2008-10-08 Item J1 Audited Financial Results for FY 2007 thru 2008 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING City of Encinitas CityConncil San Die.guito Water District AGENDA REPORT _fv1g_<?ting Date: Oct2be~~Jcf008 TO: City Council and Board Memhers Phil Cotton, City Manager~/"~ Jennifer Smith, Finance Director VIA: FROM: Jay Lemhach and DarleneHil1, Finance Managent Contributions ji0111 all Departments J Report on Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2007-08., Actual Beginning Fund Balances for Fiscal Year 2008-09 and Revised Schedule A (Budget Summary) for FY 2008-09 SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: Each year follo-wing the close oEthc City and District's books, the Finance Departmentreports actualrcslIlts to the City Council and San Dieguito Water District (SDWD) Board of Directors. The following report details and discusses the flmd balances and results for all funds. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - Final Actual and Available Fund Balances Summary FY2007-08 Presents JinaI actual fund balances (Column 2), adjustments to fund balances (Columns 3 to 7), resulting in final actual available fund balances (Column 8). These are compared to staffs previously projected fund balances (Column 9) with the differences shown in Column 10. 'Iheprojected fund balances come from the Schedule A published in conjunction with the update to the two-year budget in May 2008. Vatiances bctween actual ending fund balances and budget figures are discusscd in AttachmentC. Attachment B- Detail of General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers- (Budget vs. Actual) FY 2007-08 Presents a summary of General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Transfet!? fOt FY 2007-08, showing the ntiginal budget, flIlal budget (with all off-cycle modifications), and actual amounts by category (revenues) and by department and division (expenditures.) Attachment C- Explanations of Signjficant Variances betweenF()rccast & Actllal Fund BaJancesFY2007-08 Presents explanations of significant variances shown in column 10 of Attachment A and the General Fund summary in Attachment B. Attachment D - Updated Schedule A Budget Sllmmary (an funds) FY 2008-09 2 ANALYSIS: The final actual available fund balance for the General Fund was $2,843,056 higher than projected. The final actual available fund balances for all "City Funds" (including Development Impact Fees, TransNet, and Lighting and Landscape Districts) were above projections by $3,815,827 (Attachment A, page I, column 10, "TOTAL CITY FUNDS. "). Significant variances are detailed and explained in Attachment C. The final aetual fund balances exceeded projections for the two Sanitary Divisions (CSD and ESD) and SDWD (Attachment A, page 2.) Detail of the variances is discussed inAttachment c.. Overall, final fund balances are in line with projections and position us to enter the current year as planned. The General Fund, which accounts for the majority of municipal serviees, continued to experience healthy revenue collections and had overall savings in expenditures due to careful monitoring of spending as part of the City Manager's quarterly spending review. The first quarterly review of the FY2008-09 budget will 'be presented to Council in November. FISCAL AND STAFF IMPACTS: General Fund - Ending fund balance exceeded projections by $2,843,056 (Attachment A, Page 1, "GENERAL FUND"),lesulting in an available opening fund balance for FY 2008-09 of $16,833,998. This represents actual net assets of $31.3 million less $14.4 million in appropriated but unspent capital and work project reserves. After deducting the authorized contingency reserve of $9.0 million aIid budget stabilization reserve of $1 million, the remaining available fund balance totals $6.83 million. All Other City Funds - All other City funds are discussed in this staffrepOlt, refer to Attachments C. San Diezuito Water District: Ending fund balance exeeeded projections by $1,320,948, resulting in an opening fund balancefor FY2008-09 of $9,800,456. . This is an informational report and that has no direct fiscal or staff impacts. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the revised Fiscal Year 2008-09 Schedule A incorporating revised beginning fund balances as shown on Attachment D. 3 o ~ Ol 'Cg'CCO Olrog!g en ~,7U e ~ ~.~m '0.0 e 'C a. M a.. 5<(<0 u. iii ~::l CO.... ~u <( Ol E u E Ol .~ 0 Ol en ..I<: ~ ~ ... Ol 0 3: '0' III ... CIl a.. u c ro iij llJ - (/) 'tI ro- ~c _ u .- Ol !!1i! a..~ ro 0 iij UQ: ::I .... u <C .9 'C (/) Ol ~1Il 2 ~ '<t.... a.Ol ~c o (/) CIl 'C Ol oS <(a: III ::I Ol :c (/) :0 <C C ro ff > ~ 'Qj ('J u Ol a: iii Ol 'C U ~::l c:: c:: C\l.... ::I ro ~u iii <( u. m "- cu. El E. ::J' en' l/)! ilL U C. CU' acJ 1Xl: "t c' ::J LL Q) :at CU' _:t -ca ! > ct. 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Ii) I"- C't ,.. 0'1 .., lI'i' <l: .c: o <ll 1 CX) 9 ~ o o ~ 9 l:; o C\J >- U. t:: 8. (\) a: ~ CIl (\) o c: <ll (ij OJ '0 c: :> % o 0. (\) a: :t: <ll o c!i l") .., o en co I"- Nft o ,.. en C Z ;:) u.. -I -I < 1Il -I <( ~ o ~ Attachment B - Detail of General Fund Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers Budgetary Comparison Schedule For the. Year Ended June 30, 2008 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 . Column 6 Column 7 Variance Variance Budget Budget Actual Over' Original Final Amounts (Under) Percent Reference Revenues: \~Tax8's: . ~! . 1 Property Taxes, Current Secured 33,142,950 . 33,775;000 33,461,620 (313,380) -1% Attachment C 2 Sales Taxes 9,144,000 8,323,000 8,226,837 (96,163) -1% Attachment C 3 Transient Occupancy Tax 919,896 919,896 946,414 26,518 3% 4 Property Transfer Taxes 500,000 500,000 396,530 (103,470) -21% Attachment C 5 Franchise Taxes 2,035,300 2,035,300 2,212,915 177,615 9% Attachment C 6, Total Taxes 45,742,146 45,553,196 45,244,316 (308,880) -1% CblherR~venmfs:- ,if -=r' nil ~r- ~ lfp-=- ~ = .. u 1 - ,i' 7 Licenses and Permits 163,000 163,000 175,126 12,,)26 7% 8 Intergovernmental Revenue 452,763 452,763 429,973 (22,790) -5% 9 Charges for Services 4,959,901 4,959,901 5,198,701 238,800 5% Attachment C 10 Fines & Penalties 925,200 . 925,200 884,445 (40,755) -4% 11 Use of Morley 1 ,190,587 . . 1,190;587 1,841,817 651 ,230 55% Attachment C 12 Financing Sources (roof lease) 2,100,000 2,100,000 0 0% 13 Other Revenue 5;000 .5,000 43;579 38,579 772% 14 TOTAL REVENUES 53,438,597 55,349,647 . 55,917,957 568,310 1% Expenditures: ~ilfl' !i-1 ~;. -;1'5 ~p,.;,if""':;~ ;;~, . ~Gerieral~Governme"ht:.' '''~ 15 Cqmmun}ty Projects 60;000 60,000 55,500 (4,500) ;,8% 16 Legislativel.City Council 373,614 373,614 ,309,134 (64,481 ) -17% Attachment C 17 City Manager 630,474 6~0,47 4 539,863 (90,611 ) -14% Attachment C 18 Arts Administration 133,135 133,135 115,065 (18,070) -14% 19 Economic Development 278,500. 278,500 286,045 7,545 3% 20 Human Resources 796,026 800,026 761,950 (38,076) -5% 21 Library Operations 29,450 29,450 10,277 (19,173) -65% 22 Information Technology 1,202,059 1 ,202,059 1,116,386 (85,673) -7% Attachment C 23 Geographic Information 637,365 637,365 542,083 (95,282) -15% Attachment C 24 City Clerk 497,339 497 ,33~ 483,988 (13,351) -3% 25 Elections 30,000 29,069 (932) -3% 26 Legal Services 304,000 304,000 398,371 94,371 31% Attachment C 27 Financial Services 1,534,172. 1 ,534,172 1,500,226 (33,946) -2% 28 Central Services . 457,267 457,267 387,813 (69,454) -15% Attachment C 29 Non-Departmental 2,376,669.' 2,376,669 2,185,584 (191,085) -8% Attachment C 30 9,310,070 . 9,344,070 8,721 ;353. (622,717) ;,7% r'1Plaril1kig~aii~[BUUiang: ,~ ',,; ~"'''~ ~-!Y~-:)~';~:'-':i(~:"i!;---" '~::>-;'-~ -' >-::~~/::::-'~;1i;':i~<~~.~,')-. j}r~+ii~~~:~~~:: i"-'-:, '.'" ~-- 31 Customer Service/Admin 659,222 q59,222 655,340 (3,882) ~1% 32 Current Planning 1,015,464 1 ~015,464 904,978 (110,486) -11% . Attachment C 33 Applicant Dep()sits 200,000 200,000 268,581 68,581 34% 34 Advanced Planning 488,815 488,815 462,607 (26,208) -5% 35 Code Enforcement 442,071 442,071 439,354 (2,717) -1% 36 Building Services 1,144,751 . . 1,144,751 1,289,428 144;677 130/0 37 3,950,323 3,950,323 4,020,287 69,964 2% Attachment C Attachm~t 8 Attachment B - Detail of General Fund Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers Budgetary Comparison Schedule For the Year Ended June 30, 2008 Column 1 E~QlicSafety,:;,;,~;.",~,..:",." .' 38 Law Enforcement 39 Traffic Enforcement 40 Parking Enforcement 41 Fire Administration Fire Operations & Support Loss Prevention & Planning Disaster Preparedness Marine Safety Services 42 43 44 45 46 41 .Ruolic, Wbrks:~ '" 48 Administration' 49 Emergency Flood Control 50 Street Maintenance ' 51 Facility Maintenance-Civic 52 Fadiity Mainteni:mce-Fire Statioris 53 FacilityMaintenance-PW Yard 54 Facility Maintenance-Library 55 Storm Water Maintenance 56 Storm Water Flood Control 57 [iEj)gineering., ervices;: 58 City Engineering 59 Traffic Engineering 60 Storm Water Compliance 61 , Dffi!L~ a6C1=--Becre~t.iQrI:" 62 Administration ' 63 Park SerVices 64 Beach Services 65 Recreational Trails 66 Recreation Services 67 Community & Senior Center 68 Animal Regulation 69 70 TOTAL EXPENDITURES , Column 2, Column 3 Budget B~dget Original Final r,~.~ ,.,' 'ill ,~"'\1i! if" ~~ ~ 8,580,718 2,526,422 16,780 11,123,920 478,977 8,500,814 691,732 150,962 761,326 10,583,811 , 8,033,627 3,262,053 36,980 11,332,660 478,977 8,500,814 691 ,787 150,670 761,326 10,583,574 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 ' Column 7 Variance Variance Actual Over Amounts (Under) , Percent Reference Ill' " "i.~ ~~r::;ii~ '" ~~ ~ J:\.v 'v '11i~ "%~ >~...~ ", 7,610,884 (422,743) -5% Attachment C 3,173,689 (88,364) -3% Attachment C 29,542 " (7,438) -20% Attachment C 10,814,115 (518,545) -5% 478,395 (582) 0% 7,945,297 (555,517) -7% 632,949 (58,838) -9% 150,582 (88) 0% 737,193 (24,133) -3% 9,944,416 . (639,158) -6% Attachment C 153,456 (E32,934 ) -29% 36,355 (23,645) -39% 508,299 (37,319) -7% 478,064 51,054 12% 139,270 (28,621 ) -17% 76,906 (33,931 ) -31% 128,604 (12;752) -9% 423,943 (189,767) -31% 138,562 (56;303) -29% 2,083,459 (394,218) -16% Attachment C ~..- Excess of Revenues 71 Over Expenditures 151,390 60,000 545,618 427,010 167,891 110,837 141,356 689,582 194,865 2,488,549 216,390 60,000 545,618 427,010 167,891 110,837 141,356 613,710 194,865 2,477,677 " III ... . , 2,524,288 702,970 680,722 3,907,980 ~ II =.\~ l)7J1 ~ 517,344 1,203,041 505,551 124,478 597,386 1,067,637 273,200 ,4,288,637 45,653,290 7,785,307 2,615,405 702,970 756,594 4,074,969 ~. ;;C'~~:'lfI'_::~:~ /":\'.'~,':-.';<~ 517,344 1,203,041 505,551 124,478 637,386 1,067,637 273,200 4,328,637 46,091;910 2,670,023. 54,618 2% 676,699 (26;271) -4% 625,520 (131,074) -17% 3,972,242 (102,727) -3% "j;..';:'Dr};;,":Y>1T\&i~',r0'rb;~IT1;;'(.'.'rdF 508,946 (8,398) -2% 1,197,267 (5,774) 0% 517,860 12,309 2% 120,227 (4,251) -3% 619,770 (17,616) -3% 1,064,785 (2,852) 0% 273,041 (159) 0% 4,301,896 (26;741) -1% 43,857,769 {2,234,141} -5.1% Attachment C Attachment C Attachment C Attachment C ._".';.;.. ....-:....~~'7'Pf1 Attachment C 9,257,737 12,060,188 2,802;451 :'.Gerieral'F.Uri(n:rrarisfersJianClH~roj~t~ajustments. ';'1' 72' Transfers In . 27,215 73 Transfers out-Operating 643,542 74 Thmsfers out~Debt 1,551,140 75 Transfers out-Capital 0 76 Transfers out-Capital 3,652,051 77 Total Transfers 5,846;733 41,892 643,542 .1,551,140 2,100,000 3,426,832 7,763,406 94,007 643,542 1,635,655 2,100,000 3,388,055 7,861,259 52,115 (84,515) o 38,777 6,377 Attachment C Attachme'7l B Attachment C Page 1 of7 Explanation of Sie:nificant Variances between Forecast & Actual Fund Balances General Fund (101) Variance $2,843,056 Favorable By Category (numbers rounded): Revenues (above projections) Expenditures (under adopted budgets) Transfers (above projected amounts) Off-Cycle Budget & Miseellaneous Adjustments $ 568,310 $2,234,141 $ 6,377 $ 34.228 $2,843,056 (Attachment B, line 14) (Attachment B. line 70) (Attaehment B, line 77) GENERAL FUND REVENUES SUMMARY OF VARIANCES FROM PLAN (rounded) Property Taxes, Attachment B, line 1 ($313,000) unfavorable Property taxes were about 1 % below projections ($313,000). Current Secured Taxes were approximately $1,000,000(4%) lower than anticipated, dueto an increase in the delinquency rate. Those amounts willbe received in future years, and accounting regulations preclude us ii-om recording this revenue until it is actually received. Delinquent Secured Taxes received were twice our original estimate, or $270,000 above foreeast. In addition, Current Secured Supplemental Taxes were $150,000 above projections, indicating that both the volume of anticipated property transfers and the resultant inerease in assessed valuation were higher than anticipated. The amount of property tax received in-lieu of Vehicle Lieense Fees (VLF Shift) was $207,000 above the State's projections. Sales Taxes, Attachment B, line 2 ($96,000) unfavorable Due to economic conditions, sales taxes were slightly below projections. Finance had previously reported to the City Council that local economic trends would cause actual results to be lower than the initial projections. Proper tv Transfer Taxes, Attachment B, line 4 ($103,000) unfavorable Property transfer tax is an excise tax imposed on the transfer of interest in real estate. The below projections is related to lower than average number of homes sold during the fiseal year. Franchise Taxes, Attachment B, line 5 $178,000 favorable Higher than projected revenues is a combination of the existing two cable eompanies and the San Diego Gas & Electric company right-of-way. Beginning FY2007-08, a new cablc company, AT&T began paying franchise fees. Charges for Services (Development Processing Fees), Attachment B,line 9 $239,000 favorable Planning fees were right on estimate. Building fees were $200,000 above estimates (note: higher building fees have associated expenses which are also over budget, as noted below.) Engineering fees were $73,000 above estimates, spread over a number of categories. Fire Prevention fees were about $76,000 below estimate, primarily in the residential category. 8 Attachment C Page 2 of7 Use of Money and Property, Attachment B.line 11 $651,000 favorable There are several factors that contributed to the overall investment income being over budget. First, regular (book yield) investment income on pooled balanees was $130,000 (or 13%) over budget, due to careful monitoring and asset selection during the period, as well as a slightly higher average investable balance. Second, the City's investments benefited from an increase in market value during the year (theGASB 3leffed}totaling $240~OOO. Third, the City earned investment income on the proceeds of the 2006 Library Bonds of $142,000. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY OF VARIANCES FROM PLAN (rounded) (Favorable) Unfavorable Variance General Government Planning and Building Publie Saft~ty (Law Enforeement) Public Safety (Fire Services) Publie Works Engineering Parks & Recreation TOTALS ($623,000) $70,000 ($519,000) ($639,000) ($394,000) ($103,000) ($ 27,000) (7%) 2% (5%) (6%) (16%) (3%) (1%) 1$2,234,141 saving~ General Government. CityCouncil/Legislative, AttachmentB, line 16 ($64,500) (17%) favorable Council's travel and training expenses were less than anticipated producing a savings of $34,000. The Annual Employee event and the Mayors' and Managers' luncheon meeting were either postponed or not held producing a savings of $9,000. Savings of $6,700 in memberships as LAFCO and SANDAG came in less than budgeted. Various savings in multiple accounts eomprise the rest of the variance. City MaJiager, Attachment B, line 17 ($90,600) (14%) favorable Vacancies in the City Manager's Office account for a $75,800 savings. City Manager's Office travel/training expenditures and other small savings in multiple accounts comprise the variance balance. Information Technology, AttachmentB, line 22 ($85,700) (7%) favorable Implementing a new telephone and voicemail system accounted for savings of$27,000 in telephone maintenance. A staff vacancy for a portion of the fiscal year and small savings in multiple aecounts comprise the remaining savings. Geographic Information, Attachment B, line 23 ($95,300) (15%) favorable The majority of savings is related from a higher than expected turnover in contract GIS technician employees resulting in several months of vacancies in the projected technician resource pool. Legal Services, Attachment B, line 26 $94,400 31 % unfavorable Expenditures were over due to Council-approved, City-initiated litigation by outside consultant attorneys (case still pending). 9 Attachment C Page 3 of7 Central Services, Attachment B, line 28 ($69,500) (15%) favorable Copier supplies and paper costs were lower than expected primarily due to more efficient copier contracts and conservation efforts (paperless agenda packages for example). The new contract for the recently installed telephone system also contributed to the overall division savings. Non-Departmental, Attachment B, line 29 ($191,100) (8%) favorable Non-Departmental expenditures are defined as expenditures which benefit all City departments and aTe "pooled" for purposes of reporting. Various savings in such items as retiree health, certain CalPERS expenses or adjustments, administrative fees charged by the County for collections of property taxes and assessments, and allocated costs sueh as vehicles purchases and maintenance resulted in the favorable balance for this division. Planning and Building, Attachment B, line 37 $69,900 2% overall favorable Planning and Building had favorable variances in all divisions except Applicant Deposits and Building Services divisions. Both of those divisions are accounted for separately because their expenditure levels are directly related to the level of development and building activity. Costs are estimated fOJ those divisions based on anticipated volumes of applications. When expenses come in over budget, the corresponding revenues aecounts are higher as well. Current Planning, Attachment B, line 32 ($110,500) (11 %) favorable Approximately half of the underage was related to personnel costs. The division experienced one unfilled planner position for a pOltion of the year, one administration position unfilled for a portion of the year, and one planner position on maternity leave for a portion of the year. Secondly, the underage is related to Contracts & Services. The underage was mainly due to anticipated, but not used, consultant costs associated with the Hall Property and the Beacon's Beach Access projects. Public Safety-Law Enforcement Public Safety-Law Enforcement, Attachment B, lines 38, 39 ($511,100) (5%) favorable There were budgetary savings of $511,100 in law and traffic enforcement. Budgeted at their full costs, two school resource officers and one community serviee officer have partial reimbursement from outside organizations.Seeond, partial support oflaw enforcement patrol from the State's Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund was received. Booking fees were not charged by the County this year due to their receiving direct State funding. Parking Enforcement, Attachment B, line 40 ($7,400) (20%) favorable During the fiscal year, additional contract money for anticipated parking citation hearings was approved due to the new Community Service Officer. Expenditures were less than anticipated; expenses are off-set by revenues. Public Safety-Fire Department, Attachment B, line 47 ($639,200) (6%) favorable Fire Administration, Operations, Fire Prevention and Marine & Safety Services, had favorable variances in all divisions, most significantly in Fire Operations. The most signifieant savings was generated by the reduetion in the CalPERS employer contribution rate due to the early payoff ofthe Fire Safety "Side Fund" authorized by the City Council on June 27, 2007. The actual savings for the year was $467,000, compared to the $450,000 estimate provided to the City Council in April 2008 during the Budget Hearings. 10 Attachment C Page 4 of7 Public Works Department, Attachment B, line 57 ($394,200) (16%) favorable The Public Works Department, including Administration, Emergency Flood Control, Street Maintenance, Facility Maintenance, Storm Water Maintenance and Storm Water Flood Control, had favorable variances in all divisions except Civic Center maintenance, which was 12% over budget primarily due to inereased energy and janitorial supply costs and BV AC maintemmce. With the completion of the Civic Center Roof Rephi.cemerit and Energy Efficiency Improvements, these costs are expected to be redueed significantly. Public Works Administration, Attachment B, line 48 ($62,900) (29%) favorable The One time savings is primarily related to the Environmental Advisory Committee consultant coming on-board later in the fiscal year, additionally, the Division chose not to fill the Intern position during the year. Emergency Flood Control, Attachment B, line 49 ($23,600) (39%) favorable The budget in this division eovers the cost of emergency call-outs. During the year, the City crews responded to the fires in October 2007 and one minor storm event in November, The City has been reimbursed by FEMA for the October fire. There were no major rain storms during the year that would normally be charged to this division. Street Maintenance Division, Attachment B, line 50 ($37,300) (7%) favorable Contract changes with the Partners With Industry and the sidewalk steam cleaning vendor during the year accounted for the majority of the savings during the fiscal year. The Division also experienced various personnel vacancies throughout the year. Facility Maintenance Divisions, Attachment B, lines 52, 53 and 54 ($75,300) (18%) favorable All three divisions were affected by the later than anticipated hiring ofthe new Facility Maintenance Technician approved by Council for FY2007-08. Additionally, the Fire Stations division achieved savings in utility and maintenance costs while Station 3 is under construction. Publie Works Yard division realized savings due to the move taking place latcr than anticipated. The savings in the Library Division was related to the partial vacancy in personnel. Staff will continue to monitor all contracts for the new facility. Stann Water Maintenance, Attachment B, line 55 ($189,800) (31 %) favorable This Division also experienced personnel vacancy for part of the year. Additionally, the Moonlight Beach Ultra- Violet treatment plant expenditures were less than anticipated; partly because there had been no real maintenance cost data available when budgeted. Finally, routine channel maintenanee work was limited while waiting for regulatory environmental permits from appropriate Federal and State agencies. Storm Water Flood Control, Attachment B, line 56 ($56,300) (29%) favorable One scheduled headwall project that was expected to be completed during the fiscal year was less than originally anticipated and was repaired at a savings. 1 1 Attachment C Page 5 of? Engineering Services. Attachment B.line 61 ($102,700) (3%) favorable The Engineering Services Department had favorable variances in the Traffic and Storm Water divisions, while City Engineering was 2% over budget. As mentioned above, revenues from Engineering Services were $73,000 (or 6%) above estimates, which more than offset the additional expenditures in Engineering Development Services. Engineering Services, Attachment B, line 58 $54,600 (2%) favorable There were a significant number of large private and eapital improvement projects in the FY2007-08 period. Many of these, such as the $4.2 million Encinitas Boulevard Rehabilitation and Overlay project, required extensive night work and overtime, which resulted in higher than expected engineering inspection service costs. The large number of projects was also reflected in higher than anticipated inspection revenues being $73,000 above estimates. In addition, the department had cost savings, specifically in Stormwater inspection services. This additional revenue combined with this cost savings more than offsets the additional inspection services costs. Traffic Engineering, Attachment B, line 59 ($26,300) (4%) favorable At year end $20,000 for the Citywide Traffic Survey was transferred from the operating budget to a work project. Stonnwater Compliance Division, Attachment B, line 60 ($131, I 00) (17%) favorable There were several contributing factors to the $131,100 savings including: · The Stormwater Division Budget was prepared in anticipation of program requirements that were not fully defined at the time of Budget development. The San Diego Region Municipal StormwaterPermit was adopted on January 24, 2007, · Budgeted Storm Water Division staff positions (FTE) were delayed, and ultimately filled in December 2007 and April 2008, · Various anticipated costs to ensure compliance with new requirements in the Municipal Stormwater Pennit (Water Quality Order No. 2007-0001) were not incurred in 2008, · Inspection services as budgeted for the Municipal Stormwater Permit were not fully implemented in FY 2008, and · Compliance schedules for Water Quality Order No. R9-2007-0001 were modified in FY 2008 and subject to tmanticipated delays including regulatory agency review and regional work product coordination issues. Parks and Recreation Department, Attachment B. line 69 (26,700) (I %) favorable The Department had favorable variances in all divisions except Beach Services, which was 2% over-budget due to hardscape, structure and other general improvements/repairs to the facilities at Moonlight Beach. Departmental savings included a temporary vacancy in the Program Assistant II positions during recruitment and new landseape maintenance contracts. GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS AND PROJECT ADJUSTMENTS (Attachment B. line 77) General Fund Transfers includes transfers to the Self Insuram;e Fund, Sand Replenishment Fund, Debt Service and to the Capital Improvement Program. 1bere were no significant variances with General Fund Transfers or Project Adjustments. 12 OTHER CITY GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS (Refer to Attachmeut A) Favorable/(U nfavorable) To Projections Special Projects Fund (Fund 119) $433,122 Attachment C Page 6 of7 favorable Ending fund balance is above initial projections due to (l) the transfer of fire mitigation fees to this fund being higher than anticipated because fee income for the year exceeded projections, and (2) investment income was significantly higher than anticipated due to a higher investable balance and the extremely strong perfol111ance of the City of Encinitas Investment Program. Encinitas Housing Authority (Fund 226) ($163,099) unfavorable The method of accounting for the ending fund balance was modified during the year as a result ofthe Nan McKay & Associates special review of the Program during the year. As a result, comparison to the previously published projected fund balance is no longer applicable. HUD regulations regarding the timing of grant monies received require that the City set up a reserve for amounts received-to-date that are not available to fund future housing activities. Park Impact Fees (Funds 231 and 234) ($241,340) unfavorable The Finance Department previously reported to the City Couneil that Park fees would be significantly lower than anticipated due to the slowdown in residential eonstruction. The full budget impact of the shortfall was not reflected in the final budgets as published in June of2008. Traffic Mitigation Fees (Fund 233) $441,677 favorable While the City has experienced a slowdown in residential construction, the City has received higher than expected traffic mitigation fees related to several commercial projects including the Rite Aid on Manchester, the new medical facility on Garden View and the Assisted Care Living facilities on Manchester A venue. Higher than expected fees, lead the way to higher investment earnings. Sinee impact fees are paid when the final certificate of occupancy is issued, it is very difficult to estimate the amount of fees that will actually be paid in anyone fiscal year. Lighting and Landscape Funds At the April 18, 2008 Public Workshop budget meeting, staff reported the landscape maintenance contracts for the Lighting and Landscape districts had been renegotiated which would result in expenditure savings at year end. Savings in the Lighting and Landscape districts will be evaluated during the first and second quarter of Fiscal Year 2008-09 and recommendations to adjust budgets will be proposed during the mid-year budget review. Encinitas Lighting and Landscape (Fund 295) $91,550 favorable Revenues including property taxes, assessments and investment earnings totaling $1,145,636 were 1 % or $9,927 over projections. Actual expenditures of $1 ,060,776 were 7% or $81,622 less than budgeted. The savings in landscape maintenance combined with savings in the street light maintenance contract accounted for the higher than projected fund balance. 13 Attachment C . Page 7 of7 Encinitas Lighting and Landscape - Encinitas Ranch (Fund 297) $222,126 favorable Actual ending fund balance is $222,126 greater than originally projected. Revenues include assessment fees, projected at $667,492 and investment earnings projected at $10,676. This year the fund received an unusually high amount of in delinquent secured assessments, a total of $96,000. This unexpected amount of revenue combined with contract savings in landscape maintenance, street maiIlfel1ance and resulted iuthehigbeiihan expected fund balance. Cardiff Sanitary Division (Funds 501-506) $988,365 favorable Revenues from sewer service eharges exceeded original projection by nearly $90,000. One-time connection fee of $390,000 for housing project was not factored into original budget. Interest earnings exceeded budget projection by nearly $280,000 (refer to Attachment C under General Fund for explanation of investment income). Expenditure savings were achieved in pump station maintenance, line maintenance, general operations and SEJP A plant operations. San Dieguito W,ater District (Funds 531-537) $1,320,948 favorable District revenues came in approximately $770,000 higher than budgeted. There are two main reasons for the higherrevenues. The first is that the District's budget did not assume a rate increase this fiscal year, but per the water rate study a 5.5% increase was adopted effective March 1,2008. Secondly, the District completed the meter automation this year. The new meters are more accurate (older meters tend to under-read), leading to an . . mcrease ll1 revenue. District expenditures were approximately $553,000 lower than budgeted. The decrease in expenses is mainly due to the faet that the District budgeted for the purchase of 30% local water (which costs much less than imported water), but reeeived 46% local water this fiscal year. Vehicle Replacement Fund (Fund 693) $577,816 favorable The favorable variance arises mainly from two components: (I) the schedule transfer of $110,000 for rehabilitation of the Fire Dept. Tiller Truck was inadvertently not included in the revenue budget for this fund, and (2) only two vehicles were replaced during this fiscal year, compared to a budget of $500,000 for scheduled purchases. The purchase of those vehicles has been delayed based on Public Works' evaluation of the existing fleet, which deemed additional purchases were not required. 14 t~ U)l "0, Cl ~f LLI tH I;:: ; .... U)~ I-if c~ ~~ " LOO)C\JO)CO'<l' <0.... 0.... LOCO ..- o C\J O(,)COO<OC\JCOOOO ....0 0)..-1'- <OC\J (')OCO r-:'<i -.iri-i <01'- LOC\Jo) (')~ 0)0)0)<0 In <OLOo) ~~~~~j:::C;;~ aj"":CO.o"ajri"":<!i I'-O~'<I'C\J....<O (,)C\J ~ ~ c ~ Q) 0) t:: ~::I>- () mo(')....Omc;)1l'! 01'-0 LO '<1'0) 0 0 '<I' (')CO O~, ~ C\i C\io" ...: ~ T"""~ ~ 00000;:'[ c;)00000000 00 T""" T- OO I'- I'- 0"0" o"u"": at OLO C\J ..- <0. O. ~,~ -.:::t or- ;1~<< -- ~ -- '000000..- '<I' o or II) ~ ..- .... -- o <OC\JOOO LOO)O 000 ri<!iLIi I'-O~ S ..-0) <0<0<0 '<I'LO 0 0)0)0)'<1' CO.... CO LOCOC\J<Oo)i"<O ~, C\i 0" 1'-. 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