1935-09-05 1415 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD-OF DIRECTORS OF 3AN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT, SITTING AND ACTING AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION, HELD AT THL OFFICE OF SAID DISTRICT IN ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA, ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1935 at TEN 0'CLOCK A.M. Present: Director James C. Files F.H.Tolle, Secretarp A quorum not being present, Director Files thereupon ordered the meeting adjaxrned until Friday, September 6:. 1935, at Ten o'clock A.M. APPROVE , ATTEST: ^ Presiden Se cre t ary ' ~ MINUTES OF ADJOURAtED RDGULAR MEETI NG OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT, SITTING AND ACTING AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION, HELD AT THE OFFICE OF SAID DISTRIOT IN ENCINITAS, . CALIFORNIA, ON FUDAY!; SEPT. 6, 1935, AT TEN OICLOCK A.M. Preaent: Dir ector James 0, Files F,H.Tolle, Secretary A uiorum not being present, a.nd this bein the la.st da ~ 9 ~ Y, ~ to-wit - the expiration,of the ten day period, as provided by law, for this Bo ard of Dire ctorffi .to'. ' act as a Board of : Equalization, Director James C. Files thereupon ordered said meeting adjourned until Monday, September 16, 1935, at one- thirty o'clock P.M. APPROVE ~ ATTEST: Preeident ~w Secretary