1991-05-14 • RECREATION TRAILS SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES Meeting Date: May 14, 1991 1 . ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Chairperson McAndrews called the meeting to order at 4 :00 p.m. Present: Susan McAndrews, Bob Spellman, Lyn Spellman, Dan Shelley, Dick Hubbard, Mary Moser, Susanne Livingston, Mo Kindell, Sue Bobbitt, Hyiah Reder. Also Present: Mike Wells, Management Assistant, Jackie Dakovich, Administrative Secretary, Gerald Bode and August Anderson, Alternates Chairperson McAndrews opened the meeting to public input. Alternate Gerald Bode inquired as to his current status as an alternate. He was advised the item was agendized for the Parks and Recreation meeting tonight, May 14, at 7 : 00 p.m. , . and after a decision was reached, he would be advised. Gerald Bode also shared concerns regarding planned trails on his property, as well as those in the immediate area, and the loss of privacy in the backyards along the trails . He further noted that there are many neighbors in his area who are opposed to trails and suggested the Subcommittee contact these people and communicate the plans and goals for trails in the area. He also suggested an information packet be put together to answer questions regarding trail placements, liabilities, etc. There was continued discussion between Gerald Bode and members of the Trails Subcommittee regarding _ how to improve communications between property owners in Olivenhain and the Subcommittee. 2 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 9 , 1991 Bob Spellman moved, Mo Kindell seconded to approve minutes as submitted.. Motion carried. 10-0 . 3 . PRESENTATION BY JOAN STEFFAN: POWAY TRAIL SYSTEM Bob Spellman made a presentation on the Poway Trail System, • with pictures and several maps . He noted that Joan Steffan was unable to attend meeting today, but would be available at another time. 46, . Bob Spellman gave a brief report on the Mt. Israel tour. He noted two members of the Park and Recreation Commission attended, however, no Olivenhain CAB or City Council members responded to the invitation. 4. DISCUSSION OF GOALS AND PRIORITIES The Subcommittee discussed the importance of mapping trails for public information and viewing. There was a consensus of feeling that publicity and public education are both high priorities. A suggestion was also made to hold public general trail education meetings to aid the community's understanding of what has been accomplished and what the Subcommittee's goals are for the City and surrounding areas in the future. S. PROJECT REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6. SUBCOMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS A. Crystal Ridge (Sue Bobbitt, Susanne Livingston, and Hyiah Reder going door to door) ; B. Mapping of Lone Jack Road (Jeff Daniels, Mo Kindell and Susan McAndrews) ; • C. Recreation trails 30 minute presentation (Mary Moser, Sue Bobbitt, Bob Spellman and Dick Hubbard) ; D. Publicity for Recreation Trails activities, meetings, etc. (Dick Hubbard) . 7 . COMMITTEE CORNER (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) Bob Spellman and Dick Hubbard attended the last City Council meeting to encourage support for recreation trails. They were disappointed to learn that funding for a trails consultant had no Council or staff support due to budget constraints. The Subcommittee discussed the status of Trails Subcommittee alternates, agendized for the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting tonight. The Subcommittee discussed the upcoming Trail Tour, May 23, 1991 and the need for help with presentations at the various stops. Mike Wells recommended the book "Greenways for America", written by Charles E. Little, to the Trails Subcommittee. 8. ADJOURN14ENT • Meeting adjourned 6: 05 p.m. The next meeting will be held June 4, 1991.