1935-03-02 f MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO IRRI- . GATION DISTRICT, HELD AT THE OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT IN ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1935, AT ONE-THIRTY 0'CLOCR P.M. President L.P. McChesney presided as Chairman, and F.H. Tolle acted in the capacity of Secretary. The follozving Directors answered present to roll call; Present; Dire ctors Geo. E. Bowles, James C. Files, Harvey W. Lamb, L.P.McChesney. Absent; Dir ector A. van Amersfoort. The minutes of the meeting of Directors held on February 25, 1935, were read and there being no objections, cor- rections ox changes, same were thereupon declared approved; . ~ . The Secretary presented to the Board the duly authenticated ~ , Oath of Office and the Surety Bond of Director James C. Files, written by Maryland Casualty Company, which had been approved , by Judge C.N,Andrews of the Superior Court of San Diego County, and had been duly recorded in the County Recorder's office. Upon motion made by Director Lamb, seconded by Director Bowles, the foregoing Surety Bond and Oath of Office of Director James C. Files was order ed approved, accepted and filed, by the following roll call voteo AYES; Uirectors Bowles, Damb and McCheaney. NOT VOTIATG: Director James C. Files. The Secre tary pre sented to the Board the duly authenticated Oath af Office and Surety Bond of Director L.P,McChesney, written by National Surety Corporation, duly approved by Judge C.N.Andrews of the Superior Court of San Diego County, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder. Upon motion by Director Lamb, seconded by Director Bowles, - . ♦ ' ~ ~ it was ordered that said Oath of Office and Surety Bond of Director L.P.McChesney be approved, accepted, and filed, by the following roll call votet AYES: Direators Bowles, Lamb and Filee. NOT VOTING; Director L.P.MeChesney. The Secretary preeented and read to the Board, letter from Ed Fletcher dated February 27, 1935, concerning District'e policy re tax delinquencies, as mentioned in Directors' meeting of February 25, 1935. Upon motion made by Dir ector Lamb, seconded by Dir ector Files, and unanimously carried., Assessor T.F Harrington was authorized to employ one additianal assistant, at not to exceed $16,00 peT week, to assist in preparation of Schedule "D" a,nd "E" of Reconstruction Finanee Cor- poration. Upon motion ma.de by Director Bowles, seconded by.Director Lamb, and unanimously carried, Assessor T,F,Harrington was empowered to employ one competent man to compute acreage of. parcels of real estate at $4,00 per day; work to be done at the District's office; to gssist in preparation of schedules "D" and "E"._ „ Attorney M.M. Myers reported to the Board the progreas of the District's negotiations with the City of San Diego in the settlement; of its delinquent water account, v and modification of City Water Contract, in connection Y with the closi~~ of the District 's R. F. C. ioan. . , ~ - Upon motion made by Director Filee, seconded by Dir ector ~ Lamb, the following resolution was introduced, its adoption moved, and was unanimously passed and adopted r' nvi , by the following roll call vote; AYES: Dire ctors Geo. E. Bowles, James C, Files, Harvey W. Lam~, L.P,McCheeney NOES: None , ABSENT: Dir ector A. van Amersfoort R E S 0 L U T I 0 N RESOLVED; That in furtherance of the prerequisite details in connection with the closing of our pending Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration loan, and in settlement of a part of our delinquent water purchase contract . account with the City of San Diego, a warrant be issued, payable only out of the Delinquent Water Contract Fund, in the amount of $21,427.08, which amount com- prises the sum of $21,285.71 total w ater contract delinquency as of March 31,1934, said date being the semi-annual contract settlement date, and the sum of $141.37 accrued deficit for the month of April, 1934, and that such warrant after regie- tration shall bear interest at the ra.te of seven pe r cent per annum, and shall be de- livered to the City of San Diego as a com- plete settlement of the water contract pur- chase account with the City of San Diego to and including April 30, 1934, After various discussions concerning the District's pro- and posed R.F C,loani/negotiations with the City of San Diego, the meeting vuas upon motion duly ma.de, seconded, and unanimously carried, adjourned until the next regular monthly meeting of the• Board of Directors on Tuesday, March 5, 1935, at one-thirty o' clock P.M. APPROVE ATTEST: Pres' ent SEC~nARY ~