2002-004 City ofEncinitas COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 505 So. Vulcan Ave. Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 633-2710 NOTICE OF DECISION DCD 2002-04 January 17, 2002 This letter is to inform you that the Director of Community Development has approved your application for: 01-223 ADR/CDP (Chapo) - A request for an Administrative Design Review and Coastal Development Permit for the addition of 359 square feet of floor area and fa<;ade improvements to an existing office building. This property is located at 826 Second Street in the D-CM-2 (Commercial Mixed - Second Street) Zone of the Downtown Encinitas Specific Plan. (APN 258-184-04) Project Description and Discussion: The applicant proposes to add 359 square feet to and remodel the fa<;ade of the existing office building, which was constructed in 1952. The addition will be located to the rear of the building continuing the existing flat-roofed one-story design and resulting in a total floor area of 1,855 square feet. The exterior upgrades include a new front entryway covered with a green, standing seam metal roof. The new door and windows will be tinted glass with wood frames. A plant shelf and the wall to the right of the entry door will be finished with a green stone veneer. Globe light fixtures will flank the entryway; a brass building directory will be located to the left of the entry door. The walls will be finished in a tan, exterior plaster with an applied foam cornice finished with plaster at the roofline and a 2-inch metal reveal approximately 3 feet down from the roofline, both painted white. The wall treatments will continue around the building. Three small windows on the south side of the building, facing the parking area, will be removed and replaced by five larger windows separated by seven metal-grid trellises, each on two 4" by 4" wood posts. A suspended metal sign will project form the south wall at the building front. The addition to the rear will include an exit door and stairway with a metal handrail and one window. The application includes a trash enclosure, restriping the parking lot, and new landscaping. The trash enclosure will be located at the southwest corner of the lot, adjacent to the alley, and will include adequate area for collection of recyclable materials. With the additional floor area, seven parking spaces will be required. Pursuant to Section 3.3.3C.3 of the Downtown Encinitas Specific Plan, one space is provided on Second Street directly adjacent to the property. The off-street parking area on the subject property provides six parking spaces. Landscaping will be provided at the southeast corner of the parking lot, on the trellises adjacent to the building, and at the southwest corner of the subject property adjacent to the trash enclosure. All landscaping will be irrigated by an automatic irrigation system. Additionally, one street tree will be provided in the parkway along Second Street north of the access driveway for the subject property. KK/CD/g:\Nod\ 01-223adrcdp.nod.doc - 1 - The project as proposed meets all applicable Municipal Code development standards including building height and setbacks, and will be required to comply with all applicable Building and Fire codes through the standard plan-checking process. All applicable utilities and services are in place to support this development. Staff conducted a site analysis and concluded that the proposed project would not create any significant impacts to the site or surrounding community. The applicant conducted a Citizen's Participation Program (CPP) in accordance with Chapter 23.06 of the Municipal Code. One member of the public attended the CPP meeting, held on October 16, 200 I. She expressed concern with the potential of medical waste in the trash area that may be accessible to the public. The applicant informed her that the trash will be within a masonry enclosure with solid metal gates and that the proposed office use would not generate any medical waste. A standard public notification was issued for the Administrative Design Review and Coastal Development Permit application, which allowed for a 20-day comment period. No comments were received. This approval is based on the following findings: FINDINGS FOR DESIGN REVIEW STANDARD: Section 23.08.072 of the Encinitas Municipal Code provides that an application for a design review permit must be granted unless, based upon the information presented in the application and during the Public Hearing, the authorized agency makes any of the following regulatory conclusions: a. The project design is inconsistent with the General Plan, a Specific Plan, or the provisions of the Municipal Code. Facts: The existing office building is a permitted use in the subject D-CM-2 Zone. Discussion: The project as proposed and conditioned meets all applicable standards of the Downtown Encinitas Specific Plan and the Municipal Code. The project will be required to comply with all applicable Building and Fire codes through the standard plan-checking process. Conclusion: The Community Development Department finds that the project design as proposed and conditioned is consistent with the General Plan, the Downtown Encinitas Specific Plan and the provisions of the' Municipal Code. b. The project design is substantially inconsistent with the Design Review Guidelines. Facts: Requests for Design Review are processed in accordance with Chapter 23.08 (Design Review) of the Municipal Code. Discussion: The proposed color scheme, consisting of tan primary colors with green accents, incorporates colors that relate well with each other. The addition of the trellises, KK/CD/g:\Nod\ 01-223adrcdp.nod.doc - 2 - new windows, and new entryway and implementation of the new color scheme create harmony and continuity among architectural elements and elevations. Conclusion: The Community Development Department finds that the project design is substantially consistent with the Design Review Guidelines. c. The project would adversely affect the health. safety, or general welfare ofthe community. Facts: The project complies with all applicable standards outlined in the Municipal Code. This project has no possibility of resulting in significant adverse environmental impacts and is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301(e)(I) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Discussion: No evidence has been received by the City to indicate that the proposed project would adversely affect the health, safety, or general welfare of the site, the immediate neighborhood, or the greater community. The proposed project will conform to all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code and General Plan. Conclusion: The Community Development Department finds that the project design will not adversely affect the health, safety, or general welfare of the community. d. The project would cause the surrounding neighborhood to depreciate materially In appearance or value. Facts: The surrounding neighborhood consists of commercial properties to the east, north, and south and a church to the west. Discussion: The project is compatible with the neighboring commercial developments, and will greatly improve the appearance of the subject site. Conclusion: The Community Development Department finds that the proposed project will not cause the surrounding neighborhood to depreciate materially in appearance or value. FINDINGS FOR A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT STANDARD: Section 30.80.090 of the Municipal Code provides that the authorized agency must make the following findings of fact, based upon the information presented in the application and during the Public Hearing, in order to approve a coastal development permit: 1. The project is consistent with the certified Local Coastal Program of the City of Encinitas; and 2. The proposed development conforms with Public Resources Code Section 21000 and following (CEQA) in that there are no feasible mitigation measures or feasible alternatives KK/CD/g:\Nod\ 01-223adrcdp.nod.doc - 3- available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse impact that the activity may have on the environment; and 3. F or projects involving development between the sea or other body of water and the nearest public road, approval shall include a specific finding that such development is in conformity with the public access and public recreation policies of Section 30200 et. seq. of the Coastal Act. Facts: The applicant proposes an addition to and a fac;ade remodel of an existing office building. Section 3.2.3B.I of the Downtown Encinitas Specific Plan indicates that office uses are permitted in the subject D-CM-2 Zone. Discussion: Related to fmding No.1, the project complies with or is conditioned to comply with the City's Local Coastal Program and the Municipal Code. Related to fmding No.2, no potentially significant adverse impacts to the environment are associated with the proposed project, and the project is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301(e)(1) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Finding No.3 is inapplicable since the project is not located between the sea or other body of water and the nearest public road. Conclusion: The Community Development Department finds that I) the project is consistent with the certified Local Coastal Program of the City of Encinitas; 2) no potentially significant adverse impacts to the environment will result and the project is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301(e)(1) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and 3) fmding No.3 is not applicable to the project since the project site is not located between the sea or other body of water and the nearest public road. Environmental Review: This project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301(e)(1) of the CEQA Guidelines, which exempts additions to existing structures provided that the addition will not result in an increase of 50% of the floor area of the structure before the addition, or 2500 square feet, whichever is less. This approval is subjectto the following conditions: SC1 SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: SC2 This approval will expire on January 17, 2004 at 5 :00 p.m., two years after the approval of this project, unless the conditions have been met or an extension of time has been approved pursuant to the Municipal Code. SC6 This project is conditionally approved as set forth on the application and project drawings dated received by the City on November 21,2001, consisting of 7 sheets including colored east elevation, colored partial south elevation, site plan, ground floor plan, exterior elevations, landscape plan, and details, all designated as approved by the Community KK/CD/g:\Nod\ 01-223adrcdp.nod.doc - 4- Development Director on January 17, 2002, and shall not be altered without express authorization by the Community Development Department. SA The street tree specimen to be provided along Second Street shall be a tristania conferta (Brisbane Box), 24-inch box size. GIST ANDARD CONDITIONS: CONTACT THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION(S): G2 This approval may be appealed to the City Council within 15 calendar days from the date of this approval in accordance with Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code. G5 Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Municipal Code and all other applicable City regulations in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance unless specifically waived herein. G9 Trash enclosure(s) shall be constructed of masonry with an exterior compatible with that of the building(s), and shall be provided with view-obstructing solid metal gates as approved by the authorized agency. Adequate space for recyclable materials shall be provided within the enclosure in accordance with Municipal Code requirements. The applicant shall review the design of the trash enclosure with the service provider and receive approval prior to building permit issuance. G 11 All roof-mounted equipment and appurtenances, including air conditioners and associated ductwork and conduits, shall be architecturally integrated, and shall be shielded from view and sound buffered to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department. Ground-mounted mechanical and electrical equipment shall also be screened through use of a wall, fence, landscaping, berm, or combination thereof to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department. All exterior accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the primary building's exterior to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department. G 13 The applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees, School Fees, Traffic Mitigation Fees, Flood Control Mitigation Fees, Park Mitigation Fees, and Fire Mitigation/Cost Recovery Fees. Arrangements to pay these fees shall be made prior to building permit issuance to the satisfaction of the Community Development and Engineering Services Departments. The applicant is advised to contact the Community Development Department regarding Park Mitigation Fees, the Engineering Services Department regarding Flood Control and Traffic Fees, applicable School District(s) regarding School Fees, the Fire Department regarding Fire Mitigation/Cost Recovery Fees, and the applicable Utility Departments or Districts regarding Water and/or Sewer Fees. KK/CD/g:\Nod\ 01-223adrcdp.nod.doc - 5 - G 17 In accordance with the provisions of the Off-Street Parking Design Manual, all parking spaces (except handicapped spaces) shall be delineated by double-line striping consisting of 4-inch wide painted white lines 1 to 2 feet apart, and all parking areas with more than one row of parking spaces shall have directional signs or painted directional arrows where one way travel is necessary to guide traffic, all of which shall be indicated in building plans and found satisfactory by the Community Development Department prior to final approval of the project's building permit. Adjacent to the sides of the parking lot landscape islands, stalls shall be provided with a 12" wide concrete strip adjacentto the island's curb. L1 The project is subject to Chapter 23.26 of the Municipal Code (Water Efficient Landscape Program), which requires a landscape and irrigation plan to be prepared by a State licensed landscape designer. The requirements for the plans are listed in Chapter 23.26. The landscape and irrigation plans must be submitted as part of the building permit application for the project. L2 All required plantings and automated irrigation systems shall be in place prior to use or occupancy of new buildings or structures. All required plantings and automated irrigation systems shall be maintained in good condition, and whenever necessary, shall be replaced with new materials to ensure continued compliance with applicable landscaping, buffering, and screening requirements. All landscaping and irrigation systems shall be maintained in a manner that will not depreciate adjacent property values and otherwise adversely affect adjacent properties. All irrigation lines shall be installed and maintained underground (except drip irrigation systems). B1 BUILDING CONDITION(S): CONTACT THE ENCINITAS BUILDING DIVISION REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION(S): B2 The applicant shall submit a complete set of construction plans to the Building Division for plancheck processing. The submittal shall include a Soils/Geotechnical Report, structural calculations, and State Energy compliance documentation (Title 24). Construction plans shall include a site plan, a foundation plan, floor and roof framing plans, floor planes), section details, exterior elevations, and materials specifications. Submitted plans must show compliance with the latest adopted editions of the California Building Code (The Uniform Building Code with California Amendments, the California Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Codes). Commercial and Multi-residential construction must also contain details and notes to show compliance with State disabled accessibility mandates. These comments are preliminary only. A comprehensive plancheck will be completed prior to permit issuance and additional technical code requirements may be identified and changes to the originally submitted plans may be required. KK/CD/g:\Nod\ 01-223adrcdp.nod.doc - 6- FI FIRE CONDITIONS: CONTACT THE ENCINITAS FIRE DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION(S): F13 ADDRESS NUMBERS: Address numbers shall be placed in a location that will allow them to be clearly visible from the street fronting the structure. The height of the address numbers shall conform to Fire Department Standards. Fl8 CLASS "A" ROOF: All structures shall be provided with a Class "A" roof assembly to the satisfaction of the Encinitas Fire Department. E1 ENGINEERING CONDITIONS: CONTACT THE ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION(S): E2 All City Codes, regulations, and policies in effect at the time of building/grading permit issuance shall apply. EA The applicant shall provide an AC overlay over the entire width of the alley along the property frontage at the rear of the property. A public construction permit shall be obtained from Engineering Department prior to any work in the alley or Second Street. The overlay shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Field Inspector. This notice constitutes a decision of the Community Development Department only. Additional permits, including Building Permits, may be required by the Building Department or other City Departments. It is the property owner's responsibility to obtain all necessary permits required for the type of project proposed. In accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 1.12, this decision may be appealed to the City Council within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of this determination. The appeal must be filed, accompanied by a $100.00 filing fee, prior to 5:00 p.m. on the 15th calendar day following the date of this notice of decision. The action of the Community Development Department in reference to the above item may not be appealed to the Coastal Commission. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact Kerry Kusiak at the Community Development Department by telephoning (760) 633-2719. ~ 111u..'~~~ Patrick Murphy Community Development Director KK/CD/g:\Nod\ 01-223adrcdp.nod.doc -7-