1978-12 Expressing Appreciation for the Efforts & Service of Harry Pearson as Director of the San Dieguito Water District =OLUTION NO. R78-12 EXP=SIllG APPIDX:IATION FOR THE EFFORTS AND SERVICE OF HARRY PEARSON AS nrIDX:TOR OF THE SAN DImUITO WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Harry Pearson has served on the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Water District for 12 years; and WHEREAS, the services rendered by Mr. Pearson have consistently been commendable and in the very highest tradition of devoted public service; and \olHEREAS, he was one of those who saw the need for the joint filtration plant which is now owned and operated by this District and Santa Fe Irrigation District; and WHEREAS, he has at all times worked to obtain the systematic renewal and improvement of the District's pipelines and physical facilities so that the District has been able to meet all demands for water made upon it without imposing an undue burden on the taxpayers and water users of the District even though this at times involved differences of opinion with two successive managers of the District and with certain employees of the District which resulted in actions being initiated against him personally; and WHEREAS, he continued to serve the District with dedication to the best of his ability; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Water District does hereby express its deepfelt appreciation for the many years of dedicated service rendered by Mr. Pearson to the District and the thousands of residents thereof, and expresses its appreciation of the fact that he will remain upon the Board for some time to come. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Weston, Dean, Dashiell and Weidner. Noes: None Absent: None Mr. Pearson abstained from voting upon this resolution. 12.