LMA ESD Site Letter May 12, 1998
May 12, 1998
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Patrick Murphy
505 South Vulcan Avenue
Encinitas, CA 92024
Subject: ESD Site
Dear Mr. Murphy:
Pursuant to your request, we have prepared this letter to provide you with a preliminary estimate
of the scope and cost of preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) addressing future
development of the ESD Site. In preparing this letter, we have assumed that the site would be
developed along the lines of Alternative 4 described in our original site analysis report. This is
an important factor as development of the site for recreation would have substantially less
environmental impacts than commercial uses. Although impacts would likely not be substantial,
we believe that an EIR is the appropriate environmental review document. Given the amount of
community interest in the use of this property, someone will undoubtedly claim that an EIR
should be prepared for the project. Preparing an EIR from the start would short-circuit this issue
and remove a potential source of controversy and, in the worst case, a court challenge.
Preparing an EIR for the proposed project would involve a number of related tasks including: (1)
preparing a series of screencheck versions of the Draft EIR; (2) preparing the Final EIR and
related documents including a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, Responses to
Comments and Candidate Findings; (3) preparing public notices; and (4) meetings and hearings.
The major issues which would likely be appropriate for consideration in an EIR include: land
use, biology, geology, noise, and traffic. Other issues may arise but these would appear, based
on our preliminary review, to be the primary issues. Technical reports addressing biology, noise,
geology and traffic would be prepared for the specific project using data which was collected
during the original alternatives analysis. These reports would serve as the basis for the EIR
discussions and would be included in the appendix of the EIR.
1551 Fourth Avenue, Suite 430, San Diego, California 92101-3152 / (619) 238-4241 / FAX (619) 238-9772
Patrick Murphy
May 12, 1998
Page 2
Based on our preliminary evaluation, we believe that the cost of the EIR and related tasks
described in this letter would not exceed $60,000. This estimate is based on the following
allocation of costs.
Task Estimated Cost
1 st Screencheck DEIR $15,000
2nd Screencheck DEIR 5,000
Draft EIR 2;500
1st Screencheck FEIR 7,500 _
Final EIR 2,500
Biology Report 2,000
Geology Report 7,500
Noise Report 2,000
Traffic Report 6,000
Noticing, Meetings and Public Hearings 5,000
Printing and Materials 5,000
Total $60,000
I hope this information has been helpful. Should you have any questions, please give me a call.
Very truly yours,
M. Bruce McIntyre