1941-02-04 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, SAN DIEGUITG IRRIGATION DISTRICT, HELD AT THE OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT IN ENCIIVTITAS, CALIFGRNIA, ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1941 AT ONE_ THI RTY 0' CL OCK P, A+I. , President Bucklew cal.led the meeting to order and presid.ed as Chairman; Herbert Nunn served as secretary. The. following directors answered present to roll ca7.1, viz: Directors Brezina, Bricker, Hucklew, Knipe and . . McChesney,. . &Iinutes of the previoizs meeting of the Boar.d were read and unanimousZy approved. Upon motion..made by Director Adcchesney, seconded by Director Brezina, the following resolution evas introduced, its adoption moved, a.nd was thereupon passed and adopted by the roll call vote shown immediately follawing said resolution, to-wit: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N CVfiEREAS, since the execution of our coritract for the delivery of water out of Hodges ResPrvoir, there has been continued and in creasing activity in the area embraced in the San Dieguito Irrigation District pointing to an incxease in water demand to ke ep up vith the growth now ta.king place and surely anticipated for the immediate ensuing years; and VPFiEREAS, within the area of about 4000 acres of land in- ,cluded within the boundaries of the District are very substantial areas in avocado, citrus, and deciduous groves, country homes sites highly developed; but the.re is also a la.rge portion of the irrigable area which is not now i-mproved but which may confidently be expected. .to be placed under cultivation and irrigation within the next few .years; and . . . IqHEREAS, the District's water requirements ar.e now very much greater th an they were the year following contract with ' the San Dieguito Water Company and will con•tinue to increase to the maximum available suDply as the area within-our District apProaches its ultimate full development; NO!fJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of San Diego be requested to ma~ke every reasonable effort to increase an d protect the water supply frorn the Lake Hodges drainage axea, The above resolution"was passed and adopted by the f olZovring ro11 call vote, to-wit: . AYES: Directors Brezina, Bricker, Bucklew, Knipe and McChesney, NOES: None. Proposals for furnishing the District with gasoline f or the year 1941 were presented, and tabulated as foll ows; Union Oil Compa.nY of California; Union Ethyl Gasoline,Tank Truck Delivery,F.O,B.Encinitas 12,874 gal. "76" Gasoline ° " i' i' ff " 10, 87~ 11 _ Mni t e Magi c Gasol ine , ° 9.87 1~ Standard Oil Cornpa.ny of Cal ifornia.: Point of Standard SupremeStandard Cxas. Flight Del ive rY Gas ( wi th EthYl ) Gas • Escondido, Ca1 if, - $,114 0973 q. 0923 Shell Oil Company, Incorporated Premium Grade First Grade Thixd StruCt. Point of Deliver Shell Prem SuT?er_ Shell Green Stxenit Oceansid.e, Ca1if, $0.145 $0.125 l$p0.115 Encinitas, Calif. 0.114 0.0973 0.0923 Upon motion made by Director Bri.cker, seconded by~Director Brezina, the Board unanimously authorized the acceptance of the bid of the Shell Oil Company, IncorDorated, at the unit pri ce of , 9.73 cents per gallon, f, o, b. Encinitas. Upon motion made by Director Knine, seconded by Di.rector Bricker, the Board unar.imously anproved the following bi lls and oxdered warrants in payment thereof executed and delivered, to-wit: WARRANT N0. 9072-Richa.rd J. Homan-5000 post cards for ,rjatex bills 50.00 907 -ir'aldo Lauer-use of cas for Janizary 1941 10.00 907 -Carl Wilson-prof, services for Jan, 1941 30, 00 9075-Harry H. Zimmerman-ref,on real estate deposit 23.00 9076-Union Oil Co, of Calif- auto expense 1.00 9077-Shell Oil Co. Iric.-gasoline 41,30 9478-;an Die gui to Chevrole t Co.- repair s to truck 4.30 9079-Southern Title & Trust Co,- title guaranty 12,50 9080-Rodney Stokes 00,1;_;~ maps for sale 6,28 9081-Southern Ca1if, TElephone Co. - servi ce fo r Jan.1941 18, 90 9082-11aurice M. I1yers- lega,l servi ces ~7-33 908 -San Die~~o Gas & Elec, Co,_power,lights, gas 1.81 9084-I{ettner-Stafford-Gold.smith Co,-insuranice premium 223•75 9085-Howe Hardware Co.- Job 47:-1 .53 9086-Harri s Elec. Shop-electri c bulbs fo r`of f ice .62 9087-The Daily Transcript-sub, to Jan, lst, 1942- 18,00 9088-Herbert Nunn-mileage for Jan. 1941- 24, ~0 9089-Encinitas Lumbr. Co,-sma.ll tools, etc, '7,34 9090-Lee Iioss-welding servi ces 87, 5p 9091-L. L. Bucklew-mileage Janua,ry 1941- 2,80 . 9092-H, Hart-mann-mileage Jan. 1941. 1, 68 9.o93-~Pestern ~,leta1. Supply Co,-warehouse stoclc, etc, 50,45 9o9~~-Industries Supply Co,- vnarehouse stock 14,61 9095-mlssion Pipe & Supply Co,-warehouse stock 17,06 Warrants - cantinued: . 9096-Encinitas Goast Dispatch-quiet titlelcelec, exp, 8I.77 9097-R.E.Badger- pipe line repairs 24,82 9098_Paul Scha.fer-powder, fuse & caps-Job 40-29 1.80 9099-Secretary's Revolning Fthrid-January payroll 1242,86 9100- " 1' " disbr, other than payroll 16 0 9101-Cash-secretary's petty cash d.isbnrsemente J~.n.1941 l~~ 3 .39 9102-:vater Dept, City of Sa.n Diego-water contract payment 920,~33 9103-Union Title Insr,& Tr, Co,-title ~~+uaranty 1~,00 91o~~-D.O.Hazleton-insr, prem.& real est,commission 8,04 9105-T.F,Harrington-mileage, etc, for Jan. 1941 6,50 t 0 O The Manager recommended advextising for 6000 steel bands for use on the Main Line, and after discussion,Director BrickEr made the motion that the Mana.ger be authorized to advertise for eame. Motion was seconded by Director Brezina, and unani- mously c.arried,Edward M. Bainter presented an offer of $450,00 cash for 100 feet of frontage in the Cullen-Tract opposite his residence, the same to include one acre more or less. Upon motion mad.e 'oy Dire ctor Knipe, seconded by Dire ctor Brezina, . the Boaxd unanimously approved said offer, providing the District can obtain clear title to the said property. Upon rnotion mad.e by Director Bricker, seconded by Director Knipe, the Bozrd unanimously authorized the presentation of Bond No. 1715 to the County Treasurer for cancellation, The I4onthly Reports of the Secreta-.ry a,nd Treasurer were examined and discussed, and upon motion made by Director Ialcchesney, ' seconded by Dire ctor Brezina, were unanimoeusly ordered received . and filed. Upon motion made by Director McChesney, seconded by Director - Knipe, the following real estate sales vnere approved a.nd authorized, to-wit: George E. Butler - Lots 33-34,Block 6, Card.iff, Tota.l price _$120,00 Donald Wilkins, et,ux-Lots '29 to 34, Inc. Assrs,rRap 24 " 275,00 Chas. Brass, et,ux. ,Lot Blk, 35,Encinitas 2 .o J.M. Reyna,et,ux- Lots 5-6,B1k,12,Cardiff " I~j O~ Upon motion made by Dire ctor E.rezina,' seconded by Director . Knipe,. the Board unanimously apnroved the issuance of a . surplus water contract to M. Nakagarova, fbr the use of . domestic water , under the terms and at the rates heretdfore . fixed. by this Board, 'Upon motion rnade by Dire ctor Bricker, seconded by Dire ctor B.rezina, the following resolution was iri:troduced, its adoption moved, and was thereupon unanimously passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of a11 directors present, to-wit; R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 'MEREAS, the San Dieguito Irrigation District has hereto- fore taken Tax Deeds to the lands and premises hereinafter de- scr ibed; and WHEREAS,-said lands and premises axe not necessary for the use of said District in connection with the administrative and operating business of said District; and are--•no longer necessaxy to be retained fpr the uses and purposes of safd. District; a.nd WHEREAS, the District has been endeavoring to sell its title to such premises so tha.t the said lands and premises could again be placed on the assessment rolls and begin contributing, through the payment of the regular irrigation district assess- ment, to the maintenance of the district; and VIHEREAB, offers to purchase the hereinafter described tracts have been received and the best offers received there- for, for quit-claim conveyances of the title acquired by the , district through its tax deed, on the pro ceedinge preliminary to such deeds are as set out in thie resolution hereinafter; _ and WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Boa,rd of Dir°ctors . of San,n DieFuito Irrigation District tha:t such offers are the best that can be had, and that each is ,an of fer of an adequate price and arnount, and that no better sale of such interest can be made at this time, and that it is to the best interest of the Di strict to accept the same; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Boar d of Directors of San Dieguito Irrigation District, th at the District quit claim its interest in the premises hereinafter described, so acquired by t ax deed or deeds as aforesaid, to the purchaser named in the follo«ing schedule, for the price.--`thereinset out, and that the President and the Secretasy of this District be and. they axe hereby authorized to execute to such :punrchaser the proper Quit Cla.im conveyance of the District's intErest. The premises, lands, purchaset and price of the parcel affected by this resolution, are as follows: Premises Price Purchaser Lot 16, East Block 8A, Sturges & Ratton's Subd. $24,86 Pdargaret Blair ' Upom motion by Director IlcChesney, seconcied by Director Knipe, the meeting• was adjo».rned until Monday, February 10th, 1941- at ons-thirty o' clock P.M. ATT T: AFPROVED; `ecretary President