1948-09-07 MINU2ES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT HELD AT THE OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT IN ENCINITAS, CALIPORNIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1948, AT 1:30 P. M. President McChesney presided as Chairman. Frank S. Jacobson served as Secretary. Pdembers answering to roll call were as f011 ows : Present: iDirectors P/TcChesney, Ogg and Batchelor. Absent: None. iviaurice M. Myers, Attorney f'or the llistrict, was also present. Minutes of the meetings of August 10, 11, 25 and 27; 1948 were read and there being no omissions or corrections were approved as read. - - - - - - - - - - The following letter was presented by the Secretary to the Board: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Board of Supervisors Civic Center San Diego l, California September l, 1948 San Dieguito Irrigation District Encinitas, California Gentlemen: Reference is made to your letter of August 28, 1948 advising of the resignation of the incumbent Directors of Divisions 1 and 2 of the San Dieguito Irrigation District. In accordance with the recommendation of Frank S. Jacobson, Secretary, and Maurice M. lt4yers, Attorney for the District, and in accordance with the recommendation of the Lncinitas Chamber of Commerce, the Board of Supervisors on August 30, 1948 appointed the following persons to serve for the unex- pired terms: • Division No. 1- James H. Macpherson Division IQo. 2- David L. Baird Very truly yours, T.N. Sexton, County Clerk and ex officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By H. Kleckner Deputy Mr. James H. IvTacpherson and Uir. David E. Baird presented their duly certified credentials of appointment as Directors of Div- ision No. 1 and Division No. 2, respectively, to fill vacancies for the unexpired terms created by the resignation of the in- cumbent Directors of these Divisions. Upon taking the Oath of Office, the new Directors were included as regular members for this meeting. A letter dated August 31, 1948 from Mr. Edward Hyatt, State Engineer, was presented by the Secretary. In this letter, Mr. Hyatt reviewed his efforts to alleviate our District's critical water situation and explained that the State Engin- eer has no control over any of the local water a~encies and that his office would continue to do what it could to be of assistance to the District in the emergency. The letter was ordered to be filed. The Secretary presented a letter from G.E. Arnold, Director of the lNater Departrnent of the City of °San Diego dated Aug- ust 30, 1948, in which preliminary terms were suggested for ~ the use by this District of the existing and proposed facil- ities of the San Dieguito River System for storage and trans- mission of Colorado River Water. The terms included payment by the San Dieguito Irrigation District of 25 per cent of the capital cost of a proposed conduit from the existing San Vi- cente Aqueduct to the 330 foot contour in Lake Hodges; the payment of 4~1.00 per acre foot storage charge for Colorado River water stored in Lake HodrTes and a 54 per acre f'oot transmiasion charge for the use of all transmission and stora;e facilities between San Vicente Aqueduct to the out- let of San Dieguito Reservoir. The letter was ordered to be f iled. The Secretary presented a letter f rom G.E. .~rnold, Director of the Water Department of the City of San Diego dated Sept- ember 3, 1948 in which he announced that a meeting to discuss the subject matter of his letter dated August 30, 19Z~8, would be held at 2:00 P.M., Friday, September 10, in the City Coun- cil Char!mber. It was arranged to have the District represented at this meeting. 'rhe letter was ordered to be filed. Upon a motion by Director Ogg, seconded by Director Batchelor and unanimously carriel, the followino 1'Jarrants were approved for paymont: Warrant No. Amount 12859 Bank of America, Encinitas Branch ~ 208.70 12860 Maurico E. Bauman - Public Accountant 159.00 12861 City of San Diego 5,563.11 12862 Crane Co. 12.58 12863 E.A. Batchelor 15.00 12tS64 Walter W. Chase 15.00 12865 A.L. Knipe 15.00 12866 L.P. McChesney 20.00 12867 Charles E. Ogg 20.00 12b68 Encinitas Coast Dispatch 202.52 12E369 Encinitas Investment Company 5.00 12870 Void Void 12d71 -Luippold Engineering Sales Co. 125•97 12872'Mission Pipe & 5upply Co. 45.41 12873 Lee IJioss 22.00 12874 Neptune Meter Company 1}I}0.75 12875 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 37•35 12876 S.D.County Irrigation Districts Officers Assoc. 45.72 12d77 San Diego Gas 8c Electric Company 345•78 12878 San Diego Office Supply & Equipment Company 22.24 12679 S.D. u'Vholesale Credit 114en's Association 25.00 12880 Santa Fe Irrigation District 30.00 12881 Secretary's Revolving Fund 3,810.68 12382 Sun Cut-Flower Growers, c/o Lawrence Holzman 331.12 12883 Valley Oil C.ompany 85.72 12884 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp. 9.13 12885 Western ll;etal Supply Co. 10.61 12886 The Western Union Telegraph Company 6.61 12887 Carl Wilson 45.00 126tStS Leigh W. Young, Realtor 75.00 12889 Carl Cook's Garage 13.08 12890 Industries Su-pply Co. 304.83 12891 'rhe Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 10.79 12892 Petty Cash 21.22 12893 Frank Florian 41•43 12694 Maurice M. Myers 112.50 Total: 4 12,253•d5 The Secretary's and Treasurer's monthly reports were present- ed and upon motion by Director Batchelor, seconded by Director Ogg and unanimously carried, these reports were ordered to be accepted and filed. The Secretary reported that the San Diego County uVater autho- rity has received as of this date the certified tax base eval- ~ uation data from the County Auditor and that this data was to be transmitted by the Authority to the Metropolitan Water llis- ' trict offices in Los Angeles by September 10, 1948- 'The terms and conditions of our annexation to these two agencies would be based upon this data. The Secretary stated that the Dis- trictts annex.ation terms probably be submitted within the next , two weeks by these two agencies. The Secretary stated that preliminary paper work necessary to obtain new rights-of-way for reconstruction of the main line I had been started and that several days? work in the Assess- ors Office would be required prior to the actual necessary detailed operations. The Secretary stated that approximately 60 per cent of the lateral distribution lines have been studied for the purpose of establishing a long term replacement and improvement sche- dule for these facilities. Upon a motion by Director Ogg, seconded by Director Batchelor, the f ollowing Resolution was introduced, its adoption moved, and was thereupon unanimously passed and adopted by the affir- mative vote of all Directors present, as shown immediately following said Resolution, to-wit: RESOLUTION „ w WHEREAS, in furtherance of clearing title of parcels of land involved in pending contracts of sale, the following quit-claim deeds to the District had been received, to-wit: FROM F.H. TOLLE ANll WIFE, involving; All of East BlocK 2, Encinitas 'rownsite SAN DILGO WHOLESALE C.iEDIT MEN'S ASSOCIATION, involving: Lots 5 and 6 in Block 103 of Cardiff Vista UNION TITLE INSURANCE AND TRlJST COMPANY, involving: Lots 3 and 4 in Block 103 of Cardiff Vista UNION TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUS'T COMPANY, involving: Lot 13 in Block 104 of Cardiff Vista NOW, THLREFORE, BE I'I' RESOLVED that said deeds are hereby accepted by San Dieguito Irrigation District. The above aesolution was adopted by roll call vote as follows: AYES: McChesney, Ogg, Batchelor, PJlacpherson and Baird. NAYES: None. ABSENT : None. Upon a motion by llirector O~g, seconded by Director ~3aird, the following Resolution was introduced, its adoption moved and was thereupon passed and adopted by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Directors McChesney, Ogg, Batchelor, Macpherson and Baird. NOES: None. R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Irrigation District has heretofore taken Tax Deeds to the lands and premises hereinafter describ- ed; and WHEREAS, said lands and premises aro not necessary for the use of sai3 District in connection with the Administrative and operating business of said District; and are no longer necess- ary to be retained for the uses and purposea of said District; and li'tiHEREAS, the District has been endeavoring to sell its title to such premises so that the said lands and premises could again be placed on the assessments rolls and begin contribut- ing, through the payment of the regular irrigation district assessment, to the maintenance of the district; and WHEI3EAS, offers to purchase the hereinafter described tracts have been received and the best offera received therefor, for Quit-Claim conveyances of the title acquired by the district through its tax deeds on the proceedings preliminary to such deeds, are as set out in this resolution hereinafter; and WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Irrigation District that such offers are the best that can be had, and that each is an offer of an adeguate price and amount and that no better sale of such interest can be made at this tinie, and that it is to the best interest of the District to accept the same; NOW, 'I'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of . San Dieguito Irrigation District, that the district Quit- Claim its interest in the premises hereinafter described, so acquired by tax deed or deeds as aforesaid, to the pur- chasers named in the following schedule, for the prices there- in set out, and that the President and the Secretary of this District be, and they are horeby authorized to execute to such purchasers the proper Quit-Claim conveyances of the District's interest. The premises, lands purchasers and prices of the parcels affected by this resolution are as follows: , To Tom UVillis, a Quit-Claim Deed to Lot 49, Palomares Heia-hts Annex in the amount of $56.07'. To Hugh Kelley, a Quit-Claim Deed to Lot 24, Palomares Heights Annex in the amount of $60.05. To Eva Dunlap, aQuit-Claim Deed to North Half of Lot 7, Block "B", Encinitas Highlands, in the amount of $75.00. Grant Deeds to the following properties previously approved for sale, as noted, were duly signed: Lots 32 and 34, Block 47, Cardiff "A" approved for sale October, 1941. Lots 3,4,5 and 6, Block 103, Cardiff Vista approved for sale February, 1941. The Secretary presented plans for the subdivision known as-La Cresta Barrio Unit No. 1 which had been submitted for approval by Robert McClary. The Secretary stated that water lines had been duly installed by the subdivider and accepted by the Dis- trict and that said water lines would become the property of the District upon the approval of the subdivision by the Board, subject to its acceptance by the County. This subdivision is a resubdivision of L.ots 37 and 38 in Crest Acros. Upon a motion by Director Baird, seconded by Director Ogg and un- animously carried, the subdivision known as La tCresta Barrio Unit No.l was approved as f ar as the District's interest is concerned and the accompanying document of certification duly signed. The Socretary roported that the f ollowing Quit-Claim Deed under the Harold B. Reed supplemental contract of April 9, 1946, had been duly signed: Lot "H", Block 75, Cardiff Villa Tract. a letter from Ed Fletcher dated September 3, 1948 was present- ed by the Secretary in which Mr. Fletcher expressed a desire to have the Board members make a field survey of a proposed project which he believed would be of interest to the District. The Secretary was instructed to communicate with Mr. Fletcher and to request a more definite prosentation of his proposal. Upon a motion by Director Batchelor, seconded by llirector Ogg, the meeting was unanimously adjourned to Wednesday, October 6, 1948, at 1:30 P.M. APPROVED: ~ President ATTEST : Se etar Juncinitas Coast Dispatch Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Couri of San Diego County "D" STREET AT SECOND PHONE 515 ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO,ss. I, ARCHIE J HICKS, Jr., of the said county, being duly sworn, depose and say: THAT I am and at all times herein mentioned have been a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty- one years, and that I am not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; THAT, I am Business Manager of The Encinitas Coast Despatch a newspaper of general circulotion, printed and published weekly in the Town of Encinitas, County of San Diego, Stote of California, ond which newspaper is published for the dissemination of locol news and intelligence of o general character, and which newspoper at oll - times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed ond published at regular intervols in the said Town of Encinitos, County of San Diego, StoYe of California, for a period exceeding one yeor next preceding the dote of publication of the noYice hereinafYer referred Yo; and that the NOTICE THAT 1e48 ASSESSMENTS f10YIC2 of which the annexed is a rinted co has FOR SAN DIEGUITO DISTRICT been published if'1 each regular Q d entire ISSUe Of ~ ARE PAYABLE. Notice is hereby given bY the San Di- SQICI f1EWSPOPeY and not in any supplement thereof guito Irrigation District, which is lo- Oll the following dotes, t0-Wlt:, San cated wholly within the Count ha~ the ~ Diego, State of California, . , Secretary of said District did, hefore , the lst day of November, 1948, deliver, the assessment books of said District Oetober ?Z 1(~4 8 ~ to the Collector of the District and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that said assessments are due and paY- a.ble ou November 1, 194$. Payment, ^ however, may be made in two install- inenl'.s of Fifty per cent each, as Pro- vided bY Resolution of the .Board of . . petober. 2a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1948 Directors. The first installment in- cludes unpaid Nvater tolls as of Sep- tember 1, 1948, addecl to assessment roll by authority of Section 33-F of the raliPornia lrrigation District Act, and becomes delinquent a.t six o'clock P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 . . . \t. mi tlie last -Monday in December. 1948. and that imless paid prior there- to, Ten per cent (1001o) will be added to the amount thereof. The second installment becomes delinquent at 5ix 194 o'clock, P. D7., on the last Monday in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June, 1949, and that unless paid nrior . thereto, Five per cent (501o). n'ill be added ta the amount thereof. Said assessments are paYable Uetween the hoiir9 of 8:30 o'clock. A. M., and 5:00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 . . . o'clock, P. M., on all days except Sun- days and holidays, at the office of the said San Dieguito Irrlgation Dis- trict, in the buflding located on Lot 11 ` in: Block 6 of Encinitas as per-.map No. 145, on• file in the office oF the ~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • • Recorder oi tfie CountY of San Diego, Business M ager State of California.. T. F. HARRiNGTON, r Collector of San Dieguito Irrigation District, Oct. 21, 1948-Oct. 28, 1948. ' • Subscribed ond sworn to before me this. . . ?9. . . doy I of...QqtQ$Qr 194..$. Notory Publ in and for the County of San Diego, State of California.