2011-04-21 MemorandumDeana Gay From: Roy Sapau Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 3:06 PM To: John Carlson Cc: Deana Gay Subject: RE: Do not approve the amendments proposed by the developers John, Thank you for your comments. Deana, please forward to the Planning Commissioners. Thanks, Roy Sapa'u Senior Planner City of Encinitas 505 S. Vulcan Avenue Encinitas, CA 92024 P: 760.633.2734 F: 760.633.2818 www.cityofencinitas.org -----Original Message----- From: John Carlson [mailto:jcmadeintheshade@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:07 PM To: Roy Sapau Subject: Do not approve the amendments proposed by the developers Please do not allow the developers to go back on their promises to supply the housing they contracted with our city when they got their permits to supply the housing in question. Make them stick to their contracts to supply said housing in the developments they originally were permitted for. Stop the concentration of dumping these in one location. These should be distributed throughout our community as promised when they were permitted. Don't sell out our community to monied interests. So much stuff has been allowed without caring about the citizens that are most affected by your actions [burying toxic dirt below inspection levels is not an answer] in our community. You are selling out our people's best interests to developers attempts to get around their commitments they agreed to when their proposals were accepted. Its just another example of whoring to powerful builders against the wishes and their own contracts with your department. They were granted their permits on the basis of these promises and should not be able to deviate from those original requirements. A lot of STUFF seems to be hitting the proverbial fan you have a chance to prove you and your cohorts are not in the pocket of these interests. Do the right thing now. Reject these amendments. This will not be swept under the rug. Those responsible will have a lot to PUBLICLY answer for. If you want the stain of your associations with them it will be on your head and your personal reputations. Do the right thing now. Stop the developers proposed amendments now. This is our future and yours at stake. Page 1 of 1 Deana Gay From: Dan Murray [murray2112@aol.com] Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2011 5:46 PM To: Deana Gay Subject: Low Income Housing Dear Planning Commissioners, It is my understanding that Leucadia has a higher percentage of low income housing than other communities in Encinitas. If this is the case, then I have some concern regarding the proposed development of new low income housing in our community. I have been impressed and excited with many of the developments throughout Encinitas over the years. Unfortunately, in Leucadia where my family lives and participates daily, we seem to be getting the short end of the stick. It doesn't take a genius to see the difference in money spent throughout the communities of Encinitas as compared to the "patchwork" done in Leucadia. I love our community and am not looking for big fast changes, but approving more low income housing in Leucadia is not my idea of a good start. Please consider the effect that the proposed housing will have on Leucadia as we are trying to make progress as a community within Encinitas. THERE ARE OTHER OPTIONS AS LOCATIONS FOR LOW INCOME HOUSING IN THE CITY OF ENCINITAS. Please forward this to others involved. Thank you. Dan Murray Leucadian 4/18/2011 Deana Gay From: John Carlson gcmadeintheshade@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2011 3:51 PM To: Deana Gay Subject: Stop dumping your low income housing in Leucadia Come on Make the developers live up to their commitments to supply low income housing according to their original promises in the areas they originally were required to according to their contracts with the city. Stop dumping them all in one location in Leucadia. Step up for our community and stop whoring for the developers. Stand for your fellow citizens and not for the monied interests that are buying you off. There has to be dues to be paid whether its now or later you will be held accountable. 1 Page 1 of 1 Deana Gay From: Tom Frank [trfrank@cox.net] Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2011 1:13 PM To: Deana Gay Cc: 'Peter Curry; 'morgan mallory; falconsbodyboards.hop@gmail.com; Ieucadia101 @sbcglobal.net; cmarvinesq@cox.net; elenathompson@cox.net; fredson101@aol.com; coastarchitects@cox.net; hh@hh4law.com; surferlabor@gmail.com; kevin@primicon.com; kmsdds@yahoo.com; matthew@aztecappliance.com; patriciabel18@gmail.com; pecke3@eckeranch.com; pnorby@sbcglobal.net; steve@shacarchitecture.com; william@morrisonworkshop.com; 'Kathleen Mc Millen Lees'; 'KMC'; 'Rachelle Collier'; 'Max and Julia Moore; 'John Wigmore'; Susie & Dan Murray; 'dan gill; John S. Lavery; wsmb@cox.net; Sherri Howard; 'Christina Frank; craig@angellift.com; Tony Kranz; 'waiter shaffer'; Karen Svet; Diane Langager Subject: Please foward this message to all Planning Commisioners, and include as public comment for the April 21st Planning Commisioners meeting- Cases 11-08RA, 11-009RA, 11-47RA, and 11-49RA Dear Planning Commissioners, PLEASE DON'T MAKE LEUCADIA A DUMPING GROUND FOR ALL THE CITY'S LOW INCOME HOUSING! This email serves as a protest and to voice a strong recommendation not to approve staff recommendation and allow the conditions of the developments to dump all their low income housing at the Vulcan Townhomes or any other site in Leucadia. See reference staff report at http://archive.ci.encinitas.ca.us/,WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=675882&dbid=0 . Leucadia already has a higher percentage portion of low income housing than the other communities in Encinitas. The low income housing should remain where the density bonus law intended, with the proposed new development. The law was not intended to maximize profits for the developer and encourage blight in another locations. If the developer want to cluster their low housing in one location, I suggest they propose a location outside of Leucadia. Please vote NO to Staff's recommendation on these cases. Their current recommendation is good for the developer and bad for Leucadia. It's that simple. Tom Frank Leucadian 4/18/2011 Page 1 of 1 Deana Gay From: Steve Brad [stevebrad1@earthlink.net] Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2011 4:30 PM To: Deana Gay Subject: low income houses in leucadia Hi I'm Steve Brad 11 years resident of leucadia, middle class, worked really hard, saved money, made a few good investments, big supporter of barak obama, expect to donate my estate to charity........... I say NO to low income housing, we already have plenty of lower income and l don't want to see an increase in crime and other untoward outcomes that come with this type of development, if you can't afford to live here ..............live where you can afford it Thanks steve 4/18/2011 Page 1 of 1 Deana Gay From: Rachelle Collier [mandreollier@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 7:01 PM To: Deana Gay Subject: Meeting Thursday April 21 2011 for Planning Commission Dear Planning Commissioners, I am writing as an individual citizen since the Coral Cove and Seaside development are in my neighborhood. As I explained at the 1st CPP meeting, I do not like the idea of moving the affordable units off site basically because the previous developers were awarded many con- cessions that made these projects out of character in Leucadia. This is the biggest complaint of all density bonus projects. However, the one shred of light in this change is the fact that the affordable units will stay affordable forever. I still do not like the idea of segregation, but if this has to be because the density bonus law has gives the developer yet one more concession then there must be a condition where all the units are guaranteed to the City forever as affordable. Sincerely, Rachelle Collier 4/19/2011 Deana Gay From: Mary Lou Schultz [schltzfmly@cox.net] Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:29 PM To: Deana Gay Subject: Planning department. Roy Sapa'u, Senior Planner I support the application of Shea homes to complete the homes on Andrew/Sheridan, aka Nantucket, to develop the lot on Vulcan/Ashbury known as Coral Cove, and to move the bonus density lots to the Vulcan Townhomes near Paul Ecke Central School. I have lived in Leucadia for 40 years and care deeply about my neighborhood. The unfinished homes on Sheridan and Andrew are eyesores and have stood vacant and unfinished now for several years. While they should not have been approved in'the first place, they now need to be finished, landscaped and sold. I have attended the information session led by Shea homes for both the Coral Cove and Nantucket developments. The presenters have a clear goal and I think they will complete the projects in a timely manner. Mary Lou Schultz 1870 Wilstone Av Leucadia, CA 92024 i ~~e, V 1ao Patrick Murphy April 20, 2011 Director of Planning and City of Encinitas Planning Commissioners Dear Mr. Murphy and Commissioners: I am in shock and disbelief that Mr. Murphy and the City Staff would even consider putting Case #11-00 8RA, # 11- 009RA5 #1 1-047RA and #1 1-048RA onto the April 21, 2011 Planning Commission Agenda. I cannot believe that the City of Encinitas would even allow Shea Homes consideration in attempting to move all of the affordable units they are required to build at multiple locations onto one, single site. How inappropriate of our Staff to concur that the Developer should even be allowed to bring such items for formal consideration before the Planning Commission. It is my personal hope for the Commission that by their voting `No' on these items, that we clearly communicate to the rest of the development community, once and for all time, that we are not going to allow them to take affordable units from their individual projects and cluster them all together in one place. When are we as a City going to come to understand that Density Bonus and the building of affordable units is an obligation we have to fulfill as a City? I recognize that Shea Homes does not appear to be shirking their responsibility in building these units, conversely they do appear to be proceeding in a manner that insures that none of our citizens have to have "those people" in their back yards. Instead let's put "them" in one clustered area down by the tracks and be sure that none of the more expensive homes in surrounding areas have to be looking down at "affordable housing". The curious thing is that today affordable housing is about housing for our children, homes for our teachers, homes for people that are working in our retail businesses around our City and on and on. No longer can affordable housing be thought of as housing for the poor. There is a clear need for all types of housing to be spread out equally throughout the entire City. We need to reconsider our attitude towards multi-family housing and overcome our apparent belief that only a `single family home' is appropriate for Encinitas. I realize that some will say that Shea is trying to build multi-family housing, however, by clustering it all in one place, on one site; we are not really meeting the needs for affordable housing in all 5 of our communities here in Encinitas. Our city should not be complicit in this travesty; I respectfully ask that the Planning Commissioners vote `No' to Shea Homes request. Respectfully, Alice Jacobson Past Chair of the Encinitas Planning Commission Message Deana Gay From: Elena Thompson [elenathompson@cox.net] Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 8:34 PM To: Deana Gay Subject: Shea Homes Project Input-Planning Commission Meeting 4-21-11 Dear Planning Commission Members, After 4 years of driving by dumpy, dilapidated and unfinished homes here on Sheridan Road with their white Tyvak paper fluttering in the wind, amongst so much else, my husband and I are keen to see this former Barratt tract project get back on it's feet, built in a quality fashion by Shea Homes and SOLD! Page I of 2 There have been S0000 many documented problems with this development since inception, and so many scandals associated with it. it's time to get this right. Our comments related to this Thursday's planning session are as follows: 1) We would like to see the project finished in 2011! 2) We would like to see the former "low income lots" to be the first ones constructed on... in a tasteful manner and homes that are not too big a footprint for the lot size (esp Sheridan lot). We think it's only fair that and that you mandate that: a. The developer make good on this deal swap and build these homes FIRST (so no more monkey business takes place related to this!) b. All and any future buyers should see these lots with homes on them prior to purchase, so they can fully evaluate and appreciate what they are getting here. It would not be right for the developer to leave this construction to the end and then dump a house on them. By forcing Shea Homes to build these homes first, there will be no monkey business and buyer illusions of open space, since this bonus density is going to be dense all right. c. If this cannot happen (a. and b. above), then these former low income lots (2) should be set aside in perpetuity as "open space" neighborhood parks and purchased by the City of Encinitas given the lack of parks in this neglected and overlooked part of 92024. 3) We are in favor of the low income units being transferred to Vulcan, closer to the bus line, services, and other low/lower income area of Leucadia, despite the following comment (item 4) below. 4) We are against the construction of more low income properties in Leucadia, until which time THE CITY OF ENCINITAS has a solid count of just how many rentals currently in existence, that is to say: LOW INCOME, RENTAL UNITS, BOOTLEG UNITS (SO MANY!!!), UNCOUNTED UNITS, TRAILERS, MOBILE HOMES, APARTMENTS, DUPLEXES, TRIPLEXES, FOURPLEXES, MANUFACTURED HOMES AND THE LIKES. For the city to be approving more low income units with so many low income living units already in existence in this already very low income area (Leucadia) is a real disservice to the community and to existing property owners and non-property owners. Our thinking is that if you had an accurate count on that which is in existence, there would be no need for more low income construction anywhere in Leucadia. Further, to group low income in an expensive, yet dumpy at the same time, coastal enclave, seems contrary to our capitalistic system whereby you live according to where you can afford and you densify according to where low income properties are lacking (for proper mixing versus segregation). I am quite sure you'll find the majority of 4/21/2011 Message Page 2 of 2 already dense and low income housing is unfairly located/concentrated in Leucadia over and above anywhere else in the zip code and or West of I-5 region. 5) We would like to ensure that there is ample parking (versus the parking in fire lanes that bonus density home owners regularly park in now-Hang Court across the street is a perfect example, of this in violation of bonus density laws!) within the "subdivision" to avoid more Leucadia blight and parking of cars on a major pass through/thoroughfare here on Sheridan. 6) We would like to see the CITY OF ENCINITAS stop approving the construction of bonus density units in exchange for non-existent money from Sacramento as part of their requirement for bonus density in exchange for transportation funding. Sacramento should not be dictating what we do in Encinitas or at least not until they get their $26 Billion dollar deficit in order-which currently hinders them allocating any.funding to Encinitas as it is. Let's have a moratorium on this silly business practice until they can back up their dictates with a balanced budget to start. Let's manage our own affairs versus letting outsiders manage them with a rotten carrot for a stick. Thank you for your consideration of our comments and for the work you do in support of QUALITY OF LIFE FOR RESIDENTS OF ENCINITAS AND LEUCADIA. John and Elena Thompson Leucadia Home Owners and Local business owners since 1989 4/21/2011 Deana Ga From: JP from Surfy Surfy [surferlabor@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 7:45 AM To: Tom Frank Cc: Deana Gay; Peter Curry; morgan mallory; falconsbodyboardshop@gmail.com; Ieucadia101 @sbcglobal.net; cmarvinesq@cox.net; elenathompson@cox.net; fredson101@aol.com; coastarchitects@cox.net; hh@hh4law.com; kevin@primicon.com; kmsdds@yahoo.com; matthew@aztecappliance.com; patriciabe118@gmail.com; pecke3@eckeranch.com; pnorby@sbcglobal.net; steve@shacarchitecture.com; william@morrisonworkshop.com; Kathleen Mc Millen Lees; KMC; Rachelle Collier; Max and Julia Moore; John Wigmore; Susie & Dan Murray; dan gill; John S. Lavery; wsmb@cox.net; Sherri Howard; Christina Frank; craig@angellift.com; Tony Kranz; walter shaffer; Karen Svet; Diane Langager Subject: Re: Please foward this message to all Planning Commisioners, and include as public comment for the April 21st Planning Commisioners meeting- Cases 11-08RA, 11-009RA, 11-47RA, and 11-49RA Does affordable housing really equal blight? Didn't we all live in crappy apartments during/after college before we got married and had kids? Just playing devil's advocate. I like having an infusion of young people in Leucadia. JP On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Tom Frank <trfrank@cox.net> wrote: > Dear Planning Commissioners, > PLEASE DONT MAKE LEUCADIA A DUMPING GROUND FOR ALL THE CITY'S LOW > INCOME HOUSING! > This email serves as a protest and to voice a strong recommendation > not to approve staff recommendation and allow the conditions of the > developments to dump all their low income housing at the Vulcan > Townhomes or any other site in Leucadia. See reference staff report at > http://archive.ci.encinitas.ca.us/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=675882&dbid=0 > Leucadia already has a higher percentage portion of low income housing > than the other communities in Encinitas. > The low income housing should remain where the density bonus law > intended, with the proposed new development. The law was not intended > to maximize profits for the developer and encourage blight in another locations. > If the developer want to cluster their low housing in one location, I > suggest they propose a location outside of Leucadia. > Please vote NO to Staff's recommendation on these cases. Their > current recommendation is good for the developer and bad for Leucadia. > It's that simple. . > Tom Frank > Leucadian JP St Pierre President of the huge mega-corporation Surfy Surfy http://www.surfysurfy.net/ store # 760-452-7687 (SOUP) mobile # 760-484-0254 Surfy Surfy Surf Shop 974 N. Coast Hwy 101 Leucadia, CA 92024 Surfy Surfy on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Leucadia-CA/Surfy-Surfy/98519394520 z Page 1 of 1 Deana Gay From: Sue Steele [steele.susan@att.net] Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 10:07 AM To: Deana Gay Subject: Support for several projects Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Planning Commission, My name is Susan Steele and I am an Encinitas resident. I am writing to support several related cases that are on tonight's agenda. I had planned to attend to give my comments in person, but unfortunately, am out of town. I was however able to attend the City Council meeting to express my support for the funding of the Iris project. Specifically I wish to express my support for the Coral Cove, Bahlmann, Nantucket and Iris projects. I support the resolution amendments as written. I am pleased that an exceptional builder like Shea can deliver quality housing for our income restricted housing needs in Encinitas. I appreciate the hard work you do to help our community. These related projects will be a benefit to Encinitas. Sincerely, Sue Steele 4/21/2011 Deana Gay From: Mike [conley.michael@att.net] Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 1:48 PM To: Deana Gay Subject: Support of Agenda Items To the Planning Commissioner: I am a resident of Leucadia and am writing in support of April 21 agenda items 11-008, 11-009, 11-047, and 11-048. I believe that Encinitas should provide more affordable housing and that Shea is a reputable, quality builder. Please vote "yes" on these items. Sincerely, Mike Conley Sent from my I-phone i Page 1 of 1 Deana Gay From: Laurin Pause [LPause@crcncc.org] Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 2:04 PM To: Deana Gay Subject: In Support of the Iris Project on Vulcun Dear Members of the Planning Commission,, Tonight you will be hearing a request from Shea Homes for support for the Iris, affordable housing project, on Vulcan. I would be at the meeting to speak on behalf of this project but have a scheduling conflict. I heartily endorse this project and encourage the Planning Commission to approve the project for the following reasons. Paul Barnes of Shea Homes San Diego, was instrumental in building Carol's House and providing the necessary leadership to provide financial leverage and community support in 2004 for Community Resource Center. He has continued to be a strong supporter of CRC and to other organizations in our community such as the Heritage Museum. He not only lives in this community but clearly stands behind his organization in supporting it. As an advocate for the low- income population in Encinitas, I also strongly believe in the need for additional affordable housing in this community. This will become even more critical as our population begins to age and must rely on a fixed income. SANDAG has recently reported that the most significant growth in the population over the next 20 years in Encinitas will be seniors. I also believe that smaller projects such as this one blend into the community and would have less of an impact on the surrounding community. In addition, over the past year, CRC has seen a significant increase in families currently living in Encinitas needing rental assistance and access to affordable housing. Due to the lack of affordable housing, we have had to assist many families in relocating to neighboring communities. I do unconditionally support this project and encourage the Planning Commission to do the same. I am happy to provide further information or answer questions as they relate to the need in the community. Regards Laurin Laurin Pause Executive Director Community Resource Center 650 Second Street Encinitas, CA 92024 760-753-1156 www.crcncc.org 4/21/2011 \~Uo- ~ ~ eLO Deana Ga From: Ron Ranson [rranson@ucsd.edu] Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 5:22 PM To: Deana Gay Subject: planning commission and Shea homes/affordable housing Planning Commission: . I regret that I can not attend tonight's meeting concerning the proposal to move to another location the affordable homes slated for Sheridan and Andrew . For 5 years the residents have been told the two projects can not be combined. Each is a separate unit. Now the staff proposal is to forget all that and move the affordable homes to a Vulcan Ave location. I believe the rules of density bonus state the affordable homes must be built on site. They can not be moved. If you vote to move the affordable homes then you must extract from Shea two things: (1) The lots must be redistributed to larger units. And (2) this is time to reconsider the design of the homes. They are boxy, have much to much bulk and the textures are a cheap cut and paste operation with little regard for the standard unique architecture normally found in this area. Shea will tell you they bought the package, but they will be ugly homes (worse than the western plot) and has no place in this area. Sincerely, Ron Ranson 174 Andrew Ave 92024