1940-01-31 C 0 N 8 E N T A G R E EM E N T 4Ve, the undersigned, being and oonstituting a11.of the members of the Board of Directore of SAN DIEGUITO_ IRRIGATION DISTRICT, do: hereby reque st and consent to the holding of a meeting of said Board of Directors of San Dieguito Irrigation District on Wednesday, January 31et, 1940, at Nine o° clock A.M., at the office of the Board in Encinitas, Cal ifornia, for. the purpose of considering matters pertaining to W.P.A. Projects, and any and a11 other matters that may be ;edeemeda n essary or advisable, ' ' Direotor First Division tor d Division Tf r or Third Division Director Fourth Divisio~ Director Fifth Division •MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF mHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT, HELD AT THE OFFI CE OF THE DISTRI CT IN ENCIIuI TAS, CALIFORNIA, ON V9EDNESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1940, AT NINE 0° CLOCK A.M. PURSUANT TO COAISENT.~:AGREEa MENT AS ABOVE SET OUT. President Franklin called the meeting to order and pre- sided as chairman; Herbert Nunn served as secretary. The following directors answered present to roll call, viz: : Dire ctors Bricker, Bucklew, Franklin, Knipe and 'NcEh:e"sney, ~ The reading of the predioua meeting of the Board of Directors was postponed until the next regular meeting. The matter of postponing or cancelling the W.P.A. building projeet was diacussed at length and upon motion of Director Bricker, seconded by Director McChesney, the following resolution auas introduced, its adoption moved, and was .i...,. ..:•Y..,a,..._ _ " _ . . . , ' thereupon unanimously passed and adopted by the roll call vote shown immediately following said resolution, t o-wi t : RESOLUTIOIJ OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT 9PITH- DRAWING AND CANCELLING A CERTAIN WORRS PROGREBS ADMINISTRATION APPLICATION. WHEREAS, November 28, 1939, San Dieguito Irrigation , District of Encinitas, San Diego County, California, made application to_VPorks Progress Administration, in the amount of $16,387,00, for the purpose of Constructing Office Bu3lding, and the same has heretofore been approved, but no construation thereunder has at yet been commenced• such application or project being designated W.P.A. No.3R5 (So, . California, Local No. 1105-3684,1239-3081); and WHEREAS, under a W.P.A. project, designated ldo.9680-.D (application No. 1105-2880) for Imnrovement of iRater SYatem, a considerable amount of improvement of this Dietrict's water system has been aocomplished, but such project as originallp planned and approved.is nearing completion; and WHEREAS, it has now been •A$~ etermined that it is vitally necessary to the District tha.tX'~xtensive additional prc>gram of improvement of the District's water system be undertaken and commenced at once, due to the formidably aoce2erating rate of disintegration of other. of ite older pipe lines; and 9VHEREA6, this District did on December 20th, 1939, make applica.tion to W.P.A. for the allowance and approval of such extensive additional program of work and construction similar to that now about completed under the aforesaid W.P.A. Pro- ject No, 9680-D, which said a,pplioation of December 20, 1939, haa not yet been approved, or, so fas as known to ' this District, given as yet any identification number; and VPHEREAS, it is also essential t'o continue in this community a project of magnitude in order to afford employ- ment to those who would, otherwise, be unemploged; and V9HEREAS, this program of continuirgthe Improvement ' of 9Pater svstem as applied for on December 20, 1939, ia of much moxe immediate concern to this Diatriot, (it being in fact indiepensable to the continued operation of the District) than the Constructing Office Building under the already approved, above described V4,P.A.Projeot No.3065; an d , WfiEREAB, it is felt by this - Board of Directors that said pending W.P.A,Project No. 3065 may prevent or delay the approval of said applioation of December 20th, 19399 for additional improvement of the Diatrict's water system; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, bp the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Irrigation District, the.t the District's eaicl w.P,A.Application No. 3065, for Constructin~ Office Building, be withdrawn, cancelled, and the said project be, at this time and under said application, abanza doned. Paseed, adopted and resolved at a regularly aalled and held special meeting of said Board, held on January 31st, 19400 by the following vote: AYES: Directors Bricker, Bucklew, Franklin, Knipe and EdcChe sney. NOES: NONE ABSEIdT i A10NE Upon motion made by Director Knipe, seconded by Director Bricker, the Board unanimously ordered that the matter of water rates on delinquent tax lands, be referred to,tfle Attorney with instructions to present his recommendatione at the next meeting of the Board. Upon motion made by Director Bricker, seconded by Director Bucklew, the meeting was ordered adjourned until the negt regulax meeting of the Board, on Tuesday, February 6th, 19409 at one-thirty o°clock P.M. APPROVED; 0 ~ AT TEST f o ~ President 74 Secretary