1987-08-17 (3)MINUTES OF STUDY SESSION OF ENCINITAS CITY COUNCIL, AUGUST 17, 1987, 7:00 P.M., 535 ENCINITAS BOULEVARD, SUITE 100 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL Mayor Gaines Called the meeting to order at 7:16 P.M. Present: Mayor Marjorie Gaines, Council Members Greg Luke, Anne Omsted, Richard Shea, Gerald Steel. Absent: None Also City Manager Shafer, City Clerk Pool, City Attorney Present: Francesca Krauel, Community Development Director Murphy, Public Works Director August, Community Services Director Wigginton, Administrative Services Director Benson, Senior office Specialist Cervone. There being a quorum, the meeting was in order. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 6. REVIEW OF ITEMS PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED Review of Proposed Work Proqram and Capital Improvements Proqram. City Manager Shafer stated that, upon Council's request, Staff had prepared a proposed work program and Capital improvements program. This program was divided into two separate elements; (1) Work Measurements which would be used as an instrument to measure workload by which all programs would be evaluated; and (2) Work Projects, which would list significant programs that the Council had identified and enable tracking of the progress. Member Luke stated he would like to see the proposed projects divided into two categories; internal projects and external projects. Dave Wigginton, Community Services Director, gave a slide presentation on the proposed park projects that were identified as needing attention. These included refurbishing existing parks and developing additional park and recreation areas. Bill Dean, Representing SCHEP (Service Clubs Helping Encinitas Parks), which include organizations such as Encinitas Rotary 8/17/87 Page 1 Mtg. No 87-29 Bk 1 Page~ CC Minutes ~/17/87 Club, Encinitas/LaCosta Club, San Dieguito Optimist Club and Kiwanis Club, expressed a need for upgrading the City parks and presented a Master Plan for a combination softball/soccer sports field. He offered SCHEP's assistance in the labor necessary to make this park a reality. Ralph Stone explained further the softball/soccer sports field proposed by SCHEP. He stated that the current recreational fields were badly in need of repair and this proposed park would meet the needs of the youth and adult sports activities at present. Liz Schmidt, representing Encinitas Soccer Club and San Dieguito Youth Soccer League, stated that there are over 5,000 soccer players in this league. There are approximately 175 games every Saturday, and in the past 12 years, only one soccer field had been added. She expressed the need for additional sports fields. Stephen Lebherz asked Council to make this proposed recreational field a priority. Rudy Zovora, representing Encinitas Optimists Club, offered their assistance in facilitating the development of the proposed sports field. Robin McMullan, representing San Dieguito Bobby Sox, stated this park was badly needed and encouraged Council to approve development. Lou Aspell, President of Encinitas Little League, stated that more than 1,000 children were involved in Little League in the Encinitas area and many more were anticipated in the future. She also requested Council to approve the development of the proposed sports field. Mr. B. Smith suggested that activities for senior citizens be included in the Park development plan. Mayor Gaines stated she would like to see a phase-in of the desired facilities such as bleachers, etc. Member Luke stated he would support monies spent in land acquisition for additional parks and recreation facilities for the future. Member Shea said that the proposed budget for this development did not take into consideration the SCHEP organization's offer for volunteering to help with labor, grading, etc. This could reduce the cost. Council asked Staff if the Capital Improvement budget included street maintenance. City Manager Shafer stated that there was additional money set aside for roads funded by SB300, Gas tax and CDBG. In addition, there was $1,600,000 earmarked for Capital Improvement in the General Fund. 8/17/87 Page 2 Mtg. No 87-29 Bk 1 Page.~ CC Minutes 8/17/87 Administrative Services Director Benson provided staff with an overhead spread-sheet depicting projected total costs for each project. Mayor Gaines suggested that the city not fund drainage improvements along Vulcan until the plans for the Highway 101 corridor are formalized. Council was asked by Staff to prioritize these projects in terms of desirability and which projects merit immediate action. In addition, Member Steel stated he would like the opportunity to add any other desired project to the list. 5. PRESENTATIONS / REPORTS ae Sign Committee Status Report on Enforcement of Off-premise Signs City Manager Shafer stated that the Sign committee had noted several instances of sign ordinance non-compliance in the hope that the City would hire additional Code Enforcement Officers. Mayor Gaines requested that this issue be put on a future agenda. Shea moved, Steel seconded to extend the meeting until 11:00 P.M. Motion carried. Ayes: Gaines, Steel, Shea, Luke; Nays: Omsted. B. Report and Discussion of Sister City Presentations Jim Curl gave a brief update on the sister City Program with the Japanese city of Hondo. A citizen's committee had been organized to initiate this program. Members included Lloyd O'Connell, Betty Knutson, Jo Moran, David Wigginton, Judy Cunningham and Jim Curl. Mr. Curl had prepared a draft letter for Mayor Gaines' signature, to be included in a package that would be sent to the City of Hondo. The package included a slide presentation accompanied by a script and a history narrative about Encinitas. Additionally, he requested Council to submit any pictures that would be of interest to the Japanese City. Member Steel asked that the city receive copies translated into Japanese of correspondence sent to Hondo. 7. ITEMS FOR INITIAL REVIEW A. Discussion of Possible Increase in Size of Public Notice Advertisements per Council Member Steel's Sugqestion. A request had been made by Council Member Steel to modify the style and format of Public Notices to make them more noticeable and understandable in the newspaper. Staff was asked to modify the CAB notices particularly to accomplish these ends. 8/17/87 Page 3 Mtg. No 87-29 Bk 1 Page~ CC Minutes 8/17/87 B. Discussion of Possible Council Meetinqs Schedule Chanqe. City Manager Shafer proposed that the City Council Meetings be held on the second, third and fourth Wednesdays at 7:00 P.M., with the agenda materials available on the Fridays prior to meetings. This would allow time for more citizen input, Council questions and newspaper comments. There was general agreement to the proposed changes. Staff was directed to prepare the necessary ordinance and work with the special Districts to change their meeting dates accordingly. C. Discussion of Flood Insurance Proqram Member Luke informed Council that the Flood Insurance Program also protected the coastal bluff area. He stated that by incorporating the Flood Insurance Program, it would enable homeowners along the bluff to get less expensive homeowners insurance. 8. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Gaines declared the meeting adjourned at 11:24 P.M. Gaines,- ayor E.~Ja , City Clerk By: Deborah Cervone, Senior office Specialist 8/17/87 Page 4 Mtg. No 87-29 Bk 1 Page~-~