1927-12-29 19INUTES OF ADJQL'Rl`1ED REGUi;AR ID++ + TiNG CF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN • DIEGUITO I$RIGATION DISTRICT, HE7.J) . 3'FiURSDAY, ISCMMFR 29th, 1927. ' Pursuant to adjournment of the.regular meetin:g of the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Irrigation District, held December-6th, 1927, adjourned meeting of said Board of Directors . avas held in the off.ice of the Dietr.ict at Encinitas, San Diego County, State of California, on Thursday, December 29th, 1927, at 1;:30 0' clock P. M. of said day . There were present at said meeting the following Directars, namely; - Chas. H. Webster H. F. Beauchamp ' Efij. H.^Schaaf and A. Van Amerefoort - - Minutes of the regular meeting held Deeember 6th, 1927, were read and approveci. a~ •M. ~ This being the time and place regularly a,ppointed for M the opening of sealed proposals f or the construction of pipe lines fbr the San Dieguito IrrlgatiOII, District in South Coast'Park No. 5, ` aubdivision of the South Coawt I:and Company, and the affidavit of , publicationof notice inviting bids, with a copy of said notice annexed tYiereto being presented-, and it appearing that due notiee , inviting eaid proposals has heen given as required by law and by order of the Board of Directote of said Distriet by motion of Director-'Beaiachamp, weconded by Direetor Coutt•s-;; vote:d upon. and all dir.ecto-rs presen,t . voting in -the af'flrniative-, ~at the regular -3neeting " he1d.'Qec.emb.e.r. 6tYi,'•.. 1927,• , the board proceeded in public to open and read all of s~-.id proposals for the construction of pipe lines in said South Coast Park No. 5. ' . The following bids of proposalw viere received, opened and read: ~ ~ - ~ , l.. .1 , Extra Work Time of YriT ce per l:in. Ft. Pige Cost Plus Completion ~ Cast Iroix Steel Watson & Sutton .99 .99 10% 60 Days " W. Voris .54 10% 15 Superior Pipe & Supply'Co. .664 .583 15% 30 " E1.izabeth Coutts .54 10% 30 " Discussion was ha.d relative.to the comparative mterits of ca4t iron pipe and Mathewson, Steel Pipe, and upon referring the matter to the Superintendent of the District, he,made the followin•g etatement. 'TIf Z am asked which kind of pipe to recon-nend, I would 'certainly recoramend cast iron pipe."' R'E SOL UT T ON The following resolution was introduced by Director. ' Van Amersfoort, who moved its adoption• The motion was seconded by ' Director Sehaa,f, voted upon and unanimoualy earried. MREAS, The Superior Fipe & SuppZy Company iw the ' lowest bidder for the. complete .construction of approximatelg forty- tro hundred (4200) lineal feet of.four (4) inch camt irom pipe at a price of .664 per lineal foot, said price to.include the furnishing of all material and labor for,.the complete inatallation of said pipe, and ditching and backfilling in accarciance with the terr.is and con- ditione specified in the plans and specifieations on file in the office of the District, and 4HEREAS, Qaid contractor, haa deposited with the Secretary of the District the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), said sum bein•g ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amoun;t of the, contract, as " ~ a guarantee of the faithful gerforniance of the work s pecified, and said contrqctor has satisfied this Board as to his ability and responsibi?ity. NOV+ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI.VED by this Board of Dire c t ors of the San.Dieguito Irrigation Distr.ict, that contract for the con- struction of forty-tvao hundred (4200) lineaZ feet of four (4) ineh ca,st iron pipe in South Coaet Park No. 5, a.s per plans and speeifi- cations on file in the office of the Diztrict, is hereby awarded to , the SUPTWOR PIPE & SUPPZY C0LTAN'Y, who -vvas the lowest bidder; and all other bids are hereby, rejected;, and the President and Secretary C be and they hereby are directed and authorized to sign and'execute contract for wuch`consti-uction for and on behalf of the District. RE S 0 L U T I 0 Zd . y The Pollowing Resolution was introduced by Director . Beauchaxnp, 4econded by Director Van Amerefoort, voted upon:and . . unanimously carried. WHEREAS, all bids received by the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Irr.igatiorn District for the construction of ' pipe lines in South Coast Park No. 5, have been considered and awards made; , NOW THEREFORE BE .IT I3ESOLVED, that the Secretary be ~ ' and is herebg authorized and instructed to return to the respective .bidder4, the certified checks or bonds thich accompanied the un- succewwful bids. . There being no further businees to come before-the meeting at this time motion vras made by Director Schaaf, Qeconded by Director Van Amexsfoort, voted upon and unaniniouely carried to adjourn. API'RO . President . ATTEST:, ecreta . < < ' .