1956-03 and urges its approval by the voters. AYES: Directors Wagner, Hales, Petzold, Cook and Blecha NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION R56-3 RELATING TO THE EXCLITSION OF LAND OWNED BY JAMES W. KERR, JR., AND JO ANTT KERR AND ORDERING SAID EXCLTJSSON WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Irrigation District, at a regular meet.ing of said Board on the lOth day of Auc=,ust, 1956, aquorum of said Board being present, procecded to the consideration and determination of the peti- tion of James W. Kerr, Jr., and Jo Ann Kerr, as owners of the property hereinafter described, praying that the following de- scribed land be excluded from the said District; and UVHEREAS, the hearing upon said petition has been fully concluded, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the following facts be, and. they are, hereby found from the evidence and proof introduced at said hcaring, and the facts so found are hereby adopted as findings of thi.s Boar d: 1. Said petiti_on, duly acknowledged as required by law, was duly filed with the Secretary of said Board on the 13th day of July, 1956; 2. The said James W. Kerr, Jr., and Jo Ann Kerr are the owners in fee of all of the land described in said petition; 3• Said petition complies with the provisions of the Water code of the State of Cal ifornia; 4. Notice of this hearing has been published as recuired by law in the Coast Dispatch of Encini.tas, California, a newspaper of general circulation published in San Diego County, where the office of the Board of Direct- ors of the San Dieguito Irrigation District is located, once a week for two (2) weeks immediately preceding the regular meeting of the Board at which this petition was held; 5. On the lOth day of August, 1956, said day being th.e day fixed in said notice for the hearing of said petition, at a regular meeting of the Board, said petition came on for hearing at the hour of 1:30 oiclock P. M., and the Board proceeded to hear evidenee and proofs offered and introduced on behalf of said petition, and all evi-= dence introduced and all proofs so offered or received were taken down in shorthand, to be filed with the records of the Board; 6. The exclusion of all of the land in said petition and hereinbelow in this resolution described, and the tak- ing of the same from the boundaries of the said District will be for the best interest of the District, and the said land will not be benefited by the operation of the District; 7. No written objections were filed with this Board, or with the Secretar,y thereof, and no person appeared at the hearing in opposition to the granting of the petition. 144 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a certified copy of this .order be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Ca.lifornia, and thereupon the lands described herein shall no longer be a part of this District. The description of the lands hereby affected and in said petition referred to is as follows; All that property situated in the County of San Diego, State of California, more particularly described as follows: "Lot 2, Block "E",-Palomares Heights, according to Map No. 2114, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County." The foregoing resolution having been put to a roll call vote was adopted by the following vote, to wit; . AYES: Director Wagner, Hales, Petzold, Cook & Blecha. NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION R56-~. RELATING TO EXCLUSION OF LAND OWNED BY ELSA NEITSCH AND MAX NEITSCH AND ORDERING SAID EXCLUSION * WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Irrigation District, at a regular meeting of said Board on the lOth day of August, 1956, a quorum of said Board being present, proceeded to the consideration and determination of the petition of Elsa Neitsch and Max Neitsch as owners of the property hereinafter described, praying that the following described land be excluded from said District; and WHEREAS, the hearing upon said petition has been fully concluded, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HLREF3Y RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the following facts be, and they are, hereby found from the evidence and proof introduced at said hearing, and the facts so found are hereby adopted as findings of this Board: 1. Said petition, duly acknowledged as required by law, was.duly filed with the Secretary of said Board on the 16th day of July, 1956; 2. The said Elsa Neitsch and-Max Neitsch are the owners in fee of all of the land described in said petition; 3• Said petition complies with the provisions of the Water Code of the State of California; 4. Notice of this hearing has been published as re- Quired by law in the Coast Dispatch of Encinitas, Calif ornia, a newspaper of general circulation pub- lished in San Die go County, where the office of the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Irri ation District is located, once a week for two (2~1weeks immediately preceding the regular meeting of the Board at which this petition was held. 5. On the lOth day of August, 1956, said day being the day fixed in said notice for the hearing of sai d petition, at a regular meeting of the Board, said petition came on for hearing at the hour of 1;,30 i45