1964-23 RESOLUTION R64-23 Establishing New Bank Signatures for District Bank Accounts. BE IT RESOLVID that the First National Bank and the Bank of America be notified that Mr. Stanley T. Mills is now TreaSurer of the San Dieguito Irrigation District and is authorized to change collateral for district bank accounts and that Mr. Mills,as Treasurer, is authorized with the President, the Secretary and any two directors to transfer funds from the district's time deposit accounts. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVID that bank signatures on the District's General Fund at the Bank of America be changed in accordance with the following bank resolution: 4-9-64 To 'Mxnk uf Anttrirw ' ,.,,o- IMVFAn ...-a. RE80LVED: That thia organisation eetnblieh in ite neme one or more depoeit accounb with the Bank ot America National Trust & Savinas Aewciation upon saah termn end oonditbns sr may be agreed upon with eaid bank and that the F r e s i d en t end S e c r e t ar y of t61s TiUe General F'tk~d Acct. or¢enisation be and tsey are hereby authorired to establiah~wb-~w domw~ RESOLVED: T6at Charles W. Hales President T - ^ i 1_ *l (Y eer ~1 ~ frin e) ~&.L j~ and/or Stanlev T. Mills Treasurer (,.,tk) JosephinerE:r"?Mbb Deputy Treasurer . and/or $i • Trve) ( T1tle ) and/or Lowell G. Bingham Director «,t,e> Fred B. w@*tZftpe) Director Rndior (Title) T. • ( o TYPe) T'c~II'8~ of this organization be, and they are hereby authorized to draw checks on said account of this organizn tion, signed as ptovided herein with sigpatures duly certi6ed ro said bank by the Secrctary of this organi:ation and said bank is hercby authonzed to honor and pay any and all.checks so sigMd, includinK tlwae dnwn to the individual order of any officer or other person authorized to sisn the same. 1 hereby cert([y that the fore¢oina ie a full, true and correct wpy ot the rewlution adopud by the Board of tho S AN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DIS TRICT et a meeting ot eaid Board regulerly held on the~h_ day of Apr i 1 , lg 64 and that the eignaturne apDearing on the reveree eide of tAie card are the signaturee of the penoni duly authoriud to withdraw funds of eaid or¢snization trom eaid bank in aceordnnce with the above reaolution until euch authority ie revoked by Qiving written notice tAereof to eaid bank eiQned by the o(ficera of eaid organization thereunto duly authoriud by its GoverninQ Body. WITNE83 my hand and seal of the orgenization. (SEAL) (3ignature) 3ecretary J We hereby certify the foregoing to be correct: (FOR LODGE, A880CIATION) 1. 2. Retiring OHfcer (Title) Retlring ORicer (Title) FOR BANK USE ONLY Previow Bank or Bnnch $avinQi Actount Opened OriQinal . By OpcninQ Datc Anount Clwed • Date Bv Closed Ruwn . T[L-108 s/ea -61-