1966-04-12 MINUTES OF THE REGULA.R NIEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT HELD IN THE DISTRICT OFFICE IN ENCINITAS, CAI,IFORNIA ON APRII, 129 1966 AT 9:00 A.M. President Weston called the meeting to order. Attendance was as follows: Present: Directors Noonan, Pearson, Bingha.m, Cermak and Weston, Secretary-Nanager Mills, Assessor-Collector Taylor, Superintendent Brine and Attorney Cranston. Absent: None The minutes of the meeting of Niarch 8, 1966 were approved as mailed and ordered filed. Charles Hales, the Districtts representative to the County Water Authority is ill and was unable to attend the meeting. Attorney Cranston, representative to the Board of the County Water Authority for the City of San Diego reported on:the-acti- ~ vities of the last Board meeting. The Manager's report was read to the Board and accepted as read. The Superintendent reported to the Board on the field acti- vities during March. . After a review of the major provisions of the State Employees Retirement System, Director Cermak moved that the following reso- ; lution be adopted. The motion was seconded by Director Noonan. RESOZUTION R66-15 RESOI,UTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE CONTR.ACT PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATION IN STATE IlVIPZOYEES' RET IREMENT SYSTIlVi. WHEREAS, the State Employees' Retirenent Zaw permits the parti- cipation of public agencies in the State Employees' Retirement System, making their employees members of said System, and sets forth the procedure by which participati.on may be accomplished; and WHEREAS, one step in said procedure is the adoption_by the -21- Governing Body of the Public Agency of a resolution giving notice of intention to approve a contract for such partieipation between said Governing Body and the Retirement System Board of Administration, which resolution shall contain a summary of the major provisions of the proposed retirement plan; and WHEREA.S, attached is a summary of the major provisions of the proposed plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT gives, and it does hereby give notice of intention to approve a contract between said BOARD OF DIRECTORS and the Board of Administration of the State Employees' Retirement System, providing for participation of the S.AN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT in said Retirement System, a copy of said contract and a copy of the summary of the major provisions of the proposed plan being attached hereto, marked "Exhibits A and B" respectively, and by this reference made a part hereof. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Noonan, Pearson, Bingham, Cermak and Weston. Noes: None Absent : Tlone The rules and regulations as mailed to the Directors by the Manager were discussed at length. Due to the length of the dis- cussion and the various items to be considered, the discussion was continued until the meeting to be held on April 18, 1966. Assessor-Collector Taylor informed the Board of her.intention to adopt County valuations for the District's tax roll. After a brief discussion, this action was approved by the Board. Discussion was held relative to the County project at San Ntarcos Road and Vulcan Road and the fact that the District would have dif- ficulty working the necessary line relocation into the present schedule. Upon motion by Director Cermak, seconded by Director Bingham, the Superintendent was authorized to negotiate with -22- Don Hubbard Construction Company to have the pipeline work required done on a contract basis. The motion was unanimously carried. Upon motion by Director Noonan., seconded by Director Pearson, the following resolution was adopted. RESOZUTION R66-16 OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT DllAKING APPZICATION FOR THE DETACHMENT OF TERRITORY FROM SAID DIS- TRICT - WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT desires to initiate proceedings for the detachment from said District of the territory hereinafter described, NOW9 THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT does hereby resolve, determine and order as follows: Section l. Application and a proposal is hereby made to the I,ocal Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Diego, State oi California, for a change of arganization as follows: (a) This proposal is made pursuant to tne District Re- organization Act of 1965, commencing tivith Section 56,000 Government Code. (b) The nature of the proposed change of organization and the name of all districts for which any such change of organi- zation is proposed are as follows: The detachment of the hereinafter described territory from the SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT and its annexation to OT,IVENHAIN MUNICIPAI, WATER DISTRICT; (c) The names of a11 other affected counties, cities and districts are: The County of San Diego; Olivenhain Mun.icipal..V9ater District; , (d) The territory proposed to be detached from the SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT is uninhabited. A description of the exterior boundaries of such territory is as follows: That p.ortion of Zot 3 of Section 27, Township 13 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and IVleridian in the County of San Diego, State of California according to the United States Governm.ent Survey approved April 199 1881, described as follows: -23- Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence South 0° 01120" West 314.62 feet along the East line of said Lot 3 to a point on the South line of the North 314.60 feet of said Lot 3 being the True Point of Beginn6ng. Thenee along the South line of said Prth 314.60 feet North 89 24' 48" West 17.02 feet; thence South 12 48100" West 152.36 feet to a point on a 1000.00 foo~ radius curve concave Southerly the center of which bears South 12 54' 22" West; thence Westerly along the arS of said 1000.00 foot radius curve through a central angle of 10 181-.48" a distance of 180.00 feet to an inter- section with the Easterly li.ne of the Right of Way of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company as acquired by Filing approved by the United States Government Secretary of the Interior on May 12, 1881, and as shown on 1Vliscellaneous Map No. 186 filed December lg, 1946 as File No. 133964 in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, said point being on the arc gf a 1055.37 foot radius curve, the center of which bears South 73 541 24" West from said point; thence Southerly along said Easterly Right of Wayoline, and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 3 07' 59" a distanee of 57.71 feet; thence continuing algng said Easterly Right of Way line tangent to said arc South 12 57' 37" East 813.46 feet to the South line of said Lot 3; thence along the South line of said Lot 3, Soutn 89 Q7' 54" East 31.61 feet to the Southeast corn8r of said Lot 3; thence along the East line of said Lot 3, North 0 O1' 20" East 973.23 feet to the True Point of Begin- ning. (e) It is desired that the proposed detachment provide for and be made subject to the follorving terms and conditions: The detachment shall not be effective until such time as said property shall have been annexed to OI,IVENHAIN MUNICIPAZ VPATER DISTRICT. (f) The reasons for this proposal are as follows: OZIVENHA.IlV MUNICIPAI, WATER DISTRICT is empowered to and is engaged in the supply and distribution of water, and has existing supplies and facilities for the distribution of water sufficient to provide water s-ervice to the territory proposed to be annexed in connection with its service to adjacent areas; service by SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT will be more difficult and more expensive. (g) The owner of said property proposed to be detached consents to such detacbment, and has filed with this District a Gonsent to Detachment, a copy of which Consent is attached hereto and made a part he.i°eof by this reference. Section 2. The Secretary of this District is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Executive Officer of the Zocal Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Diego. -24- Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Noonan, Pearson, Bingham, Cermak, and Weston. Noes: None . Absent: None The Manager reported on the proposed bond construction projeet, and how it would integrate with the present system. Upon motion by Direetor Cermak, seconded by Director Noonan, the following resolution was adopted: RESOZUTION R66-17 RFAFFIRMING THE APPROVAZ AND SUPP08T TN THE SANTA FE IRR.IGATION DISTRICT'S EFFORT TO AC- QUIRE I,AND ON VMICH FUTURE FII,TRATION PZAN1 IS TO BE BUII,T 1NHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT and the Board of Directors of the SANTA FE IRRIGATION DISTRICT have previously stated their intention to cooperate in the construction of the joint filtration plant and storage reser- voir project, and WHEREAS, as a part of this project, the lan.d on which the project is to be construction must first be acquired, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI,VED that the Board of Directors of the SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT does hereby approve and sup- port the efforts of the SANTA FE IRRIGATION DISTRICT to acquire by condemnation or otherwise the site selected for the filtration plant, and BE IT FURTHER RESOZVED that the SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT intends to pay its reasonable share of the cost of said acquisition. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes:' Directors Idoonan, Pearson, Bingham, Cermak and Weston. Noes: None Absent: None Due to the fact that Mr. Charles Hales, District representative to the San Diego County Committee for Vital Water is ill, the -25- Manager of the San Diego Water Autharity has asked that a re- placement be appointed. Chairman Weston appointed Vice-President Cermak to replace Mr. Hales in this position. Upon motion by Director Pearson, seconded by Direetor Bingham, the following resolution was adopted: RESOZUTION R66-18 RESOI,UTION STATING SUPPORT FOR THE SAN DIEGO.COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY BOND PRO- 'POSITION VVIiEREAS, the eontinued grovTth and development of San Diego Courity, in general, and of this District, in particular, Make it essential (1) that the second barrel of the Second San Diego County Aqueduct be completed prior to 1972, and (2) that the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California complete the east branch of its aqueduct and construct Perris and Auld reservoirs in which to store Feather River water for delivery to the San Diego County Water Authority during periods of peak demands, and WHEREAS, Proposition V on the June 7th Primary Ballot is a $30,000,000 Bond Issue of the San Diego County Water Authorit.y to raise money for the said Seeond San Diego County Aqueduct,-and Proposition W on the same Ballot is an $850,000,000 Bond Issue of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to raise fu.nds for the construction of said East Branch Reservoirs and re- lated facilities, and . VHEREAS, all of said facilities are vital to the continued existence of this District, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOZVED: That the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Irrigation District hereby endorses each of these bond issues as essential to the well-being of the residents of this District, an.d further urges its residents and taxpayers in- dividually to assist in the passage of these propositions V and W. which stand for Vital Water, in order that this District may be assured of a continuing adequate water supply. Passed and adopted by the following roll eall vote: Ayes: Directors Pearson, Noonan, Bingham, Cermak and Weston. Noes: None -26- Absent: None mhe announcement was read conerning the I.D.A. convention to be held on April 19-22. Upon motion by Director Noonan, seconded by Director Bingham and carried, Vice-President Cermak and Secretary- Manager Mills were authorized to attend the convention. After a discussion of the tenants' deposits and the difficulty 9f administering them, Director Noonan moved that the following resolution be adopted. The motion was seconded.by Director Cermak. I RESOLUTION R66-19 DELETIATG THE REQUIREMENT FOR TEl`dANTS TO POST A DEPOSIT WITH THE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the tenants' deposits of $10.00 for each domestic water service has not proven to be effective, and is extremely difficult to ad.minister, ' THEREFORE, BE IZ' RESOZVED that Article 5, Section 2:7., of the District rules and regulations •be. and it hereby is cancelled and ordered deleted'and the amounts of money being held as deposits is t.o be credited to the accounts of those tenants for whom the money is being held. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Noonan, Bingha.m, Pearson, Cermak a.nd Weston Noes: None Absent: None Discussion was held concerning the means of informing the voters of the facts concerning the bond issueo Chairman weston asked the entire Board to serve as a committee to organize a public meeting at one of the school auditorium.s in order.to inform the people of exactly what will be done if the bond issue is passed. Upon motion by Director Cermak, seconded by Director Pearson, and carried, warrants 20828 through 20882 in the amount of $48,439•97 were authorized for payment. A letter was read from the State of California Division of -27- Highways asking that another copy of the Joint Use Agreement 8737-1 and 8737-2 on the relocation for the freeway be executed. This document was authorized for execution several years ago and was executed at that time. This will simply be a replacement in its original form in the State files. The Board agreed that this document should be executed for the State's convenience. An invitation for the San Diego County Water Agencies Associ- ations meeting to be held in San Diego on April 289 1966 was read. President Weston directed that reservations for all the officers and their wives be made for this meeting. There being no further business, it was moved by Director Bingham, seconded by Director Pearson, and carried that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned by President Weston. # # # APP D: i~ residen ATTEST: . ~ Secretary -28-