1945-08-20 MINU'1'ES 4F "MEETYNG 0F THE BOAHD OF DIF.ECTOR3 UF 3AN -DIEGUITO IRRIGATION 'DI'STAI-CT,' SITTING AND ACTING "AS A BOARD OF P:QUALIZATION, HELD AT THE OFFICE OP' TFiE"'DISTRICT 'IN ENOINITAS*, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 20TH, 1945 AT TEN 0'CLOCK Aa Vo President McChesney oalled the meeting to order and presided as Chairmaxi; Herbert Nunn sernEd as Secretary. Directors answered to roll call as follaeva, viz; PRESENT: Dire at ore Chase, Ogg, Rnipe, a.nd MaChe sne y. ABSENT; Di re ctor Cunning `This being the day and hour heretofore set by the Board of Directors for the purpose of ineeting and acting as a Board of Equalization, to hear and consider all matters pertaining to the equalization of assessmenta, as provided bq law, the Secretary presented to the Board the affidavit of the Publisher of the Coast Dispatch, together with a, copy of the Notice of Receipt of Assessment Books and meeting of the Board of Equalization ot' San Dieguito Irriga.tion District, as published by the Secretery ot' the Board in two consecutive issues of eaid newspaper: Y9hereupon, the Board proceeded to sit a.nd aet as a Board of Equa.7.ization to hear and determine all matters in relation thereto that might come betore them. ~ No protestants appearing bef ore the Board, regarding the matter of assessed valua,tions, and there being no other businese concerning equalization matters, upon motion made bp Director Knipe and duly seconded by Director Ogg, the Board of Equalization was unanimously ordered adjourned. AP ATTES . re si 8ent Se cxetary 250,--June 1945 THE COAST DISPATCH 'WAS DECREED A LEGAL NEWSPAPER BY THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA The Coast Dispatch ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA Afftba~~~ ~~bfira#ton ` ate of California, . -ounty of San Diego, }ss. I, E. Ziegler Hicks, of the said County, being duly sworn, depose and say: THAT I am and at all times herein mentioned have been a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one yeors, and that ( am not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that I am chief clerk of The Encinitas Coast Dispatch, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in Town of Encinitas, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemina- NOTICE oF RECEIPT oF assess- tion of local news and intelligence of a general MENT BOOK AND OF M.EETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION character, and which newspaper at all the times OF SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DisTRicr. herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide sub- ,ATOTICE is hei•eby gic-en that the Assessor of San Dieguita IrrigaCion ` SCrIPtIOn list of paying subscribers, and which news- _ District did on the 25th day of Jul,v, 1945, deliver the Assessment Boolc ot poper hos been established, printed and published the ssid district, as completed by him, ~ to the tuzdei•signed, as Secretary of the Board of llirectors of s2id Dis- Clt regular intervals Itl the soid Town of Encinitas, trict, and thstt said Board of Direct- ors, acting as a Board of Equalization, COUI'lty of San Diego, Stot2 of California, fOY Q 'will meet to equalize assessments, at ~ , the office of said District in Encini- cas, cai;fornia, ot, lZouday, tLugust: period exceeding one year next preceding the dote 1 120th, 1945, at ten (10:00) o'clock A. M. , ana saia Boara ..-iu continue in ses- of publication of the notice hereinofter referred to; sion from time to Yime, as long as ~ may be necessary, not to exceed ten (10) days, exclusive of Sundays, co and which newspaper is not devoted to nor published hear and determine such objectioiis , co valuatimi, «creage, or any i„attei- for the interests, entertainment or instruction of a pertaininb to'the assessment, as may come before them; and may ruake ' such chaiiges thereof as may be 7ust; i particulor CloSS, profession, trode, colling, roce, OI' and in the meantime the assessment hooh sliall remain ;n tne orfice of cne denominotion, or any number of same; thar the . Secretar~ for the inspectioii of all ~ persons interested. ~ HERB}~RT NU I~OtICe, of which the annexed IS Q printed copy, H1a5 NN, Secretaty of the Board of Directors of san llieguito rr,-sgat;on viscr;or. ' been published in eoch regular ond entire issue of July 26-Aug 2 ~ - said newspaper ond not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: J.ulv. 2.6th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194.5. . Aug us t. .2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194..5. ..................................194.... ..................................194.... ..................................194.... ~ Subscribed ond Sworn to before me, this.. 3r.d i - day of . . .Aug Li,s.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 19.45. o tary Public in and for the County f of 5an Diego, State of California. My Commission Expires June 15, 1946 No Affidavit of Publication ~ , ~-T - . ~ ~i ~ D A T E D ...............,19............ • mEilClillt l5 Coast Dispatch ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA PHONE 2121 ~ ~ ~