1991-05-15 (4) MINUTES OF ENCIN1TAS CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MAY 15, 1991, 7:30 P.M., 535 ENCINITAS BOULEVARD, SUITE I00 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL Mayor Hano called the meeting to order at 7:42 P.M. Present: Mayor Gail Hano, Council Members John Davis, Anne Omsted, Pamela Slater, and Maura Wiegand. Absent: None Also Present: City Manager Shafer, Assistant City Attorney Francesca Krauel, City Clerk Pool, Interim Public Works Director Nelson, Assistant City Manager Benson, Community Development Director Murphy, Community Services Director Wigginton, Fire Chief LaMarsh, Sheriff's Captain Apostolos, Deputy City Clerk Cervone There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS / PROCLAMATIONS 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None The following agenda item was taken out of order and heard at this time. 7. ITEMS FOR INITIAL REVIEW ao Review of Proposal Submitted by Solana Recyclers and Tellus Institute for a Compostinq Pilot Proqram. Contact Person: Manaqement Analyst Hoefqen. Management Analyst Hoefgen asked Council to review the composting proposal submitted by Solana Recyclers and authorize submitting a letter to San Diego County supporting the grant of assistance monies for Phases I and II of the proposed project. Brooke Nash, from Solana Recyclers, said they were proposing a pilot program which would recycle food and yard waste into compost. She said the initial steps would be to conduct a site assessment, a technology assessment, begin the permitting process, and identify 05/15/91 Study Session Page 1 MTG#91-~ ,BK#5, PAGE/45 05/15/91 Study Session the food waste patrons. She said the program would run up to two years and hopefully would expand to encompass the entire North County. She introduced Bruce Fulford, technical consultant from Tellus Institute, who presented a slide show illustrating other composting programs throughout the country and stated the pilot program site would require no more than 1/2 acre. B. Smith said he agreed with the concept but asked who would run the pilot program. He asked how many programs existed in Southern California. He was told Solana Recyclers would coordinate the program. Council consensus was to enthusiastically endorse a pilot composting program and submission of a letter to San Diego County supporting the grant of assistance monies for Phases I and II of the project. 5. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS A. Discussion of Proposed Ordinances: 1) Prohibitinq Discharge of Firearms within City. Sheriff's Captain Apostolos said that currently, City ordinances did not address discharging of firearms. He proposed prohibition of discharging any weapon that would shoot projectiles within the city limits. B. Smith asked how it would be determined whether it was a firearm, firecracker, or back-fire of a car and how the enforcement would be accomplished. Council consensus was to direct Staff to bring back an ordinance for introduction prohibiting discharge of firearms as proposed by Captain Apostolos. 2) Regulatinq Skateboardinq Activity. Captain Apostolos suggested prohibiting coasters, roller skates, skateboards in'the business districts. He said the intent was to encourage appropriate use of the sidewalks in business centers. He said most complaints involving skateboarding stemmed from disturbances, noise and rowdy behavior. He said it was difficult to cite skateboarders causing a disturbance since business owners were hesitant to sign a complaint against them. If an ordinance were adopted, skateboarders could be cited if seen by a Sheriff rather than by complaint only. It was his recommendation to direct Staff to draft an ordinance prohibiting skateboards within business districts; and prohibiting riding in such a manner as to interfere with or prevent lawful use of sidewalks by pedestrians. 05/15/91 Study session Page 2 MTG#91~0 ,BE#5, PAGE ~ 05/15/91 Study Session Dan Dalager spoke in opposition to the ordinance stating a small percentage of skateboarders create a nuisance and that his son needed his skateboard to commute to work each day. Cindi Fargo, from DEMA, said there was not a consensus among the downtown business owners regardingbanning skateboarding. She said if prohibited, she hoped there would be a designated place for children to skateboard. John Reed said he worked at Scripps Hospital and had not seen any injuries resulting from skateboarding. He said the ordinance discriminated against young people and if banned, an alternative place should be given to skateboarding. Betty Johnson said the new Board of Realtors building on Second Street was a favorite hangout for skateboarders. She said the few times they were asked to leave, vandalism had occurred after business hours. B. Smith suggested, a Task Force be formed to determine areas where skateboarding would be prohibited and an alternative place to skate. Council Member Davis said programs should be developed for skateboarders through schools and the YMCA to educate young people on how to conduct themselves on skateboards. Captain Apostolos suggested that those businesses which wanted skateboarding prohibited could post the ordinance and then the Sheriffs could enforce the ordinance. Council consensus was to concur with Captain Apostolos' suggestion which would prohibit skateboarding at those businesses that post the ordinance. Staff was directed to bring back a draft ordinance addressing the possible ramifications, and in addition, a report with suggestions as to ways in which an education program could be developed. 3) Anti-qraffiti. Captain Apostolos reviewed the proposed anti-graffiti ordinance. He reviewed excerpts from ordinances from several other cities. It was Staff's recommendation to direct the Sheriff's Department and the Graffiti Removal Committee to review appropriate language to address concerns and the possibility of cost recovery from those property owners who fail to comply with direction to remove graffiti. 05/15/91 Study Session Page 3 MTG#91-30 ,BK#5, PAGE /~ 05/15/91 Study Session B. Smith spoke in support of an anti-graffiti ordinance. He asked who now removes graffiti from stop signs and bus stops. He suggested the Neighborhood Watch program include a graffiti watch. Council consensus was to concur with the proposed ordinance. B. Report and Discussion of Condominium Conversion Process to Preserve the City's Affordable Housing Stock. Contact Person: Community Development Director Murphy Planning Aide Ruiz said the City's Housing Element Policy 1.5 stated "If a diminishing inventory of rental housing creates an imbalance, the City should make every effort to preserve the existing stock of quality rental housing by discouraging apartment conversion to condominiums." He said he had surveyed other cities in the County and coastal cities throughout California for their condominium conversion policies to examine how they addressed the issue of condominium conversion. Those results were contained in the Staff Report. Council consensus was to send the report to the Planning Commission for their review. Mayor Hano recessed the Study Session a 9:15 P.M. to continue the Joint Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting. Mayor Hano reconvened the Study Session at 9:35 P.M. 6. REVIEW OF ITEMS PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED A. Review of Street Tree Maintenance Program. Contact Person: Management Analyst Schillinger. Stuart Schillinger reported that Council had previously adopted the highest level of tree maintenance; the 1-3-6 cycle. The annual cost for this program was approximately $500,000. However, if the maintenance were deferred, it could cost approximately $750,000. He said one alternative to lower the cost, would be to divide the City into areas and one area would be trimmed each year, rather than trimming by species. Staff's recommendation for Fiscal Year 1991-92 was: 05/15/91 Study Session Page 4 MTG#91~0 ,BK#5, PAGE /~$ 05/15/91 Study Session A. 1) Acknowledge that the 1-3-6 trimming cycle is not within fiscal capacity, and desired service approach is modified to "Trim Areas" approach. 2) Direct that any available excess Gas Tax subventions be considered, during review of Financial Plan, to reduce past years' deferred tree trimming needs and, B. For Fiscal Year 1992-93 and Beyond: 1) Review a revised program to divide City into areas for area trim cycles. 2) Direct Staff to prepare necessary documents to fund street tree trimming through Encinitas Lighting and Landscape District. He said if additional revenue was not realized for FY 1991-92, the preliminary revenue and expenditure projections indicated the City could only allocate $30,000 from Gas Tax revenues which would basically fund emergency tree trimming responses only. Betty Knutson urged Council to retain TOT funds for tree trimming in Cardiff. B. Smith spoke in opposition to funding tree trimming through the Encinitas Lighting and Landscaping District. Council consensus was to concur with Staff's recommendations except funding tree trimming through the Encinitas Lighting and Landscape District. B. Discussion of Earthquake Awareness and Preparedness. Contact Person: Fire Chief La Marsh. Fire Chief LaMarsh said the Fire District had been focusing most of their attention on education programs for schools, and producing pamphlets for the public. Council consensus was for Staff to prepare a more comprehensive plan of how the City would function in the event of a disaster. Council emphasized the importance of taking the necessary precautions listed on 6B-4 of the Staff report; specifically to stabilize office equipment and furniture. Report on Status of Commuter Rail Facility. Contact Person: Advanced Planner Jones. (NOTE: Status ReDort Only and No Public Testimony Taken) Senior Planner Jones reported that North County Transit District recently announced the commuter rail development schedule had been delayed due to stalled negotiations with the Santa Fe Railway. He said the rail was to have been operational by December of 1992. No new operational date had yet been established. The extra time should be useful for redesign of the Encinitas Transit Station. Processing the Transit Station would continue. 05/15/91 Study Session Page 5 MTG#91-S0 ,BK#5, PAGE/~ 05/15/91 Study Session Council Member Slater reported, as the Council's NCTD representative, that the City did not plan to relocate the ~bus transfer station until the commuter rail station was developed. Council directed Staff to arrange for them to see a video illustrating bus transfer stations located in other cities. 8. CITY COUNCIL / CITY MANAGER REPORTS Information Items -- No discussion or action to be taken 9. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hano declared the meeting adjourned at 10:13 P.M. Gai~ Hano, Mayor E. Jane Pool, Ci~cy Clerk By: Deborah Cervone Deputy City Clerk 05/15/91 Study Session Page 6