1965-10-05 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAZ 1VEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT HELD IN THE DISTRICT OFFICE IN ENCINITAS, CAI,IFORNIA ON OCTOBER 5, 1965 AT 9:00 A.M. Pursuant to notice given to all Directors in accorda.nce with law, a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT was held at the office of the District October 5, 1965 at 9:00 a.m. A copy of the notice is attached to the minutes of this meeting marked "Exhibit 'A"', President Cook called the meeting to order. Attendance was as Follows: Present: Directors Cook, Weston and Bingham; Assessor - Collector Taylor, Secretary - Treasurer:Mills. Absent: Directors Cermak and Noon,an; General Manager Bonser and Attorney Crariston. President Cook declared a quorum present. President.Cook read the resignations from General Manager Bonser, which are attached hereto marked "Exhibits 'B' and 'C It was moved by Director Bingham and seconded by Director Weston that the resignations be accepted. The motion was carried. Secretary - Treasurer Mills, asked for authority to have the auditor.s come in and perforn an audit as has been the Dis- trictts policy whenever an officer has resigned or been dis- charged. Authority was-granted. Secretary - Treasurer Mills asked to have a new resolution adopted changing the signatures at the bank to those of Secretary - Treasurer Mills, Assessor - Collector Taylor, and Accountant Beth A. Byers on the Payroll and Revolving accounts. Upon motion by Director Weston, seconded by Director Bingham, the following resolution was adopted: -254- RESOZUTION R65-34 Authorizing e C anging of Signa- tures on Payroll and Revolving Accounts "RI:SUL`JE:P, chac che FIxtS1' NAT.ONAI. 'si;tNK C3F 5:123I3IEGtJ be, and it is hereby selected as a deposatary far che aaaaaa.a.s f++ria3s ea4 oi elsis co:poration'and ahat y'7'0~.~. c`I'1(! ~'@T%G.litT:.i.?'?U ~.~;,:~.otiali;S , ~ ~ srii,?r~.tF'r Ta 1`d:i~7S ~]Pc'E~~.L?.~'J TT?`C~..w'P..~ ' . BeZZ1.G~,C~.Ee fn'~.l rl~° . .A>~i~ti es7o1. °~~Collector • , . ; ~~uv'fi -t^.i ' ~'."1 A. li rCOt%'1t2.T1~", • ~ . ' ~ J 4 x.. . ~11 ~ • , be, and they are,.nnd any...........RT~~.4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,of chem is (are) hereby auchori•r.ed nnd empoweced co dr.aw checks (including cliccks payable co their own order or co bearrr) upon said deposicary nRainst the accouncs of this corporation wich said depvsicary, and to endorse in zhe name of this corporaiion • and mceive paymenc of, all checks, drafts and commercial paper payable co chis torporation either ns ~ payee,endvrsee or otherwise; ~ RGSOLVE:D, fuscher, chac slaid authority hereby conferred sha!l remain in fuli force and effece unt.it ~ it s6afl have been revoked and uncil a formal writcen necice o[ such re.vocation shall have been given I LO 1f1CI received by said FIRST NATTONAI. E3t1NK OF SAN UIEGO; - ' RESQLVED, further, thac che certificacion by Ehe Secrecary of chis corporacioa as to the eleccion oc appoinnient of persons so hereby authorized and empc~wered as aforesaid and as to the signatures af such persons, shall be binding upon this corporacion; , ~ i RESOLVED, further, chat che 5ecretary af this corporacion be and is hereby authorized and directed to delivcr to said FIRST ItiA'I'IOtv:9L BANIC OF SAN DIEGU a copy of thesc resolu:ioizs' rcoperiy cercified by him. ~ I ! iiE5dI,VEI.), it is hereby jnrced chac chi, deQosic and 3cec+unt shati be subjecc to the Rules and ' RPgulazioas oE the fIRST NA'I'IONAL BANk OF SftN DTLGO ar,d co a11 #ucwe 3mccadmencs thesetu with ' resFec: co deposirs,af similar character." ~ . . . .._..__...w__.__...__.... . Passed and adogted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Directors Bingham, Weston and Cook. NOES: None , ABSENT: ;Directors Cermak and Noonan. Director Weston suggested that Howard Brine be appointed temporary Field Manager until such time as the reorganization can be decided on by a full Board. The other Board members agreed and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the appointment was made. ' There being no fu.rther business, Director Weston moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Director Binghan and carried. President Cook adjourned the meeting at 9:10 a.m. _ , # # # # # # # # - -255- APPROVEDe ~ PRLSIDENT ATTE~;T o ~ - SECRLTl'LPY S -256- EXHIBIT 'A.' The undersigned directors of the San Diegui'to Irrigation District hereby order that a special meeting be held in the District office at 59 'East "D" Street, Encinitas, California at 9s00 A. M. on October 5, 19650 Said Special meeting is called for the purpose of acting on personnel .matterso Qrdered this 28th day of eptember, 1965, ~ Director Division #1 Director Divisioi 2 Director Division #3 J._ Director Division A-A D ector Division #5 . ._25:7- EXr1TBIT 131 . ~ i ~ 4 F - ~ , - - ~ ; : - - , EXHlBI1 r Cr . ~ i i . ri• Oct. 1, 1965 Honorable Board Of Directors ~ San Dieguito Irrigation District In submitting my resignation on Qctober 1 to Damon P. Cook, Chairman of the Board of Directors Of Sari Dieguito Irrigation District , a.s he requested me to do, I am in no`way admitting any wrong doing or unethical conduct. I believe it to be in the best interest of the Diatrict that I resign. C les H: Bonser Presented to Damon P. Cook ~ t; 3 M. -258- EXhII3I1 ' B' ~ - - _ I-, J& C_~~~ - ` - , - , ~ - ~ _ _ _ ~ . - - - - - - - _ - - ? -~i---~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ EXHIDI1 tCl . - ~ . ` Oct. 1, 1965 Honorable Board Of Directors ~ San Dieguito Irrigation District In submitting my resignation on ,O..ctober 1 to Damon P. Cook, Chairman of the Board of Directors Of SanpDieguito Irrigation District , as he requested me to do, I am in no-way admitting any wrong doing or unethical conduct. I believe it to be in the best interest of the District that I resign. Cr . les H: Bonaer Presented to Damon P. Cook 4 . -258- f . . .n ~ ' , . . Wncinitas Coast Dispatch Decreed A Legal Newspaper by ihe Superior Court of San Diego County "F" STREET AT SECOND PLATEAU 3-1114 ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, ' , I, ARCHIE J HICKS, Jr., of the said county, being duly sworn, depose and say: THAT I am and at all times herein mentioned have been a citizen of the U-nited States, over the age of twenty-one years, 6nd that I am not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; THAT, I am Publisher of The Encinitas Coast Dispatch a newspaper of general circulation, printed a-nd published weekly in the Town of Encinitas, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and, published at regular intervols in the said Town of Encinitas; County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinofter referred to; and that the noYice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been --I' NOTICEOF published in each regular and entire issue of said RECEIPT OF ASSESSMENT newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: BOOK AND OF MEETING OF . II BOARD OF EQUALIZATION t AL7.gL7,St,., 5, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 19 65.. ~ OF SAN DIEGUITO 14RRIGATION DISTRICT ~ gr ........August lz 19 .65.. , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessor of the San Dieguito Irrigation Dietrict on July 30, 1985 delivered the . assessrnent book of the San Dieguito ' IrrigationDistrictto the Secretary of 19 said District and that the Board of Direc- tors of said District will meet as a Board of ;Equalization to equalize assessments l; Wednesday, August 25, 1985 at 9:00 2lock a.m. at the office of the District ~ 9 atII59 East "D" Street, Encinitas, Cali• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • fornia. The Board will hear and deter- m'tne such objections as to valuation, ~ acteage and matters related to the pro- posed assessment as may come before itl{and will make such changes as may . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . , , , 19 . . . . be just. In the meantime the assessment book will remain in the office oP the. Secretary for inspection by any and all interested persons. I STANLEY T. MILLS j Secretary i SAN DIEGUITOIRRIGATION I certify under penalty of pery'ury that the foregoing IS trUe and ` nisTxrcT correct. Executt Encinitas, County of Sa~epgo~Snpteof Calj; 6 i ugust y 5, 12-1965 - - ~ •t t~ 19 5 fornia on the 1 da of 12 - Publisheri