1966-14 - RESO-LU`i=Old R66-1~ - 1iE11Ii'Y1I?Cz' AC1IOITS TAKE'l'? liT i!'iEETI1;T(i , OF i.'HJ BOARD 0F DIF1';CTOPS OF SluN DTEGUITO IRi?.1G-4.TION DISTRICT HLLD J1^NU!? RY_.. 11._. 19 6 6.___._._____._..._._.___ .~TI-iE:??~..~aS, this Board b,yT its Resolution R65-46 adobted DeCer;mpnr 14, 1965, set the second Tuesday oi each mor_th at S~:00 A. i;i. at 't:ne ozfice af this 17istrict, 59 East D Stree t, Encinitas, Calisornia, as -t2e tirie ar_d p1ace ior regular Lteetin;s Ol the Board O? Zh1S D1.5't;1"1Ct CU1^?Ylg the calendar y22,r 1966; ?.i1Ci WN.EREAS, by error and izladvertence publicatior_ of said resolvtio=~ i.o-r the t_r::e required by la-w was ?zot comple ted p=ior to the rneeting of this Boa.rd held on January 11, 1960;- O,fsr, T~-'LPi`,''Oi~ '_~.rSOLV1~D BY 1'rT}~ B011i~D OI' DI~GTORS of Sa~2 D_e ;vito Irr_i ;ation District tr1at a.ll actions oT this Board "~d1ie;~ at said z~eeting oi Ja~raarJ 11, 1~66, be, and they h.exeby are, Latiiied and conliimed as the aczions of this I3oard. Passed and aaovted by the following• roll cal1vote: Ayes: D11"eCt01'S I'earson, Noonar_, Bingham, Cermak and - I Weston. . ?';oes: N1 o2e , ' As ben t: T1one RESOZUTIOId OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATIOiV DISTRICT REQUESTITdG THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUI`TTY OF SAII DIEGO TO CONSOI,IDATE TIIE BOND ELECTI.ON OF SAID DISTRICT WITH TIiE STATEWIDE PRII4TA.RY EIFCTIOAT TO BE N.r,ZD ON THE SAME DATE. P1HER.EAS, t:nis Board has comrnenced proceedings for the calling of a bond election in the district to be held on June 7, 1966; and WiEREkS, it is desirable that said bond election be con- solidated vaitn the statewide primary election to be held on the sa.me date and that within the district the precincts, polling places and election officers for the two elections be the same, and that the Board of Supervisors canvass the returns of said bond election and that said elections be held in all respects as if there were only one electio:n; NOTN, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Ir- . rigation District DO HEREBY RESOZVE, DETE.RNIINE AND ORDER as follows: -126- ~G`'►'~' Section l. The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego is hereby requested to consolidate the bond election to be ; ~ held in said district on June 7, 1966, with the statewide primary i ~ election to be held on said date. ~ ~ Section 2. The exact forrn of the proposition to be voted ~ I upon at said bond election as the same shall appear on the ballot ' ' is as follows: BOITD PP~O~ OSITION: S'2a11 San Dieguito Irrigation District be a.uthorized to issue construction bonds in the principal sum of $3,050,000 for the purpose oi° the acquisition ; and construction of additions to and improve- ments of the 4'datervrorks system of said ' district, including viater storage, filtra- tion and treatrneiit facilities, lines and appurtenant works and the acauisition of land, easements and property necessary there- fore, a:nd including expenses incidental thereto? , The proposition shall be designated on the ballot ; by: a letter printed on the left margin of the square containing . I th° descr:ipti.on of the :neasure, as provided in Section. 10231 of tt?e Elections Codeo . Section j. lhe Board o~' Sunervisors is hereby authorl-zed uo canvass tne rei,urns of i,he district bond election, and said bo_Zd electio-ri and.- cF-le statewide pririia-ry electior_ shall be held in al1 r•es_nec 'us as ii there l'7(-3"E '0?1]_y one election, and on1y ore fo-r.i. oi ball o 'u shal1 be used. Sec tion T'he Boarc o ~ ul?pCrvisors is reauested to issue , to all county o-flice-rs ci'la-rged riitn duties pexri,aini-rlg i,o the statet-iide pri-mary election i-qs-~ruc-i;ions to tuake 3r1y and all steps necessary ior the ?-lolding of t^e cor_solidated election. Section 5. The Secre-uary of tlze d-istrict is hereby directed to file ce-rtified co-oies of tnis resolution t,~ritn the Board of Supervisors oT San Die;o Coan-'ty and wi-th t h@ R0b1St?"'a:i" of uloters of said count;T. rassed a-nd adonted bsT the zollov.-ring -roll call vote: A-~,res: Directors Bin.griani, Cerr:?ak, arld i?oona.r! ; ~N~oes: Nor_e , ; . '~~bsent: Direct-ors Pearson and VTestor_. -127-