1959-06 l. That the Board of Directors of the San Diego County Water Authority be and it is hereby requested to consent to the annexation of all of said lands above mentioned to said Authority concurrently with its inclusion within the Irrig- ' ation District of that portion of said property not now included , within its boundaries, and to fix and establish the terms and conditions upon which such annexation may occur; 2. That the Board of Directors of said Authority be and it is hereby requested to obtain the consent of the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern Califortiia, to the concurrent annexation of all of said lands of said Metropolitan District and the terms and conditions upon which such concurrent annexation may occur; 3. That the lands proposed to be so included in the Irrigation District and concurrently annexed to the Authority and the Metropolitan District are bounded and described as set forth in Exhibits A and B attached to this resolution and by this reference incorporated herein; and 4. That the lands now included within the boundaries ~ of the Irrigation District, but which have not previously annexed to the Authority or to The Metropolitan District, are bounded and described as set forth in Exhibit C attached to this resolution, and by this reference incorporated herein. I . RESOLUTION It59-6 Rescinding Resolution R59-5 with Reference to ° Concurrent Annexation of Territory. 'dHERF'.n:, on January 7, 1959, this j3oard duly and regularly adopted Resolution R59-5 requesting the consent of the San Diego County Water Authority to the annexation of certain territory concurrently wi.th its . inclusion withir, the San Dieguito Irrigation District;d andj - ZiEREAS, it now appears that there are certain minor errors in Lhe prnperty descriptions referred to in said Resolution R59-5; , NCW, THEREFORE, said Resolution R59-5 adopted on January 7, 1959 is . hereby rescinded in order that said property descriptions may be corrected to comply with the requirements of the San Diego County Water Authority ' and '^he Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and in osder that a new resolution embodying said corrected descriptions may be adopted " at a later meeting of this j3oard. -23-