1946-03-25 MSNUTES OF ADJOURNED 14EETiNG OF THE BOARD OF DIAE(7TORS OF' SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION' DI'STRICT, HELD AT THE - OFFI-CE'OF THE DISTRICT, IP1 ENCIIvITAS, CALIFORMIA, ON DIIONDAY, MARCx 25Tx9 1946, AT TWO 0ICLOCK P,M, President MoChesney called the meeting to order and served ae Chairman: Herbert Nunn served as Searetary. The following Directors a,nswered present to roll-ca11, viz: PRESENT: Direotora Chase, Cunning, Knipe, MeChesney and Ogg, ABSENT : None. i Upon the motion of Director Knipe, seconded by Director Ogg, the reading of the minutes was postponed. , _ Upon the motion of Direotox Ogg, seconded by Director Knipe, a.nd unanimousl y carried, the Secretary wa.s instructed to open t4e proposa3s reQeived fpr the aonstruction oY Encinitas Creek.Rev%er- vQir, Eleven bids were. reoeived and tabulated as followss Macco Oonatruction Qompany ~ 9212770.00 John.J. Swigart Co. 95,2 .00 R.E. Hazzard Contraating Qompariy 100.75~.00 4w1 Truck and Construction Company 100.963,00 Bonadiman MoKai.b Ina. 105, 2.3p Griffi,th Companp 106.344.00 2ff, C. a].ker I 108.297. 92 Da1 ey Corporation 112.617.00 , Walt er H. Barber Company 116.305.15 Paul B. Young, Haddock Engineer 139.710.00 Vinnell Company 150.574.00 The Macco Construct ion Company was 3qw bidder, but the 1ow bid exceeded the Engineer's estimate of $88,000.00 and upon the motion of Director Ogg, seconded bp Director. Knipe, a nd unaa- imously carried, the 4ngineer was inetruoted to negntiate ehanges in the metho s of c `2511e-t i,~n and quantities, which would re= duee the cost. ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ Upon the motion of Director Ogg, seconded by Direotor Knipe, the meeting waa uaanimously adjourned to Tuesday, the 26th day of . . March, at Two 0' Clock P.M. , to consider the award of Contract. _ APP : ATTEST: resident Secre a y ~ _