2015-06-04MINUTES OF THE ENCINITAS PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 4, 2015, 6:00 P.M., 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE 1. CALL TO ORDER AT 6:02PM 2. ROLL CALL Present: Acting -Chair Glenn O'Grady, and Planning Commissioners Tony Brandenburg and Ruben Flores Absent: Greg Drakos Also present: Planning & Building Deputy Director Manjeet Ranu, City Attorney Representative Gregory Lusitana, Commission Clerk Deana Gay, Senior Planner Roy Sapa'u, Deputy Fire Marshal Kerri Berberet, Marine Safety Captain Larry Giles, Associate Civil Engineer Jesse Owens 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS / POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF 5. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA 6. CONSENT CALENDAR 6A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES for the Regular Planning Commission meeting of May 21, 2015. STAFF CONTACT: Deana Gay, Planning Commission Clerk (6:02PM) On MOTION by Flores, SECONDED by Brandenburg, the CONSENT CALENDAR was APPROVED. VOTE: 3 -0 AYES: Brandenburg, Flores, O'Grady NOES: None ABSENT: Drakos 7. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR 8. REGULAR AGENDA 8A. CASE NUMBER: 14 -243 MUP /DR /CDP APPLICANT: California State Department of Parks and Recreation LOCATION: 2050 & 2320 S. Coast Highway 101 (APN: 261- 020 -11) ZONING /OVERLAY: The subject property is located in the Ecological Resource /Open Space /Parks (ER /OS /PK) zone, Coastal Bluff Overlay Zone and within the California Coastal Commission Appeal Jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone. DESCRIPTION: A request for a Major Use Permit, Design Review Permit and Coastal Development Permit for the construction of a new lifeguard tower and a support building to replace the original lifeguard tower destroyed due to a bluff failure. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and adopted by the California State Department of Parks and Recreation as the lead agency. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Case No. 14 -243 MUP /DR /CDP based upon the findings and conditions contained in the attached draft Resolution of Approval STAFF CONTACT: Roy Sapa'u, Senior Planner (6:04PM) DISCLOSURES (6:05PM) STAFF REPORT PRESENTED BY SENIOR PLANNER ROY SAPA'U (6:15PM) COMMISSIONER DISCUSSION /QUESTIONS (6:16PM) PUBLIC HEARING OPENED Speakers: Suzy Lahitte Justin McHenry Robin Greene Bill Wisener Bob Sandison John Hamilton M Dena Gillespie Susan Hays (6:49PM) PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED (6:49PM) COMMISSIONER DISCUSSION /QUESTIONS (6:53PM) On MOTION by Brandenburg, SECONDED by Flores, CASE #14 -243 MUP /DR /CDP was APPROVED with revised conditions of approval per Memorandum dated June 3, 2015 provided to the Commission at the meeting by staff. VOTE: 3 -0 AYES: Brandenburg, Flores, O'Grady NOES: None ABSENT: Drakos 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADDED BY PLANNING COMMISSIONERS 10. PLANNING COMMISSION AND DEPUTY DIRECTOR REPORTS • Next regular meeting is 16 July • Joint study session 8 July 5 p.m. for At Home in Encinitas: Approach to the preparation of zoning standards and design guidelines for future housing and related public outreach • Two applicants for vacant Old Encinitas Commission seat; Council will consider an appointment on 10 June • Bylaws and Annual Report Committee will meet soon • Status of two recent appeals before Council: LeDuc on Saxony and Orpheus map Open items for follow up • Explore how remainder parcels can be regulated • Allowed under state law • Ultimately may be sold and developed • For new remainder parcels, Encinitas ensures that zoning standards are met • Commission asks staff to return with a brief comparison of the differences in density regulations with four or fewer versus more than four lots and potential options for closing the mid -range density "loophole" • Security protocols for Commission meetings 11. ADJOURNMENT Acting Chair Glenn O'Grady adjourned the meeting to the regular meeting of July 16, 2015 at 7:08PM.