1989-006RESOLUTION NO. DCD 89-006 A RESOLUTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OF L THE CITY OF ENCINITAS A VING DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION 9 09 /AD PROPERTY LOCATED AT 325 ITAS BOULEVAR WHEREAS, Encinitas Texaco applied for an Administrative Design Review Permit to install a propane tank on a Texaco Gas Station lot; and, WHEREAS, the application request was submitted and processed pursuant to Chapter 23.08 of the City of Encinitas Design Review Ordinance; and WHEREAS, public notice was given on the application by the Director to allow all parties to submit information prior to Wednesday, May 31, 1989, at 5:00 p.m., and all person desiring to be heard were heard; and WHEREAS, evidence was submitted and considered to include without limitation: a. Site plan and sign renderings submitted by the applicant; b. Written information submitted with the application; C. Oral and written testimony from staff, applicant, and public made a part of the administrative record considered by the Director. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Director of Planning and Community Development of the City of Encinitas that the Design Review Permit is hereby approved subject to the following findings: 23.08.072 Reaulatorv Conclusions - Generall A. The project is consistent with the General Plan Designation on the Land Use Policy Map for General Commercial and the project is found to be exempt from Environmental Review per Section 15311 of CEQA. CC/07/CR06-312WP5 (7-24-89) B. The project is substantially consistent with the Design Review Guidelines since it will be located to the rear of the service station and screened from view on three sides by a 4 foot chain-link fence with redwood material. The tank will be protected from collision by vehicles with the installation of steel posts around the location. C. The project will not adversely affect the health, safety or general welfare of the community since the tank is constructed to standards required for such containers and is placed in accordance with fire prevention standards. D. The project will not tend to cause the surrounding neighborhood to depreciate materially in appearance or value since the tank is located in a commercially zoned area and is screened from view to the extent possible. The Design Review approval is subject to the following conditions; (1) The project shall conform to the application submitted to, and approved by, the Community Development Department. (2) The tank shall be maintained in a neat and workable manner at all times. (3) The owner shall post signs which read: "NO SMOKING WITHIN 25 FEET" on all sides of the propane tank to the satisfaction of the Encinitas Fire Marshal. (4) The owner shall submit an approval from the Encinitas Fire Marshal for #(3) above and the vehicle barrier system proposed to guard the tank from collision, to the Planning and Community Development Department prior to July 14, 1989. (5) Should any of these conditions not be satisfied, the Planning Director may, upon notice to the applicant, revoke this permit approval. THIS DECISION was rendered by the DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT on June 14, 1989 and may be appealed to the City Council pursuant to Section 23.08.200 and 1.12 of the municipal code. CC/07/CR06-312WP5 (7-24-89)