1943-09-07 MI NUTES OF REGULAR MEETI A1Q' 0F H4ARD OF DI RECTORS . OF SAN DIEGUI TO IRRI GATI OM . DI 3TRI GT , HELD AT THE OFF"! CE OF'THE DI STRICT YN ENfiINT_ TA$, CALIFORNIA, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7'th, 19431 AT' 0NE-THIRTY 0 ° CLOCkC P , M, Preseat; Direator E,A.Bricker'''and L. P. McChesneq, Vice President. ' Herbert_Nunn, Secreta.ry ' A quorum not being present, upon order' of_ Director MeChesney, - - the me:eting was adjourned unti7. Friday, September lOth,. 1943, " at one~-thirty o1alook P.M. • APP ROV President ` ~ ATTES . . . . Secret ry MI NTTJES OF ADJOURNED I3EGULAR MEETI NG OF THE BOARD 4F DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DYSTRICT, HELD AT THE OFF'I aE OF THE .DI S".PRI CT I N EPJCI AtI TAS, CALSFORNIA, ON FRIDAY, SEPTEPdBER 10, 1943, AT ORiEsTHI RTY 0° CL4CK P. Bd, In the absenae of President Bueklew, Vii;e President MaChesnep cal.led the meeting to order and presideci as chairma.n; Herbert Nunn served as Secre tary. The Directors answered to roll call e.s tollows, via; Presento Directora Bricker, Hunga.te, Rnipe and MeChesney. Absento- Direotor BucVlew ' The Minutes oY previous meetings of the Board were read, and upon motion duly ma.de, seconded a.nd earried, uneuimously approved. Cl °m-rr--°°-s-..co-m Upon motion made by Director Knipe, sece►nded by Director Hunga.te, the following bills,were a,pproved a,nd ordered paid, to-wito jARRANT N0. 10399-J.W,Hungate-directors fees-Auf. 1 .1 23 10,00 N999-L.P. MaChesney 5.00 0-Encinitas Lumber Co. -Warehouse stk.&LPL Rep. 20;59 10401mL.L.Wa.ttier-elec, work on pumpe 5.00 10402-99a11aoe & Tiernan Sales Corp._chlor. rep. 61,04 10403-Indian Rock Springs Water - office empense 1.24