1941-07-15 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO . IRRIGATI ON DI STRI C'1, HELD AT THE OFFI CE OF THE DISTRICT IN ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA, ' ON TUESDAY, JULY 15 th, 1941, AT ONE-THIRTY 0°CLOCK P.M. President Bucklew called the meeting to order and presided as chairman; Herbert Nunn served as secretary. The Directors answered to roll call as follows, viz; PRESENT ; E. A. Bricker, L.L. Bucklew, Robert L. Kemp, A,L.Knipe ABSENT : L. P. Mcche sney Minutes of previous meeting of the Boa,rd of Directors were read and unanimoualy approved. Upon motion made by Director Bricker, seconded by Director Knipe, the follotiving -bi lle were approved a,nd warrants in payment thereof ordered executed and issued, to-71it; WARRANT N0, . 9343-Sam A. Claggett, Tax Coll, quiet title exp ense 8.90 934-4-San Dieguito Chevrolet Co.-truck exp, 3,27 9345-So.Calif, Telephone Co.- telephone service 21.90 9346-Victox Kretner-quiet title exp. - commission 2.00 9347 -Enc,Lumber Co.- tank maintenance ~1-47 9348-L . A. Bunyard Garage - t ruck exp ense 15. 23 9349-Caxl Wilson - chlor, expense 30.00 9350-Ed Fletcher Co.- quiet title expense 135,5p 9351-milton Smith- hauling etc. Jobe_ 40-21 & 41-9 32.35 The Secretary's and Treasurer's raonthly reports were presented ' to the Board and ordered received and filed, Mrs. Verna Brinton Sibley Jenkins affered the Board a Quit C1aim Deed to Lots 9 to 16, inclusive, in Block 57, Cardiff "Al' in exchange for a quit claim deed from the District to Lots 39 and 40, Block E, Cardiff "A", This offer was considered of benefit to all parties con- . cexned, and as the District has a tentative offer for the first mentioned 1ots, which would return delinquent taxes in the amount of $236,40, plus a profit, -upon motion made by - Director Bricker, seconded by Director Y.emp, the offer was unanimously accepted- and approved, and the President and Secretary instructed to complete thP deal. Upon motion rnade by Director Hricker, seconded by Director Knipe, the Hoard unanimously ordered that bonds No. 288 & 299 _ be presented to the County Treasurer for canaellation. William Coop requested an option on Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Avocado Acr°s No. 3, if and when this property had been cleared of Mattoon Act Bonds. The Board agreed upon a price of $500,00 per acre, and further agreed to hold this property subjeot, to purchase by 6'Billiam Coop rvhen the District acquired a clear title; subject, however, to the usual requirements as to cash deposit and payments, Upon motion made by Director Knipe, seconded by Director Bricker, the Board unanimously approved the sa1 e of the South one-half of Lot 4 and a1l of Lot 3, Bl.ock 3, Encinitas Highlands, to W.F. and Florence Growe, a.t a. total price of $360,00, with a L' cash payment of $65.00, and the balance payable $16,50 pe r month, plus interest at 6% on unpaid balances. A list of pending real estate sales was submitted.for the in- : formation of the Board, and Attoxney IZyers explained the progress ` he had been able to make with each, The Attorney a1 so stat6d that progress was bein g made in the settlement of A.I.D. No. 42, All of the listed properties were continued in the hands of the attorney. Upon motion made by Director Bri cker, seconded by Director Kemp, the Board unanimously approved the execution of a SurDlus Water Contract to Neil Conrad , for furnishing vuater to land in Section 10. - ` The rnatter of cons truc tion of a reservoir was di scussed at length, and as it appeared that the projeet could not be com- pleted until early 1942, the Manager was instructed to act accordingly. Upon motion made by Dire ctor Bricker, seconded by Director ~ Kemp, the Board unanimously approved the sale -of Lot 10 and the 4`dest one-half of Lot 11, Rose Tract, to Passion Fruit Plantations Inc., at the price of $522,00. Upon motion rnade by Director Kemp, seconded by Director Bricker, the meeting avas unanimously ordered adtourned until the next regular meeting on Tuesday, Aug,zst 5th, 1941, APPRO VED; ATT : President Se !65rtary