1935-09-04 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SITTING AND ACT_ I NG AS A BOARI? OF EQUALI ZATI ON, OF SAM DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DI$TRICT, HELD AT THE OFFICE OF THE DISTRTOT IN ENCINITAS CALIFORNIA, ON 4PEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, ' 1935, AT ONE-THIRTY 0'CLOCR P.M. President L. P. McCheeney pre sided ae Chairman and called the-meeting to order.- F.H.Tolle served as secretarq.. The following Directors answered present to roll ca11; Directors Bowles, Files, Lamb, McCheeney, and van Amerefoort. Minutes of ineeting of Dir ectors held.August 30th, 1935 were read, and there being no objections, changea, or corrections, sa.me were thereupon declared appr'oved. ~ • Minutes of ineeting of Direotors held August 31, 1935 were read, and the re being no objectione, chan ges, or corrections, same were thereupon declare d apprvved. Minutes of ineeting of Directors held gepteffiber 3;:11935, were read, and there being no objectione, changes or corrections, same werP thereupon declared approved. Mr. A. G. Reader of the Union Trust Company and Mr, Kenneth Warner, former.Assessor and deputy assessor of this District, appeared before the Board in respect to Lots C, D, E, F, G, and H in Block 72 of Cardiff Villa, that were not assessed during the years 1927 to 1934 inolusive, : Mr. Warner explained the history of. same to the best of his ' recollection, . Mr. Reader spoke in behalf of hie letter request or petition to this Board dated~ AugUet 20, 1935, in respect to the foregoing f matter ae referred to in the minutes of the meeting of this Board held on August 26, 1935• - After extended and thorough discuss3on the following resolution was introduced upon motion by Director Files,_ seconded by Director van Amersfoort, and thereupon pasaed and adopted by the roll call vote appearing immediately at the end of eaid resolution, to-wit:. R E S 0 L U T I 0 N RESOLVED; ~Th at the letter request or petition of Union _ Trust Company, dated August 20, 1935, and signed by BQr. A.G.Reader, in regasd to the foregoing described lots in B2ock 72 of Cardiff Villa a,nd their assessment, be and the same is hereby denied. ~ The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote - to-wit: AYES: DIRECTORS Bowles, F11es, Lamb, McChesney, van Amersfoort. NOES: IdONE Thereupon Mr. Reader submitted verbal request that in placing the sig above lots on the assesement roll, the County practice of the Rity of San Diego be followed, and that these lota be placed upon the roll for the current year and the two preceding years only. After discussion, the following resolution was introduced . by Director Files, seeanded by Director Lamb, its passage moved, and was thereupon passed and adopted by the roll call vote appes.ring immediately after. said resolution, to-wit: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N RESOLVED: . The the foregoing verbal request or petttion by Mr. A.G.Reader, be denied. The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the following roll ca11 vote: AYES: Dire etors Files, Lamb, van Amersfoort NOES: Director McChesney NOT VOTING : Director Bowles Upon motion by Director Files, seconded by Director " Bowles, and unanimously carried by the affirmative vote of a11 Directors present, it was ordered that the following ~ bille be Paid and warrante therefor issued, to-wit• , . o" R'arrant No. 5541-F.H.Tolle-sal, as sec'y and gen, mgr, to 9/31/35 inc. 100.00 5542=T.F;Harrington-sal.as assr.coll,treas. " " " " a 62,50 5543-H. Hartmania-sal, as auditor-16~ hrs. 12.39 5544..Ann M. Bonham- sal, a.s stenog. " s' 40,00 5545-Ethe1 V. Young ° ° clerk n ii ii n n 40.00 5546-L.C.Remmele-sal. for euperintendence n fr n n n 62.50 5547-L.H.Petrie-wa.~es for 112 hrs. labor " n " o' n 56,00 ~ 5549-Eliot Kelso K a n n n n i~ n n n 56.00 5549-Glen Fowler 11 " 114 " " If if " At 57, 00 5550-Fred Coutts n n 40 ~ n n u n " u 20.OQ' 5601-Marie Ericks - janitor servicea for Augu.et 1935 - 12.50 5602-Maurice M. Myers - legal retainer for August 1935 - 45.00 560 -Encinitas Elec. Shop-pump inspection for August 1935 10.00 560~-George E. Bowles-director°s fees-9-6/15/26/27 & 30135 25.00 5605-James C. Files 11 it 0 n n n u u n n 25.00 5606-Harvey W. L amb if n fl n n n n a n n 25100 5607-L,P.McChesney If to to n u n a u n u 25,00 5609-A, van Amersfoort 11 it °°If n~f n n 25.00 5609-J. Rolbeck-refund for return of 2 5/9n meters CMJ~4 5 _6,74 . 5610-A. Schultz n 11 , n 1' 111 meter C.M. 366 13.61 5611-Southern Calif. Tele. Co.-Ser. 60,61,62 & 225- 17.55 5612-S.D,Cons. Gas & Ele c. Co.-power and lighta - 573,91 561 Bank of America.-lease of safe deposit Box 97- 8.25 561thiunicipal Sanitation-3 yra, subscription-- 2.00 . 5615-Community Hall Aes'n- rent of ha11 July 11,1935- 5,00 5616-A. Carlisle & Co.-bond folders & collectors caeh sheets 51.08 5617-Irr. Diet. Officers Ase'n S.D.County-ehare Lee's expense 3.60 5618- Void ~ Void 5619-Western Union-telegram to Mr. Schram aent from S.F. 7.75 5620-Void Void 5621-Union Oil Co. of Calif.- gas and o il .77 5622-Standard Oil Co. of Ca1 if- gae and o il 6.19 562 Bahr Service - ga.s 6,30 562~Western Meta1 Supply Co.- warehouse atock, tools, etc. 46.65 5625- H,H.VG illiams Service Station - gas 8.22 5626= Solana Iron 4Vorks-machine work on tools & equip. 9.20 5627-F.H.Tolle-mileage to 8/31/35 inc. 3125 5628-Encinitas Lumber Co.- material for Job 35-7 21.46 5629-F . H. Toll:e-fl6bretesy - pe tty cash f und- 40, 42 5630-City of San Diego-August 1935 payment on water Cont. 4435.46 5631-Burroughs Adding Machine Co- servi ce add.ing machirie- 11.65 5632-S.D.Office Supply & Equip. Co. - typewriter rep, etc. 17.53 5633 Hazard-Gould & Co-.- parts for backfill machine- 17,08 5634-Western Metal Supply Co.-tools and wa.eehouse stock- 161.80 563-Miaeion Pipe 8~ Supply Co. - wasehouse stock 10.47 . 5636 u n a ii n n 122.26 , The manager presented to the Hoard for their perusal a list of delinquent water accounts, b oth irrigation and domestic. The Treasurer'e report for the month of August was presented o f J~ to the Board and upon motion of Director Lamb, seconded by Director Files, was ordered filed by the unanimous vote of all Directors present. The Board thereupon took under considexation various mattere in connection with the prod.uction of cropa, . cost of producing same, and a forecaet of their net- . price and value.to the grower for the ensuing calendar . ye ar of 1936. . Evidence was heard and.discussed in relation thereto, all as required and provided for in Section 11 of the . Calif ornia Districte'Securitiea Commiesion Act. . The queetion of wi thdxaxarl_ of water'. f-rom` T,ake=~Hodges ,'by . the City of San Diego for use in the City, was braught to the attention of the Board. After ext'ended discussion . in which the Vanager and Attorney Myere jointd, the following action was taken, • . Upon motion made by Director Files, seconded by Director ~ Bowles, and unanimously carried by the affirmative vote . of all Directors present, Attorney Myers wae inetructed . to prepare a resolution for action of this Board, giving , legal notice to the City of San Diego to cease their - . present draft of water from Lake Hodges for City use, , Treasnzrer Harrington discuseed with the Hoasd the matter , and method of keeping the General Funds of the District . by years. . Upon motion duly mad.e, seconded and 'nnanimously carried, the meeting was thereupon adjourned until Thursday, Sept. 52 1935, at Ten o'clock A.M. . APPROV ATTEST; Pr sident . Secretary