1938-01-04 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEEZ'ING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SA1V DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT, HELD AT THE UFFICE OF THE DIS- TRICT IN ENCINITAS CAI,IFORNIA, ON TUES- DAY, JANUARY 4th, 1938, AT ONE THIRTY- 0' CLOCK P . M. L. P. McChesney called the meeting to ord,er and presided as Chairman; Herbert Nunn se rved as Secretary. The following directors answered present to ro11 call: Directors Bucklew, DeLay, Franklin, Knipe and McChesney. Attorney Maurice M. Myers was also present. Minutes of ineeting of Directors held on December 15, 1937, were read and a.pproved. . - ~ Upon motion made by Director Franklin, eeconded by Director Knipe, the following bills were app.roved a,nd ordered executed, to-wit: ~ Warrant No. 7477 - The Daaly Transcript - i yrs, subscription to 11113f 18,00 7478 - S.D.Office Supply & Equipment Co. 4 office supplies llto4 7479 - Union Oil Co, of Cal if. - 222 gala gas.- 31.0~ 7480 - S,D.Consl Gas 8~ Elec. Co. -gas, light & power 164.3 7481 - Encinitas Lumber Co. - mat, for Job 37-13, etc. 26,78 7482 - Herbert Nunn-money adv, to district for R.F.C.Comp.expi61.61 7483 - 0'Melveny, Tuller & Myers-bal. R.F.C.fees & exp. 175.75 7484 - Secretary's Revolving Fund-expenditures to 11/31/37 1397.17 7485 - Cax1 Wilson - services for December 1937 - 30.00 7486 - T.F.Harrington, Coll, taxes on repurchased lands - 284.25 7487 - Chas.R. Hadley Co. - office sunplies 2.74 7488 - F. Cash Lewis - overhauling Sundstrand ma.chine 7.35 7489 - T. F. Harringtan - exo. R.F.C,Comp.& ta.x d.l. 11.90 7490 - Cash - secretary's petty caeh tund 14.19 7491 - Southern Cal, Telephone Co, telephone exp. for Dec. 15•95 7492 - D,O,Hazleton - premium on Kn.ipe bond - 10.00 7493 - Western Metal Supply Co. 1?wa.rehouse stock, etc. 254.47 7494 - Maurice M. Myers - expenses & fees R.F.C,Comp, etc. 152.10 7495 - L.P. McChesney - expenses & fees R.F.C.Comp. . 7496 - The Coast Diepatch-adv, prin.ting, etc. 70 .94 7497 -~Pater Dept, City of San Diego-Dec, payment on cont. 1626.65 The Secretary's report for December was submitted to the Board, and upon motion made by Director DeLay, seconded by Director Bucklew, same was unanimously ordered approved. A delegation interested in the settlement of the It2atto_on Act in Seaside Gardens, appeared before the Board. After an ex- tended. discussion, the delegation was requested to c onfer with Attorney Myera and present a concrete proposition, in the neax future. Thoee appearing were T. B. Young, re- presenting the Morrison Bcsnd Co., E. G. Merrill, represent- ing Union Trust Oo.; James.B. Abbey of the District'Attorney's 9ffice,• and Mr. Nelson from Rancho Santa Fe. Upon motion ma,de by Director Franklin, seconded by Director DeLay, the f ollowing resoltition was introduced, its adoption moved.; and was thereupon unanimously passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of all directors present, to-wit: RESOLUTION 0 F THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT IN RE- LATIQN TO THE PAYMEIJT OF WATER TOLLS . AND THE DISCONTINUAIVCE OF SERVICE IN DE- FAULT OF CURRENT PAYMENTS WHEREAS, in the San Dieguito Irrigation District a laxity has h eretofore been permitted in the p ayment of water tolls notwithetanding the f act that the By-Laws and the Rules and Reg-ulatione of the District require the payment,of alI water tolls on the lOth of the month succeeding the month of aervice; and V4HEREAS, such laxity has resulted in the accrual of a very considerable amount in delinquent water tolls owing to ' the District; and ' WHEREAS, in justice'to all the w ater users in said Dis- trict it is necessary that the present delinquent water tolls ' be collected and that no further accruals of d.elinquent toll$ be permitted. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVFD by the Board of Directors Of San Dieguito Irrigation District, under the authority of Section 55 of the California lrrigation District Act, that without exception, and beginning with the charges for w ater aervice gccruing' in the month of March, 1938, and each month thereafter, the following rule be enforced; That the bill for w ater'service becomes delinquent on the lOth of the. ' month succeeding auch service and if the same be not paid on o'r before the lOth of the next month, viz., the month succeeding such delinquency, then without exception water service will be discontinued and the meter ehut off, and ' when service Ya so discontinued and the meter shut of f, 'service will not be resumed until e.ll ch arges ta the d ate of reaumption, together with a One Dollar ($1.00) tuxn-on charge for each meter involved, are paid. Upon motion made by Director Bucklew, seconded by Director Knipe, it was unanimously or dered that the yearly dues to Irrigation Districts Officers' Aseociation, in the amount of $8.00, be paid. Director Franklin submitted•a report covering certain valua- tions made by the real estate committee. Upon motion made by Director Bucklew, seconded by Director Knipe, eaid report was unanimously ordered accepted and. filed. Bids for the 1938 supply of Chlorine and Ammonia were presented to the Boax,d a.s follows; Chlorine Ammonia per 100 lbs. per lb. Great Western Electro-Chemical Co., by Ralph A. Stevenson - $ 7.75 $..15 McKesson & Robbins Mfg. Co. 8.25 .15 E. L. DuPont de Nemour s & Co. -9- Upon motion made by Director Franklin, seconded by Director Bucklew, it was unanimously ordered by the affirmative vote of all directors present, that the bid of Ralph A. Stevenson, re- presenting the Great Western Electro-Chemical Co., being the _ lowest, be accepted, as being to tho best interest of the District. • Upon motion made by Director Fra.nklin, seconded by Director De- Lay, it.was unanimously ordered that the following leases be (~R_ approved and executed; . Property Lessee Term Rent 10 acres of the 18.68 acres known as Cullen Tract, in Section 22 Kaoru Kiyomura 1 yr. $200.00 per'3r Lots 1 to 6 inc., of Block 7, Cardiff Marvin Kelso 1 yr. 6.0011 " Upon motion made by Director Franklin, second.ed by Director Knipe, it was unanimously ord.ered that the following letter be written to Dr. C. V. Lindeay, as President of the San Dieguito Union High School Boaxd , authorizing sale of water to said School, to-wit: " San Dieguito Irrigation District Encinitas, California December 29, 1937 Dr. C.V.Lindsay, Encinitas, California Dear Sir: Referring to our conversa-tion of re cent date re- garding water tolls for Encinitas School, will say that our regulax rates will apply, i.e. - 4~ cents per 100 cu. • ft. for irrigation water, and 9 cents per 100 cu, ft, for water used for domestic purposes. Water for domestic purposes will be defined as w ater used within the buildings, and water for irrigation will be def ined as al l water us ed out si de the buildings. Respectfully yours, SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT .g: HN;B By Herbert Nunn Secretasy and General Manager " The Secretary was instructed by the Board to anewer the inquiry ' ' of R.F.C. regarding inclusion and exclusion of lands, and re- quest their approval. ' • . The matter of the disposal of cancelled bonde (First Issue) was referred to Attorney ffiyers for report and recommendation. Upon motion made by Director Knipe, seconded by Director Buck- lew, it was unanimously ordered that the meeting be adjourned . until Tuesday, January 18th, 1938, at one-thirty o'cl ock P.14. AP PR ATTEST; Presid ent v Secret