1992-07-27 Agenda Packet - 5 TRAFFIC CON MISSIO N AGENDA PACKET 7/27/92 l�r • �r R , •� t CITY OF EXCINITAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION AGENDA CITY COUN CIL CHM $33 Encinitas Plvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 Nesting Date: July 27, 1992; 700 00 p.ae. TE]X CITY OF ENCI9[ITAS IS AN AFFIRMATIVE ,ACTION PUBLIC ENTITY AND DOES NOT DIOCRXKINATE ON THE B"Is OF ]RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIOINs SEZ, RELIGION, AGE OR DISABILITY IN z"LOYMANT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICE. pLZASB MOTIFY JAMB 'POOL, CITY CLERK AT LEAST 72 HOURS EEFOIRB THE MENTING IF DISABILITY ACCOMKODATIONS ARE NEEDED' -_- .._---- _,.__.._-- - - -�-- ,--------- - - - - -- If you wish to speak to an item on the agenda, please fill out the appropriate speaker's slip and hand it to the clerk. 1. T� o�ga�ROLL ^ 2. ,LE O X 3. ANNOt7NCEMEE - TS _ 4. ORAL- COM $Cj►TIONa S VYy376iT `�`.lL�3C iil© OF COaiE2i'� ^AYJE3i�J�►R A. Approval. of Minutes - July 6, 1992 6. it�TSHED 8tr8 ROES A. Draft: Report. - East Cardiff. Tra Management Alternative Plans 7. 'x73tfitY�vswR�B °GY.£CE+Ei2da S • NMOURkT ISp'1' .w/ 2 CITY OF ENCINITAS TRAFFIC COXXISSION MINUTES Mesting D ater July 6, 1992 7 p.m. Chairperson Shelley called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Present: Dan Shelley, Arnold Lewin, Robert Perry, Paula Goldbeck. Also Present: City Traffic Engineer George Villegas, Associate Traffic Engineer Rob Blough, City Engineer Lloyd Holt, Randy Copher, NCTD, and Jackie Aakovich, Administrative Secretary. Absent: Charles Ades 2. rj" Qj RLL�EASANCE ANi�O�d�IiBPiTS None. 4. 9FAL 181MUM C�N8 Wayne Holden, 2082 Manchester Avenue - presented the Commission with a Bike bane Feasibility Study he had prepared for a section of the Cardiff Circulation Element, where San Elijo Avenue wraps around the lagoon. This report his also been presented to the City Council. In his presentation tonight, he requested the Commission respond to two issues - determine whether or not that section of San E1 Avenue will require separate bike lane facilities or community shared travel lanes and secondly, whether or not they feel the 70 foot right -of -way on that stretch of San Elijo is necessary, as it hinders improvements by owners along the street. 5. CLOSIEOLM ADOIRT QN OB Cgl@ orw C� A. Approval of minutes - June 15, 1992. CNAIR9PBRGON OHELLES MOVED, GOLDBBCK SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES WITH ADDITION'S AS NOTED ON PAGE 11, ATTACHED. MOTION CARRIED. 5 -01 `� 5A 1 A. East Cardiff Traffic Management Alternative Plans City Traffic Engineer Villegas gave an overview on the East Cardiff Traffic Management Alternative Plans. Chairperson Shelley opened the meeting to public input. Joe Appell, P. O. Box 1086, Cardiff - provided the Gommi -sion with a copy of his written comments and recommendations on the East Cardiff Traffic Management Plan, which he reviewed for the Commission (see Report Appendix;. Rath Landay, 1959 Crest Drive - supports a safe street and preservation of the character of the Ci'nst Drive neighborhood. Stanley Donelson, 1945 Crest Drive (Received donated time from Elisabeth Ruddy, 1957 Crest Drive; Robert Landay, 1959 Crest Drive,) - concerned with any changes in the current status of Crest Drive, creating additional traffic and safety problems. He further noted that Crest Drive is a sub - standard street with no street lights, or curbs. Greg Garratt, San Diego (representing Palomares Heights) (Received donated time from Leslie. Ferguson, 2011 Crest Drive, Tony Arnold, 1281 Crest Drive, Adele Miller, 1697 Crest Drive, Ourania Jones, 1378 Crest Drive - provided the Commission with copies of a letter and attachment which contained his comments on the East Cardiff Traffic Management Plan. He noted for the record and as stated in the FPPC regulations, that any participant on behalf of the City who is in a decision making or recommending capacity and resides within a study area that is being considered, then that person cannot participate or vote on a matter that is being presented ultimately to the City Council or acted on at a lower level. He further noted that two members of the Commission reside within the study area and for that reason, should disqualify themselves and not participate in the matter being considered at this meeting tonight, namely the East Cardiff Traffic Management Plan. In further comments, he advised the Commission he had only one working day to review the Plan. and referred them to his correspondence renarding the issue and noted that the comments made are of a preliminary nature, due to lack of time (See Report Appendix). He was also concerned about certain aspects of the report, ie. it does not include any reference as to the importance of the General Plan Circulation Element goals and policies, and no analysis as to how any of these alternatives responded to those goals and policies; it contains substantial data, that appears to be new, with no reference to sources of information; the report contains only cursory reference to the Austin Foust study that was recently completed; and contains no discussion with regard to Crest Drive prior to 1989. He continued his comments and recommendations, which are contained in the attached letter. In closing, he noted it would be very dixficult to reach a reasonable compromise, considering CA --- 2 the alternatives contained in this report, and encouraged more options with backup material. He requested that the Commission direct staff to supplement the report to include these and other appropriate comments. Ron Grimes, 1411 Crest Drive (Received donated time from Craig Moldenhauer, 1630 Crest Drive, Ruth Brown, 1534 Crest Drive) - crncerned that there was not ample time to evaluate the contents of the report. He questioned the origination of the data concerning how traffic might be spread in the various alternatives. He further called attention to N. Crest Drive, between Santa Fe Drive and E1 Camino Real, and the traffic situation that existed prior to the diverter, with cars crossing Santa Fe Drive to continue on Crest Drive. He did not feel this situation was appropriately addressed in the alternatives. He also commented on the use of speed humps as a deterrent to high speed traffic. In summary, he urged the Commission to support a. situation that is at least as safe as the current one, as depicted by the Austin Foust report and noted any such program must meet the goals and policies of the General Plan. Edwin Jones, 1378 Crest Drive - concerned that all alternatives as shown in the East Cardiff Traffic Management Alternatives Plan would require adequate police control, and the City cannot afford to do that at this time. He further noted that at the present time speed limits are not obeyed and traffic safety is not practiced by drivers using Crest Drive. Glenn Gessay, 1207 Crest Drive - noted that the East Cardiff Traffic Management Plan is being considLred due to the fact City Council had rejected the Traffic Commission's recommendations, staff's recommendations and the results of the Austin Foust study. fie noted that geometric design features such as painting an island, would not be as effective as a physical feature. He further suggested another alternative, making Crest Drive a one -way street going southbound. Ed Obermeyer, 420 Woodgrove Drive - reviewed and commented on letter he had previously distributed to the Traffic Commission (See Report Appendix). Lloyd Miner, 1588 Lake Drive - supports East Cardiff Traffic Management Plan Alternative $1, which contains recommendations for more even traffic distribution. Bruce Babcock, P. 0. Box 1.023, Cardiff (Representing Safety Always For Everyone) (Received donated time from Waino Saarinen, 1358 Freda Lane; Grace Miner, 1588 Lake Drive) - commented on various aspects of the alternatives, namely supported the stop signs and legally lowering the speed limit to 25; recommended double striping Crest Drive entirely, making it a no passing street and installing an overhead light at the turn by Torrey Drive. He further noted the reference to the "No Project" alternative was incorrect, referring to what is there now, which is an illegal, temporary interim �� ; - 3 barrier, but the "No Project:" alternative should refer to the pre- barrier conditions, which have not been addressed. He noted that the California Environmental Quality Act requires that it be addressed. In further comments, he did not feel any of the alternatives would impact Crest Drive with traffic and noted that the purpose of these various recommendations was to enable Crest Drive to hat.dle its fair share of traffic in a safe manner. Commented on the possibility of a traffic signal at the intersection of Santa Fe and Wrest Drive, which would allow traffic to continue on Crest Drive from north to south, and increase accessibility of emer;ency vehicles to the area. He requested the Commission to direct staff to prepare a warrant study for the light at the intersection of Crest and Santa Fe Drive and another for replacing the stop signs that were removed prior to the barrier, and also a warrant study for the traffic light at Bonita /Windsor. He also requested a comparison of emergency vehicle response times witn and without the barrier. He further encouraged public input (written) be kept open until the next scheduled meeting. City Traffic Engineer villegas advised the public and the Commission that all written public input be turned in by July 17, 1992. Chairperson Shelley further noted that addil-ional verbal testimony will be heard at the next meeting, July 27, 1992, which will be a public hearing. Joe Appell, P. O. Box 1086, Cardiff (Received donated time from Warren Cobb, 2032 Freda Lane) - continued reviewing the report, (attached) that he had presented to the 'traffic Commission. Supports a 25 mph speed zone on Crest Drive, with enforcement. He further suggested that the sign on Birmingham Drive saying "Santa Fe Drive lent turn" should be relocated to the left side of lake Drive. He also noted he had not signed the submitted report. Les Yakimovich, 1439 Caminito Septimo - building a home on Lake Drive and concerned with tremendous amount of traffic being diverted from `rest Drive to Lake Drive and would like to see it corrected. He noted that none of the alternatives addressed costs to implement. He further noted that Alternative #3 included many stop lights and requested the coat of these signals. Wayne Holden, 2082 Manchester Avenues (President of the Cardiff Town Council) (Received donated time from Barbara Cobb, 2032 Freda Lane) - noted the Cardiff Town Council does not support the barrier, but are sympathetic with the residents of Crest Drive. He encouraged that input from Crest Drive residents be seriously considered. He commented briefly on the various alternativns being reviewed and suggested the widening of Santa Fe Drive as a viable solution to easing traffic in the area. He also submitted information on cpeed humps being used in other areas of California. Chairperson Shelley closed the meeting to public input. `� SA- 4 Commissioner Goldbeck asked how the ADT's on Crest Drive were estimated. City Traffic Engineer Villegas advised that the ADT's were estimated using a traffic diversion curve based or, distance traveled ana. time. The curve assigns a percent of traffic to the street or network. An explanation of this procedure and supporting data will be included in the Draft Report. Commissioner Goldbeck asked if the one --way option was considered for Crest Drive. City Traffic Engineer Villegas responded that it had been considered, however, if Crest Drive was one-way, then the traffic that normally trave.'.ed in the other direction (approximately 50% of the total two way traffic) would be diverted to other streets. Therefore, there is no advantage to making Crest Drive one -way. vice - Chairperson Lewin asked if the traffic signal proposed at Santa Fe Drive and Windsor Drive./Bonita Drive would be coordinated with the Nardo Road and Lake Drive signals. City Traffic Engineer Villegas noted that it would be coordinated with the proposed signal at Bonita Drive, and will create spacing more adaptable for synchronization of the signals between Lake Drive and the I -5 Freeway, which will greatly improve traffic flow. Vice - Chairperson Lewin requested clarification on the cost of the traffic signal at Santa Fe Drive and Crest Drive not being supplemented by state or Federal Funds. City Traffic Engineer Villegas responded that based on a preliminary evaluation, this intersection does not appear to satisfy CalTrans warrants. Traffic volumes on Crest Drive are estimated to be too low to satisfy the minimum volume warrants. Unwarranted signals are not eligible for State or Federal funds. Chairperson Shelley inquired if a stop sign is proposed for northbound traffic south of Santa Fe Drive. (Exhibit 7, Page 20). City Traffic Engine&.~ Villegas noted that Exhibit 7, Page 20 does not show a stop sign. However, it is intended that a stop be installed under Alternative ;1 and therefore, this exhibit as well as F,xhibit 12 will be corrected. Vice - Chairperson Lewin asked if the concept of double striping Crest Drive had ever been considered. City Traffic Engineer. Villegas; noted that on Page 15 (D) it is recommended that a double center line be painted on Crest Drive along the reverse curve section near Torrey Drive where the passing sight distance is limited. The remainder of Crest Drive has adequate passing sight distance and a double yellow line is not necessary. Chairperson Shelley noted that the sign restricting left turns onto Crest Drive between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., would be on the right hand edge and therefore it might be difficult to observe, particularly if drivers had already committed themselves to making that turn. He asked if the sign could also be placed on the ca:nterline. City Traffic Engineer Villegas responded that the possibility of placing another sign in the canter of the roadway would be explored. He further noted another consideration would be to convert the existing painted center median to a left turn pocket and place the sign in the center. Chairperson Shelley noted the potential for drivers pulling into the left turn pocket and then seeing the sign noting the turn would not be allowed during certain hours. City Traffic Engineer Villegas advised that to rinimixe the possibility of a person mistakenly entering the left turn pocket during 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. the sign would be placed in advance of the pocket. The advantages and disadvantages of the turn restriction will be discussed in the Draft Report. City Engineer Holt noted that to eliminate possible confusion when turning hours are restricted, turning left could be allowed from the through traffic lane rather than installing a left turn pocket. Chairperson Shelley agreed with City Engineer Holt regarding the left turn pocket problems. He further asked if Exhibit 6 show:*. the existing situation on Crest Drive as it approaches Santa Fe Drive from the north, where all traffic is required to make either right or left turns with no straight through movement. City Traffic Engineer Villegas responded that Exhibit 6 showed the existing situation. City Engineer Holt noted that is why traffic on north Crest Drive is not affected by these alternatives. If the through traffic movement is allowed, north Crest Drive will be affected. Chairperson Shelley inquired if the speed humps in Carlsbad on Alga Drive are the same as ahown in the drawing and if they are on private property. Commissioner Ferry responded they are on private property in a shopping center and are a good example of the eight foot by four inch speed humps. Chairperson Shelley inquired if the twelve feet by three inch speed hump is standard. �� - 6 City Traffic Engineer Villegas noted that while there is no universal standard, these dimensions are based on a recommendation from the Institute of Transportation Engineers. In most jurisdictions the height of the speed humps vary in range from two to four inches. City Engineer Holt noted that the twelve feet by three inch standards has been included In the City's Traffic Diversion Program and while not a standard under that program, it is a dimension that has been accepted by cities throughout the State. Chairperson Shelley commented that all residential streets haveaRpeed limit of 25 mph unless otherwise poated. City Traffic Engineer Villegas advised that in 1988, the City Council included Crest Drive as part of the list of streets to be included in the speed zone survey since there were some concerns about whether Crest Drive qualified as a residential district and whether the 25 mph speed limit is reasonable. The results of the speed zone showed that the 85th percentile was over 41 mph at that time (prior to the Diverter). Based on this 85th percentile speed, a 25 mph speed limit would not be enforceable. Therefore, one of the objectives of the stops at Torrey Drive and Cardiff Drive would be to qualify Crest Drive as a "local" street under the Vehicle Code CVC 40802 (b) and would make it possible to establish and enforce the 25 mph speed Trait. City Engineer Holt advised that the Sheriff's Department does not like writing tickets that cannot be enforced. Commissioner Perry asked if he should make any recommendations concerning Crest Drive and the Alternative Mans, or even vawe. City Traffic Engineer Villegas advised he could not give an opinion. That it would be up to the individual to decide. Chairperson Shelley concurred. Commissioner Ferry asked what, if any, consequences Lis decisions would incur. City Engineer Holt rioted that the City Attorney does not advise on possible conflict of interest situations and leaves it to the individual to decide. Chairperson Shelley advised the Commission that it would be appropriate at this time to determine to what extent we wart to give input to staff, possible comments or suggestions that would W helpful, taking into consideration that they are not final, formal recommendations. Co=issioner Goldbeck concurred with Chairperson Shelley. She also requested more information on the Santa Fe Drive median, as well as the painted island. S _ 7 City Traffic Engineer Villegas clarified that the reference rtredian was located at the Santa Fe Drive /Crest Drive intersection. He further noted that the painted island could also be designed as a raised :a adian, which could cross the entire intersection, eliminating all left turns in each direction. Commissioner Goldbeck responded that she would like to 1Cok at everything around the Santa Fe Drive /Crest Drive intersection. City Traffic Engineer Villegas clarified further that the indi cation was to explore several types of medians at the intersection. Commissioner Goldbeck requested that the information nelude emergency response time for the various medians at the Crest Drive /Santa Fe Drive intersections. She recalled that in renewing medians in ether areas of the city, response times were no problem. City Engineer Holt responded noting that the median on E1 Camino Real would have openings at every intersection, whereas the S:inta Fe Drive /Crest Drive median being considered would cross the intersection and eliminate all left turns in or out of Crest Drive, and wcyald have an impact on emergency responses. Commissioner Goldbeck reiterated that as she recalled, the raised median being considered for E1 Camino Real would hive rolled csrbs and would cause no problem for emergency vehicles. City Engineer Holt r.oted that the rolled curb would not include the entire median but be placed in certain areas. Commissioner Goldbeck asked if it would be possible to have a rolled curb island. '::ity Engineer Holt noted that motorists would be encouraged co drive over a rolled curb island or even a painted island. Vice - Chairperson Lewin requested that staff checx on the Slerifffs Department enforcement of the 25 mph speed limit on Crest Drive, and also review what can be enforced and upheld. He noted ttat good enforcement could possibly eliminate the need for stop signs along Crest Drive. He also asked for clarification on double striping. City Traffic Engineer Villegas noted that it is possible to turn left over a double yellow line, but you cannot pass. H_ further commented that this was not a suggestion for the entire length of Crest Drive because most sections of crest Drive: have good passim sight distance, except along the curve at Tvrrey Drive. Vice - Chairperson Lewin noted that considerat'_on might be given to elimination of passing entirely, since drivers would have to da 30 -35 mph to pass safely. C l� 8 Commissioner Perry advised that Lake Drive is completely doubled striped. He further noted he does not see any difference between the two streets. City Traffic Engineer Villegas advised that the difference is Lake Drive is a Circulation Element street and carries higher volumes of traffic. Double lines are used when there is a potential sight distance problem. Commissioner Perry noted that everything is being done to make Crest Drive safe. Fie further commented that under the warrant system, Torrey Drive and Cardiff Drive intersections would not qualify for all -way stops. He referred to a previous issue regarding request for stops signs on Requeza Street east of San Dieguito Drive which was d &nied, and -ted that stops signs at this location were more warrantad than on Crest Drive. He requested clarification regarding the warrant system. City Traffic Engineer Villegas noted there are two policies that have been adopted by the City. The first policy is that which evaluates stop sign requests for the purpose of assigning the right of way. This is the primary purpose of installing stop signs. We have been using this policy and the warrants for all stop sign cequests,. The other policy is for the usL of stop signs for controlling speeds in neighborhoods. Both of these poV.cies are included in the Stop Sign and Pavement Surface Features Program adopted by City Council. The standards and requirements of the two policies are different. The policy on stop signs': for corstr -lling speeds does not apply to Circulation Eiemert Streets. Requaza Street is a Circulation Element street and therefore not eligibls-. for stop signs under the latter policy. Crest Drive is a non - Circulation Element Street and may be eligible for stop signs to control speed if other conditions warrant. Further, City Council can also establish al? -way stops if they are part of a neighborhood traffic plan such as was the case with the ail -way stops at Birmingham Drive,/Lake Drive as part of the East Cardiff'. Neighborhood Traffic Control Plan. Commissioner Perry has no problem with stop signs on Crest Drive and recommended Alternative #1, which includes the stop signs. Chairperson Shelley asked if there were turther suggestions or recommendations for staff. City Traffic Engineer Villegas clarified that the Commission recommends that staff continue w;th the completion of the alternatives discussed in the report and that no other alternatives should be added. Commissioner Goldbeck concerned with the median issue. City Traffic Engineer Villegas advised that a discussion of the medians at Santa Fe Drive and Crest Drive will be included in the Draft Report. Therefore, staff wi:.L proceed to complete the evaluation, including air quality and noise analysis. 4 'A . 9 +J • 0 =106IONBR I D ODO MT8 None. 'DICE- COXHI8$IONER LEWIN KOVED, GOLDBECK ShCONDED TO ADJOURN* NOTION CARAZED. 4 -0. Meeting adjourned 9:40 p.m. J 10 Charles Ades verbatim comments - June 1, 1992 Traffic commission meeting. On turn pockets in the middle, we talked about it last: time, and I understand that you want to keep the traffic controlled but in essence it is controlling it in the middle, it may not be by the light but it is controlled. Right now they can turn anywhere along those lines that they want to, but if it is in the middle it is not controlled by light but it is still controlled and wbat my question is, if we put turn pockets in the middle on a trial basis and see that it does not control the problem can't we just border it off and stop it, whereas if we put it in solid all the way and make them turn on the corners, we don't have the option, of saying this is not quite working, we really have them stacking up and going back to they other light here and we had a bad affect on the companies, tenants that are selling commodities and 30% decrease, or whatever it is, the different figures that are given, there is no option whereas the other would allow an optioa. It would be a temporary with a very low expense to changer it if accidents continue at those semi - controlled interim light turns. I am talking about permanent, wherever it goes it will be permanent, but you can modify them inexpensively, I think, in the middle of the block, by putting posts every 5 feet, metal posts, or 4 x 4 barrier, held up by metals posts or something like that, 2 feet high, if it doesn't, if you are still having accidents at those interim turn points that you want to block it off, and say this did not work, we gave it a try and we are still having accidents at those points, we have to do something, and we can put it in. I have seem it at other cities, that sort of thing, where they were allowing turns and they block it off and it is an expense, but it is not....., the other way with concrete and h&rdscape all the way, I don't think you can change it. You can block a turn, but you can't make a turn. You know even if you look at Encinitas Blvd., up towards the top of it, and right over here, we put in islands there, simulated islands right on top of the concrete, you know and so if there is a turn lane and you don't like it, do it the same way. My question is, cpn you do that? You say it is expensive because of redesigning it? Someplaces I have seen metal posts with reflectors on them. One on each side, I don't like that but ....... I'm just saying it is not a major portion of the project, it would not amount to more than 10% of the total project, which is ........part of it here is rock, that is what it says........ put stamped concrete in. CSTY OF ENCINITAS Ant STAFF REPORT DATE: July 17, 1992 TO: Traffic Commission TgRp; Loyd Holt, City Engineer FROM: V.George Villegas, City Traffic Engineer gUWEGT; East Cardiff Traffic Management Plan. ISSUE: To Review the Report, Receive Public comment and Submit Reccmmendations to City Council At their meeting on July 6, 1992, the Traffic commission reviewed a preliminary staff report which described four viable alternatives to the existing Crest Drive semi-diverter. Following public testimony and discussion, the commission recommended that staff complete the evaluation of the four alternatives and submit a draft of the report for review at the July 27, 1992 meeting. In additioi., the commission asked staff to include a discussion on alternative median concepts for the intersection of Santa Fe Drive and Crest Drive. In response to the Traffic commission request, staff has completed the evaluation of the alternatives and a review of the median concepts, The results and conclusions are included in the Draft Report. Additional information and supporting data is included in the Appendix under separate cover. As an important part of the evaluation process, staff met with various representatives of the Crest Drive and Lake Dri neighborhoods in a sincere and cor.�erted effort to bring both sides to agree to a single traffic control plan. Based on these meetings a three phase program was developed and is fully described in the Executive Summary of the Draft Report. LYSTS Analysis of the four alternatives is fully documented in the Draft Report and the Appendix. �L ECOATION That the Traffic Commission review the Draft Report, receive public comment and recommend to City Council approval of the three -phase recommended Program with appropriate comments. REQUEST TO SPEAK DURING ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak during the ORAL COMMUNICATIONS portion of the agenda. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: � �/t X' (First) (Last) ADDRESS: (Number) (Street) C Q � 'r _ (City) (Zip ;ode) TELEPHONE: SUBJECT- SY REPRESENTING: ccformtool /speak I s . i +� REQUEST TO SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM:,_ -_ Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak in support of an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from ona person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: (First) (mast) TN-umber) (Street) city) , / (Z.lr Code) TELEPtiONE: _ -- REPRESENTING: CCFOW4TOOL.- SPKFOR REQUEST TO SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: G A Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wis:: to speak in support of an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally dllotted to each speaker_. Time naay be transferred from one person to another with permission_ of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME A first ( } (Last) ADDRESS: � ��C ? _ UL- (I _ AKE (Number) (Street) (City) (Zi Code) TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: CCFORMTOOL--SPKFOR REQUEST TO SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM : — �� Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak in support of an agenda item. The City 'Dark will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutos is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and ad -ess for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: Y (First) -- (Last) ADDRESS: I7 % 7_ (Number) (Street) (City) -7 (Zip ode) TELEPHONE: (G = ��� ` 7 REPRESENTING: )42t� CCFOfd4TOOL- REQUEST TO SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF t oo- AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak in support of an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three mi:r:tes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: � '' ( (First) (Last) ADDRESS. (Number) (Street) r (City) J, i (Zip Code) i TELEPHONE: r q z�� TEPRESENTING: �- �'� . r ` G C_ CCFORMTOOL--SPKFOR REQUEST TO SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: V' Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if yo -a wish to speak in support of an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the 'time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission. of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: (First) (Last) ADDRESS: -- (Number) (Street) (City) (Z'p Cad ) TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING; y CCFORMTOOL-SPKFOR REQUEST TO SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: J Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak in support of an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes i.s the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: �^�/ (' R / P�re'�I (First) (Last) of ADDRESS: _ 9- (Number) (Street) (City) (zip Code) TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING; CCFORM`POOL-S PKFOR F. REQUEST T4 SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: Please complete ? d submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak in support of an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the Podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: t) (Last) ADDRESS: (Number) (Street) T vC ( y) ( C de i p ) TELEPHONE: _ �7 Z/ 12 REPRESENTING: CCFORMTOOL- SPKFOR REQUEST TO SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: — _� ---- please complete and submit this forYa to the City Clank if Iou wish to speak in support of an agenda .item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAIVE: (First) (Last) ADDRESS: �? a go (Number) (Street) (City) ( ~Zip-coa -e) - TELEPHONE REPRESENTING: CCFORMTOOL- SPKFOR REQUEST TO S PEAK NEITHER rOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: — Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither ror nor against In agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate tine. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission Of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: _ �Q r� (First) (Last) ADDRESS: ,�� . tau er) (Street) ! -�., C� i (City) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE: G _ .--- S� Llo J REPRESENTING: _ P4t - G `,.,+ �` CCFOkMTOOL- SPKFRAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: �+ Please complete and submit this form to the Cltv Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each s'peaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: , (First) (Last) ADDRESS: i (dumber) ( Street) (City) ^ (Zip Code) TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: _ ' My, 14 i C%FORMTOOL- SPKFRAG REQUEST :'0 SPEAK, NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: F' `t Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally Pllotted to each speaker. Time: m ?y be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: � (First) --� -j ADDRESS: - ( Number) --- ---- -- — L �-- - (Street) (City) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: CCFORMTOOL- SPKF'RAG M IN REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the i.ecord prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: (First) (Last) ADDRESS: (Numbs r) (Street) (City) (Zip Code) 4 TELEPHONE: j ? - 1 C> �f REPRESE14TING: CCFORMTOOL- SPICFRAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ]'TEM AGENDA ITE14: _ 1 Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item. The City Clark will call you to the podium at the appr opriate time. Thrae minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and addi. for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: (First) - (Last) ADDRESS: �� L' V G���L� 2 t (Plumber) (S ureet ) ;City) .,._�T _� (Zip Code) TELEPHONE: U " REPRESENTING: (,(�( %�! �� _ f t� k (_1c CCFORMTOO SPKFIZAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA iTEM: Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor agait,st an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate rime. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred Prom one person to another with permission of Council.. Please state your name and address for the record prior - to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: (First) (Last) ADDRESS: jRumber) „ (Street) (City) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: CCFORMTOOL .-SPKFRAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: Please complete and submit this farm to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. I11case state your name azid address for the reI.,,.d prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: (Furst (Last) ADDRESS: 131 \-!'LeA - f �4 _ (Number) (Street) ..r c 0 (City) ► (Zit) Code) TELEPHONE: I T REPRESENTING: CCFORMT00L- SPKFRAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: /;— Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against un agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: (First) (Las ) ADDRESS: (Nu r) (Street) (C y) (Zip Code TELEPHONE: I t `e-' — � /_ REPRESENTING: YL CCFORMTOOL- SPKFRAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes i6 the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: JA- (First) (Last) ADDRESS: ( m er) (Street) (city) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE:G REPRESENTING: CCFORMTOOL- SPKFRAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither For nor against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one Person to another with permission of Council. Please Mate your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: �( ! le L_ (First) (Last) --_ ADDRESS. l 0 - ( *nber) (Street) City) (Zip Eo' - de) TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: C , CCFOP14TOOL- SPKPRAG F _ REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: ; Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: (First) ADDRESS: (Number) (Street) (City) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: CCFORMTOOL-- SPKFRAG A 1. . REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: ( /+ Please Complete and submit this Form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normallir allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning Your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: i_ - (First) -- 4 (Last) ADDRESS: (Number) (Street) (City) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: _ r S "'z S 5 S VL CCFORMTOOL- SPKFRAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for n:;r against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Pease state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your .presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: •� // (Last)' ADDRESS: ( treet) (C Y) —' (Zip Code; TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: I 9 f C CCFORMTOOL-- SPKFRAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: Please complete and submit this form co the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: 01_D (First) (Last) ADDRESS: 12,61 (Number) (Street) (city) ( Zi p -- TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: 1 7�/N,�e CCFORMTOOL- SPKFRAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST AN AGENDA ITEM AGENDA ITEM: 6 . 4 Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes i3 the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: (First) (last) ADDRESS: 7i� C�fY (Numbe ) (Street) . , �iwt (City) —( (Zip Code), TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: CCFORMTOOL- SPKFRAG REQUEST TO SPEAK NEITHER 'GR NOR AGAIN - 'T AN AGENDF ITEM AGENDA ITEM: � Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak neither for nor against an agenda item. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normalcy allotted to each speaker. Time k:ay be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name nd address for the record prior to beginni»g your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: r46 . � f 4 2 •-� �t. 6t w (Fir — (Last) ADDRESS: 16 i J (Number) (Street) , - -- _� z L) �-� (pity, (Zip Code) TELEPHONE: REPRESENTING: CCFORMTOOL- SPKFF.AG guLy 2 h / 992 �1 � nat�t _ Cumrn;iv, c: art Ctfr- v� r•zcini.fcw 517` r3L.d. Cnc is z t t u�1, C a. 92024 Re; Stab' Y?epor. t 644t Canaf�l TnagL' c Mana fernent %Lan fluy.. X 99 dean Cummi�atunena: -U,, .rtat. ch, z.ce. v� a iaagb: lrenajement Nan wou. d lave 6een a tnagLc tifyhf at ,Santa fe raid. Cneit. dr.tvc. +`/.w.Lr:s. no iup, at G4 and not wantL -La to hL•zdeA the ne,4oLufcan we'(/ move un ;'.` .flea; but wanted to p an necvnd ahowL'/lg ourt nnelenence. lnaf f L _��n,.. ''., ::r�.: 4 . now S aite tad neAfnfctLve - c.# wvuLd a.C. ow vn, y .si.pt tunas z - + • LJz('.ve. Not too much 6eftei then fhe pneaenf. ba.nn_i.cade.. �haae 1 f,.� . 'ine. �uezfcvn% rJhv nuyA /ua the apeed humpy? The Cae4 ne;4 as onz�rrzuil y atu.ed, on. foie CLf Pha 1i i. we du fhuzA a tine acAdu!e ahuuLd 6e Au6mctted to at lea L tirrzate cumoLetLon date4 un Z mie dn., u.4 weU ra ;ha4ea 1 and 11. if.e La��e 1)n. �nuje�t (40 we.L.l an i'huie,4. 1 and 11 ahou - 6e- c ouad&wa ed ao c/ze �i�z�nh/pauject u, 6.? comps eted aunuLtu;zeuu.a.ly. ,SllouLu'n.'r fhe LaAe. dr,. cumpLetfon 6e. pant of the , -)ucna�ze? %)'uue 111 wu L nevpA c: / c.lcuvi ed and we u6je.ct to u.L o� thL4 phase mint afneruo_��L�. Le'E ua nut cneute any addtf.u.r,U, ,onu6Lea Th e ne. �A_ no need �on lha,4e 111. in oun open�on it j not ne�uLrn,r(, Lt i4 nee!!, a urueecceLuny. 1� change,> ane tequtned - a_ one needy to du zit utLuu {/c'. /1 , ;uynan ✓z afater! zn the lnacc dz:vena %nunam. Cn e. t vntve zi we CL fu/ze.z caak: of with a,C th tnz auvment4 to 6e done. Fan evv_ny apee, hum. and at_vp .yip L mecum t /zat such inane t,iagl:c would , riie L zAe d R. "'in i4 OBE' -- oun cuntenf i.u.2 aZvazya aC4 and Atil�L �4 flat fu IUnC.e commute•, tnal!ftc on to Cn e4t d n., 6uf �on fhi.i PubLLc atreet t-j 6e open fu 6e. ,�u6Lic �un p u 6Lr_c u.e. - a4 aU rtneet-A a/zou be. Let ua jWlt to neAt once and /un (dL theme ua ccLA and un -juat Lannfcade. 1� a .lany.e countay Ltfze 6e L?wny can falie thr_i.a wuz duwr, th en a awdl. city Lete uu" ilvuLd be a6Le to du tize..lwnc�. C.C.t O I o �� m n eneye W l_ rI ooa, .iuve dn. edC�1 � the. Scu, Ca. 12007 766 -4 <y; r-� july 27 1992 Dan Shelley, Cha,.rcrian and member:: of the Traf Commiss Members of the Encinitas Cite Council We met with City staff on several occasions in a sincere effort to find a solution everyone would accep we w(�ulrl truly like to end i.ne Crest Drive t.arrica.de situation once and for all and get on to other issues. Our first chr-ice would be a traffic light at the Crest Drive,Santa Fe intersection and should be one of the choices presented to the Council for thet_r decision. The staff recomme:.ded program, however, has some glaring �misricr:s and numbers inserte that we `ind ~otally uni,ccertable. la P hase I ( =.Q tn� tall ' of speed humps -- we w ere i old t:,at "tl f0_ de sigi; an in 'allation to be borne 1+/ the: Cre �z res i dents . " ahy has that not been a part :,f t 1. "ommended program? �f /In our dsscussLons with the City staff we agreed that the l removal of the i was to take place upon. the completion o ; #+ork ,n Lake Drive a:ld the installation of the light '' , :td Tt,i s ?:Iuld be written into .phase I and I I becaus _�of e Ut;vicus t: of f iC inter ruptions. ` we fi,1d all of Pi:as('_ Ill. tote _1 ui.acceptable. The accident rate and the number :)f vehicle_ per day are both unrealistic i - numbers. -Mere is nc legal rea sr,:; t_c build in these numbers and there is no need tc build a 6 month review into this pi t/ pOs j. ' . There is vo rP.,a:;0I1 t;, let this hang around to haunt us for a aU i� t ' "six mcnth operatJoval pel ;:�. End tl':1.5 now and if >021�EGne wants to start this all )ver again: in months or a year, .hNy have all the; normal rights tc, do Just V',aL. Let' decide and Lave t.'.r rounc it vr. to or. a Crest DI ive solution. If inyune I.a_. 1�r,blem with the -D. they have all the normal rig,:t:i and t. go through to ad31'.'a:! ` .t 11" c-D i A c ens . N , D side s hould have more I lghts No one olde shotild l id'.'= lew,s c1Q;;%S. Larz,ara "ob : Freda Cardiff-by- th�_:---Sea C , PETERSON 8 PRICE �. A.1+tTe " son A MOFFMIONAL CORiVANrION TEA COVE OVE AORY C. M.OARMT' LAWYERS AREA 1 %oWA"Q K. WMYRLER 234•o36i GYNNC L. M¢IO[L 330 E STREET, SU1TE 2300 _ RZACC MICHAEL MN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 9210P4454 FAX MARSHAL A. SCAR" (6141234•47W MATTMCW A. PETERSON LAMiRY N. MURNANK FILL' No. July 27, 1992 4171.001 Mr. Dan Shelley, Chairperson and Members of the Traffic COmm City of Encinitas 527 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 Rai East Cardiff Traffic Management Plan July 27, 1992; Agenda Item No. 6A Dean Members of the Commission: She rrapresent the Palonares He Association regarding matters relating to the crest Drive aemi- diverter. Thq purpose of this letter is to provide a few preliminary comments on the latest version of the referenced document which was made available to us on Friday afternoon, July 24th. We have not had & &equate time to evaluate the documents. This 153 -page document, and an approximately 200 - page Appendix, contain a great deal of new mAterial which was not available at your Jaly 6th meeting. we anticipate being able to provide additional comments to the City Council at its August 19th meeting, after we hava nald an opportunity to review it with our traffic consultant, Our preliminary comments are as follows: 1. Page 3, Item 101 The words "Exhibits 12 & 13, pages 41 & 42" should be substituted for the words "Exhibit 14, page 41" 1,n order to accurately cross - reference to the pages dealing with speed humps. 2. Page 4, Item 1.b.i The words , on Crest Drive" should be inserted on the second line after the words "vehicle miles (acclmvm) " 3. Pages 5 & 6 (Table 1) and page 68 (middle paragraph) : The Technical Analysis apparently utilizes a "static" traffic model, looking only at a redistribution of existing traffic, -�� without consideration given to whether additional traffic will be JUL- I - MON 17 PETERSON & PRICE FAX NO. 6192344786 P. 02 Members, of TAC July 27p 1,992 Page 2 attracted to the East Cardiff area, an d the effects of that traffic. 4. Page 211 The document fails to n►ention the accident rate on Crest Drive prior to the semi-diverter. 5. Pagea 116, 117 & 125: Although staff has expressed some concern about the use of speed humps, it is clear from a fire and sheriff service standpoint that speed humps will have only "a minor effect ". 6. Recommended Program (paces 3 & 4): several Crest Drive representatives havQ balked with staff regarding this alternative. It goes as long way towards resolving many of the problems we have with Alternative Nos. 1 through 4. Additional comments on the staff's Recommended Program may be made at your meeting this evening. Thank you for the opportunity to malice these preliminary comments. Very truly yours, PETERSON & PRICE A Professional Corporation Gregory a" • K. GCMG:g:r cc: Members of the City Council City Manager Warren Shafer City Attorney Roger Krauel City Engineer Lloyd Holt Palomares Heights Association