1941-01-15 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRI CT, HELD AT THE OFFI CE OF THE DI STRI CT ' IN ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA, ON WEDNESDAY, ' JANU ARY 15th, 1941, AT ONE-THIRTY 0'CLOCK P.M. President Bucklew called the meeting to order and the follow- ing directors answered present to roll ca11, viz: Directors Brezina, Bricker, Bucklew, Knipe and McChesney. The Minutes of the previous meeting af directors were read, and una.nimously approved. Upon motion made by Director Brezina, seconded by Director Knipe, the f ollowing resolution was introduced., its adoption moved, and was thereupon passed and ad.opted by the roll ca11 vote shoxm irnmediately following said resolv.tion, ta-wit: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, there was presented at the 1 ast meeting of this Board a letter from some citizens of the District, suggesting that certain material economies might be effected by eliminating the of fices of Assessor-Collector and. Treasurer in the District and having their functions performed by the County Assessor, Tax Coll.ector and. Treasurer; and since the presentation of such letter the matter has been re-considered it having been presented to the Board some months ago, and the result of such re-consideration is in nart as follows: The Board is advised by its attorney, after a conference with the District Attorney, that the laav does not permit Irri- gation Districts to have thoae functions performed by the respective County Official8. That f or numerous re a8ons, among which are those he re- inafter etated, the Board is not convinced that the purported economy which might be effected would be in fa,ct a.ny real economy to the administration of the District and to the people of the District as a whole, to-wit: . In order to carry on the business of the Distriet it would be necessary to have practically a, duplicate set of books in the local office and to keep them up to date by almost daily comparisons with the books of the officials in San Die go; . It wDuld be necessary for the residents to transact their district business in that respect in San Diego and. their .expense in so doing, while not a charge a.gainst the District itself, would aggregate more tha.n any saving which might be .effected: There would be a loss to this community of the officers a.nd employees whp..now take care of such work, that is to sa,y San Diego would benefit by some payroll incxease and this com- munity would accordingly lose: Our assessed valuations are materially higher than the County assessed valuations, and if vae a,dopted the County valuations we would ha,ve to raise our assessments ' rriateri ally: Oux own Assessor is better qualified to equitably assees the ma,ny parcels of property in this District in rela-tion to each other than a.re thP employees bf the County Assessor's office; \ ~ THEREFORE,BE IT RES4LVED, that this Board cannot take further action on such change fin proced.ure. The above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote, viz; AYES: Directors Brezina, Bricker, Bucklew Knipe and McChe sney, NOES; None Upon motion mad.e by Director Bricker, seconded by Director Kripe, Warrant No. 9071, payable to Sam A. Claggett, County Tax Collector in the mnount of $40, 52, for delinquent taxes on va,rious parcels of rea,l estate sold by the district, was unanimously approved. ~ The Tr~asurer presented his report on bonds securing the r dist±ict's funds in Bank of Arnerica, which wa.s ordered received, approved and filed. Upon motion mad_e by Director Brezina,seconded by Dixector Bricker, the following real estate sales were unanimously appro ve d, to-wi t: - Lots 1 to 12, Block A, Crescent Beach, to b4ilton Smith - total sale price $350.00 Lot 6, Block A, Encinitas Highlande, Werner Pohlman, et ux - total sale price 200.00 ` Lots 3& 4, Blk. 2, Avocado Acres, J. A. & Vivian Stapley - tota.l sale price 380.00 Lots 6& 7, Blk. Q, Seasid e Gardens, Mark Rosa 600.00 Lots 4,5 & 6, Blb, 67, Cardiff Villa, I`.M. Rowland 220,00 Upon motion made by Di'rec:tor~-Knipe,, second.ed by Direcor t Brezina, the Boa.rd una,nimously approved a lease to T. Amador of approximately 4ight aeres of land, being all of Durand's Addition except Lots 4, 7, 8 & 9 of Block 1, and all of " Clearmans Ad.dition, for 13 months, at a rental of $120.00. - A letter from Adartha A. Manaha.n was presented to the Board, referring to her purchase of Lot B, Block 1, Cardiff Acres, paymentson which are delinquent. After some cliscussian, the matter was referred to the Rea1 Estate Committee, Ther;e being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned until the next reg7zlar meeting of the Board. on Tuesday, February 4th, 1941, at one-thirty o'clock P~M. , APPRO VED resid.ent ATTE ; Secreta.ry