1977-01 Authorizing the Advertising for & Employment of an Accountant-Office Manager RESOllJTION NO. R77-1 AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISING FOR AND EMPLOYMENT OF AN ACCOUNT ANT_OFFICE MANAGER. WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Water District has need for a qualified, experienced accountantj AND WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Water District deems necessary the establishment of a position to be known as combination Accountant-Office Manager; AND WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Water District deems it necessary that said Accountant-Office Manager be employed from outside present District work forces; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the District be, and they hereby are, authorized to direct the Manager to advertise in the local newspapers to fill the position of Accountant-Office Manager. Applications for said Accountant-Office Manager are to be screened by both the General Manager and the District Auditor, Bill Hatch. Final selection of said Accountant- Office Manager shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Water District; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Accountant-Office Manager shall be employed at the pleasure of the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Water District, and that the General Manager shall not have the authority to terminate said Accountant-Office Manager for any cause. A copy of the authorized advertisement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part hereof. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Dean, Pearson, Cermak and Wanket. Noes: None. Absent: Director Noonan. -190- EXHIBIT "A" ~ - 1 - '" t ~ ~ cil .--. r .CD c.. CD .--=::.- ,:'" ~ ~ ca~ CI); .~! &1 c.;~ ca~ CQi o CD l' e Iii - '" ~ o :; ~ i;" ~ 'C .. . ~ .il , c l 0 ... -Ii . 1 '" ~ I . !:I - ... ._Ql"'''''''' .i3.!:".=...-<;g~<Ii"C"" . ~ ,,,=-_0 ,","",..<>"!!'" .. QlO ",15"--- "'QI.... _'.l:: ~ <>odi"'''<f.I:>.''' "<:0 0'" ~ :;00.;:: >-= ll" .,1;'cAi<1. 8..,;~g ... g", <>..c: '" <Ii E E ><,",,':;UJ ~ ~e''''-;;e-g8!!'''1:il'''; Q.2<'ll~QlOI",..5"'O<J) ;.:<>::EoC ~'i.<:l . &: QI _. ojoC lie g''3 :rc: QI.S: '" G~ ~<f.Iu.i ",_ '" .,,0-"''' ~ '" 00> E,,~g"ig:3'~~:E-'" ._ ..~-.>:"i ~ '" .,-=- '" ~ \13-'" 0 QI ",E" ,<,!" "''' gs; 8<> E '" "'.:::....\ _ =..,o."-"'lJQ."o""u;~ _ 0 ..,,:::.;:!5i>li c . ;; " . , , . , -'