Wiegand; Nays: None. 1. adopt the amended Consent Davis, Hano, Omsted, Slater, Approval of Minutes: 10/27/92 Special Meeting. Person: City Clerk Pool. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes. Approval of 11/04/92 Warrants List. Contact Person: city Manaqer Benson. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve warrants list. Contact Assistant 11/04/92 Adj Council Mtg PAGE 1 Mtg#92-~0 ,Bk#6, Page 37/ 11/04/92 Adjourned Regular Meeting 4. Adoption of Resolution 92-82 Accepting Negative Declaration on East Cardiff Traffic Plan. Contact Person: City Engineer Holt. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Negative Decla)ation of the East Cardiff Traffic Management Plan and adopt Resolution 92-82. Se NOTE: Item #6 was withdrawn by the applicant prior to the meeting. ® Initial Consideration of an Appeal Regarding Grading Plan Rejection on Lots 20 and 21, Sienna Canyon Subdivision. Appellant, Jan and David Peters. Contact Person: City Enqineer Holt. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny the appeal. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR BY TI-IE PUBLIC e Approval of the Solid Waste Facility Fee Recommendations Proposed by SANDAG. Contact Person: City Manager sharer. B. Smith said t~e SANDAG report indicated that periodic fee increases for trash service could be 'expected in the future and asked if the City could anticipate continuing to receive revenue from the increases. city Manager Shafer explained that this facility fee was a result of negotiations with San Marcos for the landfill expansion. He said the County had already enacted the fee and this was a condition already imposed in the permit for the San Marcos landfill expansion. Davis moved, Omsted seconded to approve the solid waste facility fee recommended by SANDAG. Motion carried. Ayes: Davis, Omsted, Slater, Wiegand; Nays: Hano 11/04/92 Adj council Mtg PAGE 2 Mtg#92-~0,Bk#6, Page.~O 11/04/92 Adjourned Regular Meeting ORAL COMMUNICATIONS B. Smith commended the City Clerk's office for their efforts in making election central, on election night, a success. Wayne Holden presented pictures of an off-shore reef constructed in Florida in August which increased the beach by 120 feet in only two months time at a cost of approximately $600 per linear foot. He encouraged Council to consider this type of beach nourishment project for Encinitas' beaches. REGULAR AGENDA Consideration of Request from Esperanza Houslnq a-d Community Development Corporation for $75,000 Community Development Block Grant Funds for Pre-development Costs for Low Income Housing Project. Contact Person: Housing Coordinator Brown. Housing Coordinator Brown reported Esparanza was requesting $75,000 for preconstruction costs for a low income housing project. She said the request met the criteria for both the Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds and the City's objective which was to encourage and support the development of low and moderate income housing. Staff's recommendation was to approve the request from Esperanza Housing and Community Development Corporation for $75,000 which would decrease the City's CDBG Housing Development Fund to $137,243. Sarah Rosenfield spoke in support of Esparanza's request. Steve Feher, representing Esparanza Housing and Community Development Corporation, said they had acquired the property in August and had received tax credit which funded a large portion of the project. Luz Reader spoke in opposition to awarding Esparanza the requested $75,000. Council Member Slater asked why the architectural costs were so high. Steve Feher said the public review process added considerably to the costs. Omsted moved, Davis seconded to approve the request for $75,000. Motion carried. Ayes: Davis, Omsted, Wiegand; Nays: Hano, Slater. 11/04/92 Adj Council Mtg PAGE 3 Mtg#92-~0 ,Bk#6, Page. ~/ 11/04/92 Adjourned Regular Meeting Consideration of Proposals for Use of city-Owned Single Family Dwellinq at 915 Urania Avenue. Contact Person: Public Works Director Nelson. Public Works Director Nelson reviewed the various proposals stating anything other than a residential use would require public review through the CAB and Planning Commission. Michael VonNeumann, representing San Dieguito Boys and Girls Club, said they would like to use the site as a satellite facility to provide programs for children in that area. He proposed that they work with other service groups to rehabilitate the property. Judith Strang, representing Alliance for Drug Free Youth, said their organization would be interested in a co-venture with the Boys and Girls Club to use the property to provide childrens' programs. She said they had discussed the possibility with Capri Elementary PTA and they said their was a real need for this type of facility in their neighborhood. Denise Sanchez, representing Alliance for Drug Free Youth, said she had tried to contact neighbors of the property but wasn't able to talk to many or those adjacent to the property. She said their organization's intent was to enhance the neighborhood rather than impact it and that she would continue to make contact with the neighbors. Sally Cowen spoke in support of the Alliance's proposal and said it would be perfect a location for parents who don't have transportation to get children to other youth programs. Wayne Holden commended the service groups for coming forward with proposals to use the property. Sandra Gomez, from Green Valley Alternative, asked Council to support their proposal for low income housing. Sandy Pacizek presented a letter of support from the Green Valley Alternative organization. Robert Graham, representing Green Valley Alternative, explained his newly formed organization. He said he had worked with transients for several years and saw a great need in the City for low income housing. His organization would like to use the house as a low income single family home with the family to live there involved in the rehabilitation of the property. 11/04/92 Adj Council Mtg PAGE 4 Mtg#92-~~ ,Bk#6, Page3~~- 11/04/92 Adjourned Regular Meeting B. Smith suggested that the organizations that wanted to work together meet and present a specific budget proposal. He asked if the City would be responsible for relocation cost for the residents once the property was demolished for widening Leucadia Boulevard. Sara Rosenfield said the Community Resource Center proposed using the property for transitional housing and they could provide the staff to administer the program. She said transitional housing would be exempt from relocation costs. Bob Halliday, spoke in support of the Community Resource Center and volunteered his expertise in rehabilitation of the structure. Richard Houk, representing Encinitas Rotary Club, said both Encinitas and LaCosta Rotary felt it was a project that could be completed within the budget. He said the roof needed replacement but most of the rehabilitation would be paint and minor repairs. Bob Houk said that replacing the roof, cleaning and painting would be necessary regardless of the use and requested that the Rotary Clubs be allowed to begin before the rainy season. Omsted moved, Hano seconded to allow the Rotary to begin their work. Motion carried. Ayes: Davis, Hano, Omsted, Slater, Wiegand; Nays: None. Omsted moved, Hano seconded that all the groups which had proposed uses for the property meet to discuss a co-operative approach for use of the property that would be satisfactory to the neighbors, and report back within one month. Motion carried. Ayes: Davis, Hano, Omsted, Slater, Wiegand; Nays: None. Consideration of Rescheduling December 2 Council Meeting to December 1. Contact Person: Mayor Wiegand. Mayor Wiegand said the Coastal Community Commission Foundation Fund Raiser which several Council Members wanted to attend, was scheduled for December 2. Council consensus was to hold the meeting called for by the Municipal Code on December 1st to select the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and not hold a meeting on December 2. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR BY COUNCIL 11/04/92 Adj Council Mtg PAGE 5 Mtg#92-T0 ,Bk#6, Page.~ 11/04/92 Adjourned Regular Meeting CITY COUNCIL / CITY MANAGER REPORTS Information Items -- No discussion or action to be taken Mayor Wiegand declared the meeting adjourned at 8:48 P.M. ~ura Wiegand, ~or ' E. Jane Pool, City Clerk'/ By: Deborah Cervone, c~ Deputy city Clerk 11/04/92 Adj Council Mtg PAGE 6