2011-026 Opposing Senate Bill 468RESOLUTION 2011-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ENCINITAS CALIFORNIA OPPOSING SENATE BILL 468 WHEREAS, It has been more than 40 years since substantial improvements have been made along the Encinitas portion of the I-5 North Coast Corridor, and WHEREAS, The I-5 North Coast Corridor Project represents up to a $4.5 billion investment in the region and would create thousands of jobs over the next decade, and WHEREAS, Improvements along the I-5 North Coast Corridor are part of a balanced regional transportation plan which includes rail, transit, highway, community and environmental improvements, and was developed to address funding constraints, projected demand, and maximizes environmental opportunities, and WHEREAS, Sequencing as proposed in Senate Bill 468 causes unnecessary delays in construction timelines for many projects, and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 468 would have wide-reaching, detrimental impacts on transportation projects throughout the state, such as the I-5 North Coast Corridor project, and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 468 would delay the construction of four carpool lanes to relieve congestion along the I-5 North Coast Corridor, incentivize car-pooling, van-pooling, and transit use, and WHEREAS, Without improvements, the current commute time of 38 minutes along the I- 5 North Coast Corridor would double from 38 minutes to 70 minutes by 2030, and WHEREAS, the single most rational way to reduce the scourge of cut-through commuter traffic in Encinitas is to improve the I-5, and without those improvements Encinitas' arterial and collector roads will suffer continued deterioration of levels of service from people avoiding the gridlocked freeway, and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 468 would jeopardize hundreds of millions of dollars for transit, community, and environmental enhancements along the I-5 North Coast Corridor, and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 468 threatens the region's ability to secure federal funding for highway and transportation projects, and WHEREAS, Senate 468 would prevent the I-5 North Coast Corridor project from moving forward after nearly ten years of work and nearly $50 million dollars of preliminary study, design and engineering. NOW, THEREFORE, by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Encinitas, be it RESOLVED: That the Encinitas City Council hereby urge all members of the California State Legislature, as well as the Governor of the great state of California, to oppose Senate Bill 468, which would impose additional, unnecessary requirements on capacity-increasing highway projects in the coastal zone and prevent efforts to provide balanced transportation choices, reduce traffic congestion and implement the federally mandated Regional Transportation Plan. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 27th day of April, 2011 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Bond, Gaspar, Stocks NAYS: Barth, Houlihan ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None r~ City of Encinitas ATTEST: Deborah Cervone City Clerk